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27329. judithathome - 6/19/2013 7:10:10 AM

Arky, we're picking MsNo up at the airport Thursday morning at 11:30am and will head out for your place from there.

Keoni told Ronnie (he called tonight) that we'd be there around 3-4pm but I'm not sure of that arrival time...I'm going to need a few stops to walk around during the drive...my bones are driving me up the wall.

If y'all have plans, we can hang out on the porch whenever we arrive.

I wrote to Jerry but haven't heard back...have you talked to him?

27330. PsychProf - 6/19/2013 1:29:43 PM

Very neat that you guys get together.

27331. arkymalarky - 6/19/2013 5:21:51 PM

hey PP! We've developed quite a conglomeration of friends from the mote and locally and elsewhere, and we really enjoy visiting.

that sounds fine Judith.we will entertain Ronnie. Ya'll just take your time and be careful.I'll see if Stan can call Jerry.

27332. wabbit - 6/21/2013 1:01:15 PM

Wish I could be there - I'm definitely down for next year!

27333. arkymalarky - 6/21/2013 5:09:13 PM

Yay for next year! We really miss having you this year!

27334. Trillium - 6/21/2013 7:14:47 PM

Thanks Judith. Yeah, there has been scary weather in recent years. I'm not used to hiding in the basement and watching trees bend sideways!

Sorry about the bad week, iiiib.

For a couple of years already, I've been working on the weekends for an agency that cares for people with various handicaps, including frank dementia (Alzheimer's is only one type, there are so many situations).

Client and family situations are interesting, touching, educational, sometimes funny, and ... perspective-changing. There's so much dementia around, in various degrees and situations, even amongst people who aren't "officially" demented!

Plenty of craziness to go around, there's no avoiding it. Hope you are effective in getting your summer plans to go the way you'd like. It's an art, really!

27335. Ms. No - 6/24/2013 10:07:07 PM

And a wonderful time was had by all! Such a great few days with the AtHomes and the Malarkys --not to mention all the other Arkies.

Amazing food and beautiful surroundings and except for an hour here or there, it wasn't too hot to sit on the porch and gab as long as we could keep our eyes open. I can't wait for next year!


I'm pretty sure I left my phone charger somewhere in your house, but don't worry about it because I've discovered that my Kindle charger works just fine with my phone. If it works with any of your devices, keep it. If it doesn't, just toss it in the e-waste pile because I don't need it.

27336. Ms. No - 6/24/2013 10:09:33 PM

Arrived yesterday evening at the parents' new house in Houston and I have to say it's my favorite house of anyplace they've lived.

Houston is sweatier than the Devil's ball-sack, but that's what air conditioning is for. We've been to see World War Z today and to the grocery store and now it's time to sit and read books.

I love summer vacation!

27337. arkymalarky - 6/25/2013 12:14:25 AM

we had the best time! we're already talking about next year. Beware Wabbit, Wally's bringing his tech stuff next year!

I didn't find a charger, but I haven't done much today.if its interchangeable with your Kindle it will be with our devices too so we'll hold on to it until you come back.

27338. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 2:31:25 AM

Has anyone seen Alistair Connor? He's supposed to pay me 1500 euros this coming Monday, but I've seen neither hide nor hair of the man in a couple of months.

He did tell me to come to this forum to collect, so I'd appreciate anyone who might know where he's been hiding out recently and when he's expected back.

27339. judithathome - 6/25/2013 4:50:48 AM

Will add kudos to the weekend at Arky's...great, great time and even the universe threw in with the Super Moon!

27340. judithathome - 6/25/2013 4:54:03 AM

Trill, I've adapted to my own particular craziness...it's like an old friend now. ;-)

27341. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 8:07:50 PM

So I take it that Alistair has been kidnapped by the Kiwi branch of al Qaeda or something. No one has any clue where he is or when might be back?

27342. judithathome - 6/25/2013 8:32:56 PM

He drops in from time to time but we don't have a Bat Signal or anything to summon him.

27343. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 8:58:45 PM

No Bat Signal? That's a shame.

Did your Romney-supporting neighbor ever pay you that $100 he owed you for the 2012 election?

27344. judithathome - 6/25/2013 11:13:38 PM

No but he still let's me use his pool.

27345. judithathome - 6/25/2013 11:15:53 PM

Frankly, I didn't expect him to pay off the bet...he's a Rush-listening, Obama-hating convservative...they seldom follow through with promises when they lose.

27346. PincherMartin - 6/25/2013 11:22:00 PM

What a welsher. A good neighbor would let you use the pool and still pay the $100.

27347. judithathome - 6/26/2013 3:49:58 AM

Arky, did Keoni leave his cell phone upstairs, by any chance?

27348. judithathome - 6/26/2013 3:54:18 AM

Have a great time at the beach, MsNo!

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