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27233. arkymalarky - 3/31/2013 5:31:49 PM

New book from an old friend! Check out the dailykos write up!

27234. arkymalarky - 3/31/2013 5:32:47 PM

And April Fools on the Mote! Yay!

27235. Wombat - 3/31/2013 11:43:35 PM

The Spudster!

27236. iiibbb - 4/9/2013 1:49:47 AM

I just got banned from Democratic Underground.... oddly I haven't posted there in several weeks. I have no idea what I even said,

It will say it has to be the single most intolerant site for dissent I've ever posted.

27237. iiibbb - 4/9/2013 1:51:30 AM

What's strange is that my posts are pretty freaking moderate by almost any objective standard.

27238. arkymalarky - 4/9/2013 2:45:55 AM

That's ridiculous.
Don't know if you saw my earlier congrats post on wwf. I would have challenged you but didn't know how swamped you were with your project

27239. arkymalarky - 4/9/2013 2:47:22 AM

My bro is very liberal and he gets banned from huff post and dailykos. Creates another Id and goes again

27240. iiibbb - 4/9/2013 4:46:46 AM

I always have time for games. I just don't play as fast when I'm bogged down.

I wouldn't bother to post at a place that would ban the likes of me. I've had a DU id for 7 or 8 years; if what I have to say as a moderate concerning my support and dissatisfaction with that party is too much for their "progressive" ears then that's their problem. I think forums that stiffle speech in order to protect their sensibilities aren't worth posting in. The DU has some of the most insular debates on the internet.

27241. iiibbb - 4/9/2013 4:48:57 AM

I've been on a streak with wwf that has appeared to have been broken... I have been drawing dead a frustrating amount... Now's your chance.

27242. iiibbb - 4/9/2013 5:05:19 AM

Any forum that would ban me more or less lacks integrity. They are likely basing it on the percentage of posts in the so-called "gungeon"... So any forum that calls itself a progressive home but tracks my activities and bases bans on post counts reeaaly lacks integrity.

27243. iiibbb - 4/9/2013 5:08:48 AM

Speaking of fanatics... My MiL gave me her old iPad... How any fanboi can bemoan android while typing on this abysmal keyboard that doesn't have arrows for navigating individual words to edit text or defend its certifiably insane auto-correct is beyond me.

27244. iiibbb - 4/9/2013 12:04:03 PM

Oh my word... kittens doing science.

27245. arkymalarky - 4/9/2013 11:31:29 PM

Aaaaaamen on ipad/iPhone keyboard. I'm going back to my droid bionic in June when school is out

27246. Wombat - 4/9/2013 11:32:52 PM

My cat is known for his gravity experiments, as well as his study of fire.

27247. Ms. No - 4/10/2013 7:19:16 PM


Had to stop by DU just to check it out.....I didn't stay long. I was put off somewhat by this statement:

"where politically liberal people can do their part to effect political and social change by:

Interacting with friendly, like-minded people;"

Nobody ever effected change by preaching to the choir.

And, of course I was put off that they are so afraid of exchange that they would ban you of all people.

Don't think I'll be going back.

27248. judithathome - 4/10/2013 7:48:00 PM

What IS this DU place?

27249. iiibbb - 4/10/2013 8:10:30 PM

The so-called "Democratic Underground"...

supposedly a place for left, center left, and center to exchange ideas... but apparently only to exchange the ideas if they are of a certain per-determined palette.

In hindsight I'm glad because in spite of the occasional good content there, it harbors too many liberal counterparts to the free-republic -- dogma not discussion.

I've never seen so much censorship, and it's driven largely by their "jury system" of moderation.

27250. iiibbb - 4/10/2013 8:12:56 PM

It is too bad the Mote isn't so active anymore ---- this place in its heyday was surely among the best on the internet --- most of the current stragglers in particular.

Without sounding corny, I hold you all in pretty high regard.

27251. iiibbb - 4/10/2013 8:14:06 PM

To put it plainer... having a "discussion" at DU is like picking an argument with a college football fan.

27252. Ms. No - 4/10/2013 8:56:42 PM

Yeah, I was noticing that. And almost any hint of dissent is met with "if you don't agree with us, then GTFO."

It's embarrassing....like walking in on a circle jerk or something.

Not that that's ever happened to me.

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