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27312. arkymalarky - 5/21/2013 6:02:32 PM

we didn't last night, but we seem to be now

27313. judithathome - 5/21/2013 10:07:07 PM

If that's the afternoon storm we experienced, it's all sound, no fury.

27314. arkymalarky - 5/21/2013 11:47:30 PM

Now we're getting a second wave but temps are a lot cooler, so maybe we can just enjoy the thunder.

27315. Ms. No - 5/24/2013 5:02:55 AM

Sitting on the couch reading a book and the building starts to sway. Earthquake? In Sacramento???

Sure'nough. Epicenter was actually in Susanville which is more than an hour away, but it was a 5.9.

I had to go over and ask my neighbors if they felt it too. They were arguing because one of them felt it and the other hadn't noticed --- she was walking up the stairs and into the foyer so she wasn't still enough to feel it when it happened.

Wild. I hadn't felt an earthquake since leaving L.A.

27316. robertjayb - 5/29/2013 4:22:57 PM

A friend often said we were from the get drunk, go naked, and drive fast generation. Greatly exaggerated, I thought.

If there is a contest, this couple wins:

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — A New Mexico man faces multiple charges after police say he was having sex with a woman while driving drunk and crashed, ejecting the woman from the vehicle.

The Albuquerque Journal reports (http://bit.ly/111Kb8Y) 25-year-old Luis Briones was found with one shoe on and his shorts on inside-out Monday night after he wrecked his Ford Explorer in Albuquerque.

Police say Briones' female passenger was found naked outside the SUV after being ejected. She had deep cuts to her face and head.

Authorities allege Briones tried to drive away after the crash and leave his passenger behind, but a witness grabbed his keys from the ignition. He also allegedly tried to hide from responding officers behind a cactus.

Briones is charged with aggravated DWI, reckless driving and evading police.

27317. thoughtful - 5/30/2013 1:38:05 PM

There are so many awful things about the story, but trying to hide behind a cactus when you're naked! Owww!

27318. hobbes - 5/30/2013 6:40:52 PM

Stopping by to say hello.

27319. Ms. No - 5/30/2013 7:31:32 PM

Good to see you, Hobbes!

27320. Ms. No - 5/30/2013 7:31:43 PM

What's the haps?

27321. arkymalarky - 5/30/2013 8:15:16 PM

Hobbes!!! How are you?!

27322. hobbes - 6/4/2013 7:05:07 PM

I am well. Just wanted to stop by, say hello and see how old friends are doing.

27323. arkymalarky - 6/5/2013 5:13:21 AM

Can't speak for us, but it seems most of us are well and busy. I know I am.

27324. Trillium - 6/13/2013 4:49:30 AM

Hi Hobbes. And hi Judith and Jen. I think of you all when the weather gets extreme in your area and always hope you and yours come through okay. I passed through the Dallas/Fort Worth airport a few weeks ago en route to other points, and thought it was unusual and appealing with all the "city building" shops.

Storms were predicted for today and hopefully won't materialize. It is hot but so cool, lush and green and pretty in the mornings.

27325. judithathome - 6/16/2013 4:49:33 AM

Hey, Trill...long time no see!

We've had so many tornado warnings here in North Texas...luckily, none have hit but it's scary how many have been predicted.

Personally, I feel the atmosphere is getting far worse than ever before.

27326. iiibbb - 6/18/2013 6:28:32 PM

What a crummy day... woke up with a cold... wife woke up and was upset because something she was making last night fell out of the fridge when I opened it which led to an inane fight (she get's mad when I get upset that she blames me for things out of my control... then she asks why I'm attacking her... but when she indirectly blames me for a-spilling it and b-not caring about the work she puts into things like that). Next get to work-- splitting headache-- call my older brother about a phone conversation with my mom about an upcoming vacation with my beloved uncle with the emotionally challenged wife and his somewhat challenging step-grandaughter who came last year and upset my 5-yr-old niece (younger brother's daughter) to the point that her presence this year is in question... my younger brother apparently tried to work this out with my uncle and may have bodged it because my mother calls me last night and says Ms crazy (and I do mean crazy) just spent this circular argument bawling her out about the "uninviting" (when really it was supposed to just be about setting ground rules) of this girl to stay in a beach. My older brother had no idea why my mom told me to call him.............anyway..... I'll sit on that for a couple of days until whatever is happening works itself out. Now I have to leave work early during some busy times (but I do have a headache) because my MiL wants my son to be in the Synagog directory photo with her and my Altzheimer's FiL. I was supposed to just have him ready so I could cook dinner for my family and theirs (because she just got out of the hospital and I'm happy to do it) but now the BiL has decided he can't manage all of this (and I probably agree), but my wife is in class tonight so I have both kids so now I have to deliver my probably going to be pissed that he has to do it two days in a row 3 yr old son to the photography place with baby in tow.

Last week was so much better than this week. Blek

27327. iiibbb - 6/18/2013 8:08:27 PM

and the landlord suddenly has a bur up their butt to sell the shit washer dryer in the house we rent...

27328. judithathome - 6/19/2013 7:04:57 AM

Gads...what a crappy day.

Hope things improve for you soon!

27329. judithathome - 6/19/2013 7:10:10 AM

Arky, we're picking MsNo up at the airport Thursday morning at 11:30am and will head out for your place from there.

Keoni told Ronnie (he called tonight) that we'd be there around 3-4pm but I'm not sure of that arrival time...I'm going to need a few stops to walk around during the drive...my bones are driving me up the wall.

If y'all have plans, we can hang out on the porch whenever we arrive.

I wrote to Jerry but haven't heard back...have you talked to him?

27330. PsychProf - 6/19/2013 1:29:43 PM

Very neat that you guys get together.

27331. arkymalarky - 6/19/2013 5:21:51 PM

hey PP! We've developed quite a conglomeration of friends from the mote and locally and elsewhere, and we really enjoy visiting.

that sounds fine Judith.we will entertain Ronnie. Ya'll just take your time and be careful.I'll see if Stan can call Jerry.

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