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26908. iiibbb - 5/7/2012 6:40:03 PM

My son is probably the only thing that really makes me happy right now.

My wife would be too, but she's all tied up in work depression and pregnancy.

My MiL is remarkable in her capacity to absorb this stuff, but she's not a nexus.

I feel like I'm taking it from all ends - and typically I have quite a capacity for this stuff - but it's coming non stop.

It is almost a moral imperative for me to keep my shit together, but I am dropping balls everywhere and I feel like a pretender.

I am not looking forward to going to the inlaws this week--- B is apparently having some real fits about the car situation.

Logically I still have no problem having it... my car was on the brink... his car the brakes were shot, there was no coolant in it, and it's got tons of dings in it from B probably hitting things.

I'm so going to get yelled at when I get there, and I'm not sure if thanking him is going to appease him.

26909. judithathome - 5/7/2012 7:50:40 PM

Maybe you should parek a street over and just walk to his house....out of sight, etc.

26910. iiibbb - 5/7/2012 7:53:23 PM

Thought about it...

... basically planning to pack light and bring my stuff in after he goes to bed just in case he demands I leave and MiL can't calm him down.

26911. thoughtful - 5/9/2012 1:45:11 PM

Try not to anticipate too much as it will wear you down before you even get there. Don't re-live the past and don't pre-live the future, but stay in the now...it's a lot easier to take it one day at a time than many days, past and future, all at once.

Visits with MIL were always like an alfred hitchcock movie...no matter what I expected, there'd always be a surprise ending. I could simply not predict and had to take what came.

26912. iiibbb - 5/10/2012 12:27:03 AM

good advice. My propensity to do that is a blessing and curse

26913. Wombat - 5/11/2012 4:28:35 PM

Wombette college update (for those who care). Ithaca College contacted her yesterday and informed her that there was an opening in their BS/DPT combined program. Although Ithaca was her first choice, she wrote them off after she didn't get into the combined program. Lots of pros and cons to consider between Ithaca and Quinnipiac.

26914. vonKreedon - 5/11/2012 4:51:38 PM

BS/DPT, sounds like a set of childhood vaccines.[;-} Congrats on having the choices.

26915. Wombat - 5/11/2012 7:10:44 PM

Actually, it could an abbreviation for anti-vaccine cranks.

26916. judithathome - 5/13/2012 9:54:36 PM

Since this is Mother's Day, I'd like to wish all the mothers out there a happy one and share this bit of history with you...the first Mother's Day was actually a proclamation for peace. Take a look:

Julia Ward Howe's Procalamation For Peace...the first "Mother's Day"

26917. arkymalarky - 5/14/2012 1:51:25 AM

Happy Mothers Day to all the moms here.

26918. webfeet - 5/16/2012 10:50:18 PM

Oh my gawd! How joieful to see the mote back and running. I love you all. Honestly. Missed you! Hey alistair so adorable of you to be continuing this.
Generator, army, thoughtful, Judith. This is so weird. That's Arky, not army. I am writing.on my sons iPad and it changes everything. Quel ennuie.

You are all, like, alive. How terrific. I'm alive, too.

26919. arkymalarky - 5/16/2012 11:14:19 PM

Hey Webfeet! Great to see you!

26920. msgreer - 5/19/2012 3:40:16 AM

Inspiration to Start Your day: "It's time that you say no out of love versus yes out of fear." - Suze Orman

I may not be a big Suzy Orman fan but this quote rings true for me.
I have fought this for so long..and it's not just a love thing. It is learning to say no...not out of fear but because it is how I feel. A bit of honest reflection.

26921. arkymalarky - 5/19/2012 3:53:06 AM

I agree.

26922. msgreer - 5/19/2012 4:38:11 AM

Thanks, Arky. It is good to know I am not alone on this.

26923. msgreer - 5/19/2012 4:41:22 AM

Hey webfeet..isn't it comforting to type in www.themote.com and find that your friends are not only still here..they welcome you back with love and sincerity.

26924. Wombat - 5/19/2012 4:44:05 PM

Wombette's prom was last night. Three surprises: she went, she had a date (reasonably housetrained), and she appears to have enjoyed herself. She traditionally does not like mob scenes with loud music, hates dressing up, and has shown no apparent interest in boys other than as chums (her date was a pal from theater tech crew, so that holds up).

26925. arkymalarky - 5/19/2012 5:31:31 PM

I still regret not having gone to mine. Glad she went and had fun. I feel the same way she does about dressing up, etc, but having planned and attended them over 30 years as a teacher, I have more appreciation for them and what they do for kids. I rarely go unless I'm sponsoring one, every six years, but I always expect to dislike them and end up enjoying them. I did my last one two years ago. Don't plan to be teaching by the next one, but who knows.

Btw, Wombat, is your email the same (assuming I can find it) or can you hit me up at cmoon.rise@gmail.com?

26926. Wombat - 5/19/2012 9:48:39 PM

I missed out on mine, thanks to stupid teenage male thinking. My "girlfriend" and I were planning on going, ordered the tux, etc. Then I decided I wanted to ask someone else, so I did. She said no, and my "girlfriend" went with someone else. I got stuck with the tux, and was denied my diploma until I paid the rental fee.

On Prom night, I hung out with friends--of both genders--and we drank beer and shot the breeze.

26927. vonKreedon - 5/19/2012 11:23:08 PM

Interesting quote msgreer, and topical for me at the moment. Last night at 11 my schizophrenic, and at times mildly violent, brother, I'll call him Kevin, showed up at our door with no notice. Last we knew he was in the D.C. area, where our Mom, step Dad, and other brother, I'll call him Mark, live. My Mom and Dad have a restraining order on him and our brother is living with them because, among other things, Kevin destroyed the apartment that he and Mark lived in together. Kevin stopped taking his meds over a year ago and so is out of control.

Anyway, there's a knock on the door and there's Kevin on our porch looking demon haunted and saying how he needs to stay with us because he's got seven or eight interviews for work. I invited him to come in and sit in the living room while Blair and I talked this over in our bedroom. We agreed that we would not let him stay, but that we would subsidize him a hotel to the tune of about $300 worth of hotel room. It never got that far. As I walked into the kitchen, where Kevin was getting a glass of water, I realized that the first thing I needed to know was if he was taking his meds. Then I realized that there was little chance he was and that in all likelihood he'd blow up as soon as I asked the question and then probably leave. I asked and he blew up and left on foot. We called and talked to the police, but nothing else has happened as yet.

Scary and tragic, but yes, it was definitely a time that you say no out of love versus yes out of fear; love of not only Kevin, but the rest of my family, and fear not only of Kevin, but also of feeling like the cold-hearted bastard he was yelling, "Fuck You!" at as he left.

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