27250. iiibbb - 4/10/2013 8:12:56 PM It is too bad the Mote isn't so active anymore ---- this place in its heyday was surely among the best on the internet --- most of the current stragglers in particular.
Without sounding corny, I hold you all in pretty high regard. 27251. iiibbb - 4/10/2013 8:14:06 PM To put it plainer... having a "discussion" at DU is like picking an argument with a college football fan. 27252. Ms. No - 4/10/2013 8:56:42 PM Yeah, I was noticing that. And almost any hint of dissent is met with "if you don't agree with us, then GTFO."
It's embarrassing....like walking in on a circle jerk or something.
Not that that's ever happened to me. 27253. robertjayb - 4/10/2013 9:05:53 PM I certainly agree on Demo Underground. Initially I followed it for fairly interesting and useful content and then as a tip service. Now not so much. Seems to me there is an awful lot of willful ignorance on display there.
The merest hint of a suggestion that Obama is anything less than dead solid perfect on an issue brings insults and howls of knee-jerk juvenile outrage.
27254. arkymalarky - 4/10/2013 10:44:56 PM I only looked in on it a couple of Times. Just couldn't get into it. And that's been a few years ago probably 27255. arkymalarky - 4/10/2013 11:10:48 PM Do any of y'all play Mah-jongg? 27256. iiibbb - 4/11/2013 12:03:57 AM I appreciate the support, and I 'my glad it's not just me 27257. iiibbb - 4/11/2013 2:31:25 PM Well... I really don't feel like I'm alone now
"A site for open minded Progressives against Right Wing fascism to communicate and ban and delete any post that they disagree with....
...Vast arguments are welcome. For example: Someone who is for total government gun control debating someone who is for strict licensing, back ground checks, and restriction on sales of weapons that are considered "Too dangerous," is considered a clash of opposing opinions." 27258. Ms. No - 4/11/2013 8:51:55 PM i3b3,
Yeah, defs 3 & 4 are solid. The others seem to be the DU's counterpart wackos on the right. 27259. Ms. No - 4/11/2013 8:57:53 PM Arky,
I used to play when I was a kid. It reminded me a lot of Gin....which I just went and googled and it turns out is descended from Mahjong.
Unless you're talking about the online tile-matching thing which I've also played but in no way resembles the actual play of Mahjong. 27260. arkymalarky - 4/11/2013 9:29:44 PM No, I meant the original. Looking for a good online game or phone app. I have one good one That's a demo, but it's a little steep to buy--$40 27261. iiibbb - 4/11/2013 9:29:49 PM A Chinese friend once asked me if I knew how to play Mah Jongg and following a brief conversation after I'd answered in the affirmative I found out that a)I did not b)It is a loaded question if you're only experience with Mah Jongg is the solitaire version you see as computer games. 27262. arkymalarky - 4/11/2013 9:30:44 PM The domino game 42 is a Set game also. It's a lot of fun 27263. arkymalarky - 4/11/2013 9:32:18 PM Stan's Malaysian niece in law plays it, and gave me a site, that I don't like it that well. It tells you what's available, instead of letting you find it yourself 27264. judithathome - 4/11/2013 11:08:40 PM I played Mah Jong in Okinawa with the maid...couldn't tell you the first thing about it now, though...in fact, I think I was drinking most afternoons when we played.
She was so nice about it, though...considering neither one of us spoke the others' language.
Come to think of it, maybe I just dreamed I played it with her...ha! 27265. robertjayb - 4/18/2013 10:32:11 PM Yay! First hummingbird. Three days late. We usually put feeders out April 15.
Boo! Only three-tenths of an inch of rain from what TV talkers touted as a substantial thunder storm. 27266. arkymalarky - 4/19/2013 12:20:12 AM Rain and hummingbirds here. Extra lovely spring. 27267. robertjayb - 4/21/2013 5:30:26 PM As a partial antidote to the week's hysteria I suggest "Ring of Bright Water" on the Turner movie channel. 27268. arkymalarky - 4/21/2013 8:53:02 PM I loved that book 27269. Jenerator - 4/22/2013 8:02:44 PM Judith,
Have you been able to check out Dude, Sweet Chocolate, yet?
It's a wonderful chocolate shop that has (finally) expanded outside of the Bishop Arts District.
Seriously some of the best and strangest chocolate combos. See here:
My favorite is A Fungus Amongus
Try it with a glass of prosecco and triple fat cheese (Delice, etc.)
You'll be in heaven!