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27158. bhelpuri - 2/4/2013 7:03:56 AM

Arky, do wish I could come to the rural get-together, but am so far away with so many other things going on that simply not possible.

But hope y'all might consider an Asia Motard gathering! Do think about it. Have been expecting Connor to visit for years now...

27159. bhelpuri - 2/4/2013 7:10:45 AM

BruceBrown is/was some kind of intelligence spook. Several Fraygrants were, at that early time, as Wabbit will be happy to tell you...

My best memory of the dude was entering one of those early chatrooms to find him in the course of being cyber-fellated by some anonymous handle. Of course I watched, and it was very vivid. Thus immediately learned about some of the new potentials of this medium!

27160. arkymalarky - 2/5/2013 1:29:15 AM

When we retire Stan and I may do just that. We want to go to Korea and Thailand to see our exchange students' families and homes.

27161. judithathome - 2/6/2013 1:35:17 AM

You are going to be AMAZED at Korea...trust me.

27162. arkymalarky - 2/6/2013 3:34:39 AM

I really look forward to seeing it. One of our kids just did a 21 day walk across Korea.

27163. arkymalarky - 2/6/2013 3:35:35 AM

Dad's book really made me want to go

27164. judithathome - 2/6/2013 6:08:10 AM

What made me want to go was a girl named Jama...she was the girlfriend of a friend of ours and she came over one weekend to our apartment...Keoni and I weren't even married yet...but she and Keoni made tons of "gyoza"...Korean dumplings.

While they were cooking, I talked to her and she told me that where she was from, Seoul, was a very cosmopolitan city and that she was not a peasant who worked in the rice fields like many Americans thought but a very well-educated young woman from a very sophisticated family...I have always appreciated her "educating" me that just because someone is from a foreign coutry, that doesn't mean they are "lesser"...honestly, I'd never met someone like that before.

Arky, I know that you know what I mean and that you learned it far earlier in your life than I did...

27165. arkymalarky - 2/6/2013 4:13:30 PM

Well, I don't know, but we always had quite a few exchange students at school. Most had way more money than any of us did, so it might be easy to have a skewed perspective the opposite way on both sides. But they seemed to enjoy our quaint rural environment. Stan liked driving through town and seeing all kinds of ethnicities hanging with local kids at Mom's or the Carwash. It was a great thing for our culturally isolated kids and one of the things I miss most about that magical little school. Tearing up. Gotta stop thinking about it.

I know Korea has nationwide Internet and are surpassing American and Japanese companies with Hyundai and Samsung.

27166. arkymalarky - 2/6/2013 4:14:30 PM

I really want to see rural Kirea tho. One of our kids is from there.

27167. wabbit - 2/8/2013 11:47:19 PM

bhel, not a chance.

Hunkered down at the parent's house, watching the snow fall. Can't wait to see t'ful's photos!

Arky, I was just thinking about your school a few days ago, it was a special place. When is the June gathering? I'll be having my second foot 'fixed' the last week in June...I hope. Having hit the $2K deductible, I want to take advantage as best I can. Will then be on crutches or in a boot for about three months, but would love to visit again.

27168. wabbit - 2/8/2013 11:47:43 PM

Hey Prof, great to see you!

27169. thoughtful - 2/9/2013 2:15:08 AM

No pics yet, but the snow is really coming down....tomorrow we'll get our exercise for sure shoveling it all...and Sat night they are talking about temps below 0. Yikes!

27170. arkymalarky - 2/9/2013 2:38:13 AM

Ooooooh ooooh ooooooh Wabbit! I've been meaning to email you! First week of June but VERY flexible!

Y'all please stay safe and warm in the storm!!!

27171. arkymalarky - 2/9/2013 2:52:14 AM

Basically Stan and I are open schedule wise all summer. If August works better for people we can do it then.

27172. thoughtful - 2/9/2013 4:40:06 PM

First step, find the hot water heater vent....it's under that 5' drift somewhere....

27173. arkymalarky - 2/9/2013 6:35:58 PM


27174. judithathome - 2/9/2013 7:18:59 PM

Arrrggghhh...reminds me of our season in hell...er, Maine!

27175. robertjayb - 2/12/2013 5:54:13 AM

Seeking advice from Arky, Ms. No., et al.

I have recently acquired a step-grandson (?) who is soon to turn 16. My son and I swap books as gifts and I hope to continue that practice with this kid. For one I have decided on the new How to not write bad by journalism prof Ben Yagoda. Reviews say it is short, sometimes funny, and useful.

For the old I'm thinking of searching closets and boxes for
The Catcher in the Rye and Jonathan Livingson Seagull. I was way beyond teens when I read and enjoyed them and wonder if they are readable by "these kids today." As I recall they have some similar themes. Too much 60s, 70s claptrap? Just too old?

I would like to add some contemporary fiction. Please no zombies or vampires. Comments and a suggestion or two will be appreciated.

27176. judithathome - 2/12/2013 6:19:06 AM

Something I recall from the 60s was The Prophet by Kahil Gibran.

27177. arkymalarky - 2/12/2013 4:20:02 PM

Young adult novels are a big genre now. I'll ask my kids for some suggestions that aren't ones he may have already read or rejected like The Hunger Games. If he's the type to enjoy JL Seagull, most would like Catcher I think. I'll get back with you.

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