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27396. bhelpuri - 6/30/2013 10:59:34 AM

I don't know about others here, but I always found PMS a third-rate imitation, always the juniormost baboon of the brigade (even compared to Kronos).

And like the gibbering ApeofHades - who to be fair, at least had the capacity to be funny - PMS also reeks very evidently (even across the Interwebs) of fraudulence, with the he-man idiocies and pathological attempts at bullying obviously covering-up real physical + mental weakness. That mess on a plate has never been pleasant to observe, and as we've now just seen again after many years, it can actually be quite painful to watch. Stop hurting our eyes, monkey boy, and fuck right back off to your cave!

Also, what up Kreedon. Read the good news regarding your boy in tennis. Congrats on a job well done!

27397. bhelpuri - 6/30/2013 11:01:43 AM

Interesting that PMS - who has displayed only the moxt execrable taste in every single thing in life - feels competent to critique my writing. Thanks for the kind words, monkey boy, ooh ooh ah ah.

27398. iiibbb - 6/30/2013 1:47:27 PM

It's easy. When you read his posts, just imagine it as a garbled mess (not hard to imagine) because he's wearing a gimp suit and his mouth is stuffed with feces (also not hard to imagine).

27399. iiibbb - 6/30/2013 1:51:39 PM

Or maybe he's a Furry. all that yiffing would explain his apparent knowledge about what is not "natural".

27400. iiibbb - 6/30/2013 4:09:33 PM

If you google image search "pincher martin gimp suit" you get this result...

... I rest my case.

27401. arkymalarky - 6/30/2013 5:24:21 PM

I'm trying to remember who Kronos was. And hoping those babies are photo shopped into those images.

27402. PsychProf - 6/30/2013 5:26:23 PM

Although we are ideologically dissimilar, I have always found Pincher to be a strong, even extraordinary, debater. At least that is how I see it.

27403. arkymalarky - 6/30/2013 5:36:18 PM

I don't know what you have in mind, PP, but PM has always been what you see here. If you like that style there's certainly no shortage of it on the web. But there's also a great deal of substasntitive discussion to be found on virtually any topic. I still like aldaily.com, even after Dutton, for putting so many of those sites and interesting links in one place. You might check it out for a comparison of what's out there.

27404. PsychProf - 6/30/2013 5:44:25 PM

Well, I spend most of my life with my family now. But thanks anyway.

27405. PincherMartin - 6/30/2013 5:47:15 PM


Well done, Bhelpuri ! This monkey boy salutes his fellow simian for his talent in throwing crap across the cage. You've even inspired the witless iiibbb to post photos and join in the fun. You now have a baboon troop of two. And if you can get Judith and Arky back here, you'll have a breeding colony.

I wouldn't be too sure about the genetic quality of such a small population of feeble primates, but Arky does has a hammock.

Your track record, my sweet passive/aggressive Hindu, is too well known for you not to admit that fine piece of writing is autobiographical. Are you going to pretend to everyone here, who all know you very well and were witnesses to what happened, that you didn't retreat to India in a state of physical and psychological exhaustion? That the fine micro-writing career you suddenly took up in the subcontinent was a capstone to career failure in America?

Well, we all live with our lies. Yours just happen to be more on public display than most people's.

"Interesting that PMS - who has displayed only the moxt execrable taste in every single thing in life - feels competent to critique my writing. Thanks for the kind words, monkey boy, ooh ooh ah ah."

You're welcome. Of course I don't know India, which was the subject of the books you were reviewing. But then I've always found your writing more enjoyable the less I know about the subject you're writing about since your precision and honesty becomes much less important to the reader than your prose.

27406. PincherMartin - 6/30/2013 5:48:20 PM


This is all good clean fun. No worries.

27407. PincherMartin - 6/30/2013 5:50:08 PM

And enjoy your family, who I know was always important to you.

27408. arkymalarky - 6/30/2013 5:52:11 PM

So do I PP. In fact, I imagine most of us here have other dominating interests and continue here because we enjoy it.

27409. vonKreedon - 6/30/2013 6:03:55 PM

Reid turned twenty yesterday. His transition from being a teen seems to have more emotional effect on me than on him.

He's also transferred from Fresno to University of Portland, as UP offered him a full ride scholarship. He'll not only be playing on a strong team, but it's largely made up of guys he already knows well from the PNW Juniors circuit, and he'll be just three hours drive from home! We are all very happy.

27410. judithathome - 6/30/2013 6:06:40 PM

It's almost like reading CalGal...I would say the male version but I think she's taught him too well.

27411. PincherMartin - 6/30/2013 6:08:28 PM

Oh, Judith, a gender insult. I didn't know you had it in you.

27412. judithathome - 6/30/2013 6:10:14 PM

Granted, not up to you standards but....

27413. arkymalarky - 6/30/2013 6:16:48 PM

That is so great VK!

27414. PincherMartin - 6/30/2013 6:17:40 PM

Well, it's nearly six o'clock Monday morning, July 1st, in New Zealand, and still no word from Alistair.

Our five-year bet is officially over. It was a comprehensive loss for the Kiwi.

1500 euros today can be exchanged for 1951 dollars and 74 cents as of this moment, using my Yahoo ! Finance currency converter.

But in the interest of not quibbling about whose exchange rate we use, or when July 1st began, I'm lowering the amount owed to $1900.

That's a more than a $51 discount, Alistair !

27415. PincherMartin - 6/30/2013 6:23:53 PM

Does Concerned still post here or have you finally chased your last conservative out of the forum?

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