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27765. judithathome - 11/29/2013 9:50:58 PM

Oh good! I write like Jonathon Swift!!

Could be worse....heh.

27766. arkymalarky - 11/29/2013 11:05:26 PM

Haha! It said I write like Isaac Asimov.

27767. arkymalarky - 11/29/2013 11:06:13 PM

Must be all the Big Bang Theory I've been watching.M

27768. arkymalarky - 11/29/2013 11:16:55 PM

Took another test sample and it said Dan Brown. I don't know who dan Brown is.

27769. judithathome - 11/29/2013 11:17:25 PM

We never miss that show.

27770. arkymalarky - 11/29/2013 11:28:14 PM

Stan bought me seasons 1-6 for our anniversary.

I did one last sample, and it showed Margaret Atwood. I tried three different types of my writing here and in emails, but nothing from my pc.

27771. arkymalarky - 11/29/2013 11:47:24 PM


27772. thoughtful - 11/30/2013 4:45:13 PM

I know it's early, but I know some of you enjoy my holiday cards. I've ordered this year's and I'm waiting for them to arrive. The actual card is framed in a dark green border.

It is the Statue of St. Elizabeth, Alzbeta Durinska, a 13th century princess who renounced her title and led a life devoted to the poor, located on the grounds of Bratislava Castle, Slovakia.

The haiku inside:

A time to reflect

Compassion stirs gratitude

Love's whispers bring joy

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season full of good health and good times!

27773. arkymalarky - 11/30/2013 7:39:55 PM


27774. arkymalarky - 12/1/2013 9:23:01 AM

Recovering from yet another holiday respiratory infection and spent the day googling old mote ids and reading posts. Pretty neat. And if anyone here participates in the perfect world, they need to know that wot has them on red for some reason.

Funny how you realize the people you miss seeing when you read back through the posts. I've only looked a few times and briefly. I never seem to take the time. Really makes you appreciate wabbit's archiving work.

27775. thoughtful - 12/1/2013 4:08:46 PM

Thanks arky...I too miss the days of debate when we had many more participants. I even kind of miss the flame outs!

I'm on another board now where the norm is utter politeness. I've already been excoriated for suggesting something "sucks" and another has been corrected for daring to use the term "hate". Can you imagine???

27776. arkymalarky - 12/1/2013 5:54:48 PM

Wow. What on earth do y'all talk about? And how many people are there? ;)

I grew very tired of the constant fighting, especially after 9/11. It lost all entertainment value after that; but the occasional flame war could be very entertaining, and there were some really funny exchanges. One had me laughing too hard for someone with laryngitis and a sinus headache, and I already can't recall what it was or who said it. Joezan was always funny to me. It may have been him.

After I got involved with AR politics and education issues here I was less invested in daily Moting, and now all that's past me and I'm in a great job I've gotten in the habit of only using my phone, so I don't know that I'll ever try another board. I'm looking though. I saw the well is still going. I have had blogs and may get another after this school year ends.

27777. arkymalarky - 12/1/2013 5:59:37 PM

And strangely, though I took and still take all the people very seriously and consider them genuine friends, I couldn't take the drama here seriously at all. It made me think of Burns: Would some god the giftie gie us, to see ourselves as others see us.

27778. judithathome - 12/1/2013 8:52:20 PM

Great number you got there, Arks!

27779. arkymalarky - 12/1/2013 10:28:24 PM

Oh, neat!

27780. Jenerator - 12/4/2013 12:13:44 AM

Remember RustlerPike? I wonder what ever happened with him.

Anyone see Ruth lately?

How is Pelle?

27781. Jenerator - 12/4/2013 12:14:02 AM

PS - Thoughtful - I love the picture and message!

27782. arkymalarky - 12/4/2013 1:17:14 AM

Pelle passed away.

27783. arkymalarky - 12/4/2013 1:19:56 AM

I think it was planning posted in the news thread. He had popped in for a moment some time before, but he must have been ill then.

27784. judithathome - 12/4/2013 4:54:59 AM

Pelle had a forum at my place (AM) and he never said a word. Never complained, never talked about his own health.

The forum is still going, as a memorial to him. A guy from Australia is running it.

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