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27553. Ms. No - 7/3/2013 1:32:11 AM


I'm right with you. What I need to do is make a list and then figure out what really needs to get done, what I want to get done and what I can let fall by the wayside if necessary.

27554. arkymalarky - 7/3/2013 4:19:19 AM

when I started posting on the mote however many years ago, I head an excellent schedule, if your definition of excellent is hardly any classes and hardly any students. I should have been paid part time for that year. It was also a time when the internet was still fairly new to the job and it was just always on always there. So it was so cool during my downtime to get online and check out what everybody was saying. Somewhere along the line I got super busy, and it seemed like I never had time to read and talk. And suddenly it seems like I've got plenty of time. Don't know how long it will last but it's fun for now.

27555. Trillium - 7/5/2013 6:07:39 PM

I'm also enjoying a few minutes online, even though I don't have much time for it really.

I remember how my hours used to fly by, way back when I first discovered the internet, with that slow AOL connection! It took forever...

27556. arkymalarky - 7/5/2013 9:12:45 PM

Haha! The good old days of dialup. Living out here, what saved me was 3g and the smart phone. Even having satellite I almost exclusively use my droid for the note.

I'm glad you're making some time for us Trillium!

Which for some reason reminds me:
Where's Anomie! We missed you again!

27557. anomie - 7/6/2013 4:59:33 AM

I missed you too Arky. I'm still in financial recovery from the month long trip to the UK. It cost more than I planned for. Got back the first of June and put my credit card to rest for a while. Wait'll next year!

27558. arkymalarky - 7/6/2013 5:29:00 AM

Sounds like a plan!

27559. judithathome - 7/14/2013 4:41:58 PM

The Apocalypse it here...pack your bags. It is July and RAINING in Texas...won't get above the low 70s today.

27560. arkymalarky - 7/14/2013 5:44:04 PM

Oooh, nice! Hope all that comes Herr.

27561. Trillium - 7/15/2013 10:32:20 PM

Oh good! I've been trying to shoo some of our rain westward. I like rain, and the West makes me nervous because it is just too dang dry.

We have been having flooding in our basement even. The rain hasn't let up for weeks. It's too much, too wet even to mow lawns which have been turning into meadows.

27562. judithathome - 7/15/2013 11:01:42 PM

Has been raining for two days and nights straight here, with more to come the next two days.

27563. arkymalarky - 7/15/2013 11:03:44 PM

Wow. we're not getting anything

27564. alistairconnor - 7/23/2013 5:12:21 PM

Just skimming, I came across this little gem from some liar :

BTW, I will be paying off Alistair's debt to The Perfect World. He owes that forum $1900, and I intend to pay such a sum, in Alistair's name, for a subscription.

I have no idea what he's talking about. I never subscribed, nor pledged any money to that site.

I'm perfectly happy if he wants to give money away, but not in my name.

27565. judithathome - 7/23/2013 5:51:11 PM

He alleged that the bet entailed the money he'd win from you be donated to PW...that eventuality would have kept me from making the bet, right off the bat! ;-)

27566. alistairconnor - 7/23/2013 10:58:00 PM

Don't remember that, but it's possible. but the 1900 dollar figure doesn't ring any bells. the bet was for 1500.

Overall , I'm pleased wih the way this has turned out. He's obviously much happier abot my repudiation of the bet than he would have been if he'd merely collected my money.

and needless to say, I feel the same way.

27567. judithathome - 7/23/2013 11:33:05 PM


I think he figured out the "money owed" by today's Euro value against the dollar? Or by some esoteric configuration rolling around in his head...

27568. alistairconnor - 7/24/2013 9:04:23 AM

Ah ok, then it would be $1952.1083 at the 1st July exchange rate. So he's short-changing TPW. That's OK with me too.

27569. judithathome - 7/27/2013 1:13:58 AM

Our AC has been out since yesterday. Send cooler thoughts our way, okay? ;-)

27570. arkymalarky - 7/27/2013 2:41:22 AM

Ooooh. Wish you had our weather. July 27 and I'm wearing a sweater.

27571. wabbit - 7/30/2013 11:50:14 AM

Happy Birthday Arky!

27572. thoughtful - 7/30/2013 12:22:49 PM

Happy Birthday Arky...may this be the first day of your best year yet!

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