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26441. judithathome - 6/2/2011 8:24:15 PM

Memorial Day weekend at the Arky's was great! The weather was beautiful and the company was fun...one thing that a good friend of ours didn't think was funny: he has heard us rave about how great these weekends are every year and decided to come up and check it out for himself...he has a sister who lives in Hot Springs...didn't let US know he was coming, was just going to call us once he was in Hot Springs and ask for directions. As a SURPRISE.

Never having been a Boy Scout, he wasn't prepared...didn't have our cell phone numbers! When we got back home to FW, there were 7 messages from him that went from excited to worried to deeply disappointed resignation...we're all laughing about it now but I'd be willing to bet he never leaves the house without several friends' cell numbers ever again.

26442. arkymalarky - 6/2/2011 9:15:11 PM

we had a wonderful weekend! maybe he'll be prepared for the next one!

26443. judithathome - 6/2/2011 11:43:45 PM

Who doesn't call a mutual friend in that situation and get our cell phone number(s) from THEM?

Lunatic David, that's who!

26444. wabbit - 6/3/2011 12:11:05 AM

What a fun weekend! Gorgeous weather the whole time and lots of good folks around. The Arkys are gracious hosts and it's a treat to be there and completely relax. I've now met roughly half of "The Gathering" crowd. I even tried my hand at a Kinect game and will have to get one (along with a knee brace). Finally met JaH and Keoni in person and look forward to seeing them again sooner rather than later.

JaH, please tell Keoni I think he is wicked cool!

We had some wild weather here last night, but no tornadoes like Western Mass. We're very lucky.

26445. arkymalarky - 6/3/2011 1:28:06 AM

i'm glad we had it before the last week of school this year. takes the edge off the sadness. tomorrow's the last day to work with mose, almost last day to see my room. i don't want to give them my keys monday. what a stupid waste of a great enviironment and the most successful school of any size in this part of the state. i'm determined to pretend none of it exists for a full two months this summer and start a routine in august. i'll take it one year at a time after that and do whatever floats my boat any given year.

26446. arkymalarky - 6/3/2011 1:31:24 AM

one of the best teachers ever would never have gotten an award for it, but i was fortunate to work with her a couple of years. she retired at age 78. i could envision going a lot more years at my school, but have no intention of it now. i may change my mind, but i doubt it.

26447. judithathome - 6/3/2011 2:54:24 PM

Arky, it's criminal that your school is closing...not only for you and your students but for the waste of a perfect school campus!

26448. Ms. No - 6/4/2011 3:43:35 AM

I thought of you all often this weekend and also of my trip to downtown Delight and the visit to Arky's school. I remember the wonderful mural that Arky's students painted on her wall and I still covet her lectern. I'm making due with an overhead projector cart --- I never use the projector and I'm sure one day I'll forget it's there and pile that one piece of paper too much on it and hear an awful crack!

Sad as I was to miss the trip, I have to say that my blood pressure really didn't rise during my 8 hour visit to the airport. I was horribly disappointed, but there were so many people there who were in far worse straits than I.

My friend K --- yes, Wabbit, our K --- called me later that evening after getting my message looking for a ride home from the airport. She didn't get it in time, but another friend was available. Anyway, she called me and left the following message on my phone:

"Uh, C? Have you been talking to Southerners again? I got your message but the only word I understood was 'airport' and I'm hoping it wasn't anything about bleeding to death in one because I'm sure I'm too late by now."

Yes, after spending 8 hours in an airport talking to various and sundry Texans, Arkys, Mississippians and the like, you could've cut my accent with a knife. I have no idea why that happens. I never had an accent when I actually LIVED in Texas. I did tend to get one in Carolina, but to hear me talk sometimes you'd think I'd never been west of the Mississippi or north of the Mason-Dixon.

Arky, I think my mom and Bob were discussing this when last I saw you --- Bob asking why my accent was so thick when she didn't have much of one at all and my mom saying "she didn't have one an hour ago."

26449. arkymalarky - 6/4/2011 5:34:51 AM

NOoOOO! i was so disappointed you didn't make it! we had a wonderful visit and a great time in Delight. i'll fill you in soon about everyone at the gathering. we will get this thing done with a few of us who didn't make it this time!

it's funny, i didn't notice you had an accent when you were here!

today was so sad, but i'm so grateful to work with such wonderful people and kids. and judith, thank you for putting the bug in mose's ear! she bought me that chandelier today! she moved this afternoon. i'm glad for her, sad for me.

and NO, my lectern and oak chalkboard are home, so i feel good about that. not taking any personal stuff to the new digs. i'll decorate it, but they can supply the furniture. i still don't know where my room will be or what i'll be teaching, but i don't care, because i have two months oof down time that i intend to enjoy.

26450. judithathome - 6/4/2011 4:47:47 PM

MsNo, when we lived in Okinawa, my friend Tammy, who was building a log home outside Fort Worth; she would send me audio tapes of her progress...phone calls were too expensive so we'd trade cassette tapes back and forth.

Every time I'd get one, I'd listen to it on my cassette recorder/player and when Keoni would get home, he'd say "Ahh, you got a tape from Tammy today, didn't you?" I'd be sounding like a casting call for extras on "Dallas"!

26451. judithathome - 6/4/2011 4:54:30 PM

Arks, congrats on the new chandelier! It occurred to me that you might want to get one of your electrician friends to direct-wire it into the ceiling where the old fixture is now...that way, you won't need the swag chain to drape over toward and down the wall...I'm sure it can be done easily.

Be a good idea to have it checked out by an electrician, anyhow...most of us mid-century objects aren't working as efficiently as we used to. ;-)

26452. arkymalarky - 6/4/2011 4:56:40 PM

thanks! the guy who wired our house or kim's husband can look at it. we're putting the other one in our garage/den

26453. wabbit - 6/4/2011 8:00:46 PM

And once it's in, please take a photo! It will look beautiful in your house.

We missed you, Ms. No - please say hello to K when you talk to her!

26454. arkymalarky - 6/4/2011 8:59:26 PM

i've already started nagging bob, so hoppefully by christmas....

26455. arkymalarky - 6/18/2011 2:09:08 AM

well, judith and wabbit, the nest on the porch fan is now filled with bvaby birds. hopefully they'll survive hobo and mojo this time.

26456. wabbit - 6/19/2011 1:25:56 PM

Don't they have enough armadillos to kill? Sheesh! Oh well, not much you can do except hope the babies take their first shot at flying when the dogs are asleep out back.

Happy Father's Day to all the Mote dads!

26457. CharlieL - 6/22/2011 7:09:46 PM

Hi, everyone! I haven't been here in a while, but reading the posts here takes me back and the names are full of good memories.

I'm amazed to see that IONA still has a link in the sidebar. We're going to be playing in Madison, Wisconsin and Winston-Salem, North Carolina this year, and we're in the studio working on our 25th anniversary CD (!).

Hope to be posting here more often than I have recently (I certainly couldn't post LESS!)

26458. wabbit - 6/22/2011 11:39:09 PM

Hey CharlieL!!

26459. CharlieL - 6/23/2011 6:09:46 AM

Hi, wabbit!

26460. arkymalarky - 6/23/2011 10:22:03 AM


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