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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 26247 - 26266 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
26247. arkymalarky - 1/10/2011 7:52:13 PM

We ended up with over 7", second most here that I recall, and it's really beautiful. Wish the sun would come out. Mose and the SIL had a great play day and movie day yesterday. Bob and I just lounged around here. We've got a couple of light indoor projects for today.

26248. arkymalarky - 1/11/2011 12:58:02 AM

Hey Wabit. Emailed you two or three days ago, but we're out until at least Wed.

26249. arkymalarky - 1/16/2011 5:42:19 AM

Any news wrt your wife, 3I?

26250. iiibbb - 1/17/2011 8:05:25 PM

Biopsy was not cancer, but they want to take the lumps out anyway as a precaution... this may interfere with nursing so she's resisting their pressure. She wants them to do a second biopsy first. Dr. wants to cut. She thinks they're getting smaller anyway. I don't think the Dr. is doing a good job communicating, and we've been spoiled lately by some drs who are willing to have a conversation and discuss the angles.

She totaled the car 2 weeks ago... we're shopping. Luckily her mom wants to buy us half of a new car for the baby.

26251. arkymalarky - 1/17/2011 9:01:02 PM

Well, it sounds like things are starting to look up for y'all! Congrats on the good report. If it's not cancer, why can"t they cut after she's done breastfeedng? Even if their concern is for down the road, they should at least explain their urgency.

26252. iiibbb - 1/17/2011 9:13:44 PM

Because even though it's a negative result they want the 2nd biopsy to be the removal.

It was sort of a high pressure sell... and I guess it's a CYA move in their part.

26253. judithathome - 1/18/2011 9:47:49 PM

Does she have a history of breast cancer in her family? I can't believe they want removal if they are shown to be getting smaller...

26254. Ms. No - 1/19/2011 7:32:31 AM

Especially if she's breast-feeding. All kinds of stuff going on in the ta-ta's when breast-feeding -- which is also shown to decrease the risk of breast cancer.

I'd definitely get a second opinion.

26255. iiibbb - 1/20/2011 1:51:05 AM

Put a deposit down on a new car today. I have no idea if I made a good deal or not, but I think I did. I so hate the haggle process.

26256. PsychProf - 1/20/2011 6:04:08 PM


go to edmonds.com, compare price quote

26257. iiibbb - 1/20/2011 9:21:33 PM

I did... it's close.

26258. wabbit - 1/23/2011 3:59:17 AM

The weather in San Francisco was so wonderful, mid-sixties, sunshine...and I returned to more snow in Boston, with more in the forecast.

Mind you, I don't have any problem with winter and I like snow just fine. I just wish all those morons who think tailgating on an unplowed road because they didn't have the foresight to leave for work ten minutes earlier would take themselves out of the gene pool asap.

26259. judithathome - 1/23/2011 11:57:16 PM

Keoni bought me this bracelet today for our 30th wedding anniversary...it matches our wedding rings.


26260. judithathome - 1/23/2011 11:59:03 PM

Well, shit...I guess it doesn't link automatically here...whatever, it's beautiful and he bought it this weekend because he might get stuck in Hawaii...leaves this coming Thursday and is depending on FTP to get there and back. Can't beat the cost!

26261. thoughtful - 1/24/2011 7:16:54 PM

hello all. Saw the postings about the snow you've been getting. Thought I'd share what hubby faced the other morning trying to get us out of this mess...

That was the new snow...on top of the previous snows, our deck was full up to the top of the railing

26262. thoughtful - 1/24/2011 7:18:32 PM

Now we've got a blast of arctic air so without wind chill it was -10 this am.

Sure getting a lot of winter this winter...more snow expected on Wed...

26263. iiibbb - 1/24/2011 8:44:15 PM

I love snow... I want more snow.

26264. arkymalarky - 1/25/2011 12:45:40 AM

I like getting the "normal" one or two snows a year, with no ice ever again. The last few years we've hardly had any of either. This last was the most except for the year we got 13". I wondered how your place looked in snow, Thoughtful. I bet it's gorgeous.

26265. thoughtful - 1/26/2011 4:11:22 PM

isbs feel free to take all of ours..we've had quite enough snow for awhile...We've surpassed our average winter total in less than a month!

arky, it's hard to say its beautiful in the snow as it just turns everything white...you can't really tell we have a pond even as it's all just white.

I had to go shovel out the generator and i was walking through thigh-high snow. and the roads have been perpetually treacherous and very narrow with all the snow piled high so I don't consider it safe to walk which i miss very much. Seriously considering getting snow shoes so i can walk the woods anyway. Though i could get some serious exercise just trying to walk in the woods without them! Instead I've been doing namaste yoga in the exercise room which is nice, but not the same.

I am however enjoying our new home. I'm so happy here that I seldom want to leave. We have been working hard tho at the old house getting it ready to sell...new flooring in kitchen/dr, basement, painting, light fixtures, etc. We've had a terrific remodeler working on the place who is worth his weight in gold...not only does he know what he's doing and does a great job, but he actually shows up!!! We're about to start the staging process which will be the most fun. We hope to get it on the market in Feb. Have no idea how long it will take to sell. The agents tell us tho that there are a lot of buyers in the market for smaller homes, which it is and one floor living which it has. Time will tell.

26266. thoughtful - 1/26/2011 4:28:27 PM

Would you believe it's snowing again?!?

We got about 3" yesterday and they said it wouldn't start again until tonight...We're supposed to get 9". Well they're wrong...it's already started and it's just past 9 am...honestly there's no more room for this stuff.

The worst of it is, if we get heavy rains in march to melt all this stuff, our basement at the old house will be wet ... all over our new carpeting! hard to sell a house that way!


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