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28275. arkymalarky - 10/15/2014 2:28:22 AM

badass teachers? bats? yes, I am bats.

tired ass is the most apt. we need an association. too lazy/tired to start one.

28276. robertjayb - 10/15/2014 4:36:10 AM


Its been done.

28277. arkymalarky - 10/15/2014 5:58:58 AM

haha! great site!

28279. wabbit - 11/1/2014 3:35:52 PM

There was a time when I lived 100 yards down a driveway through the woods off a dirt road. I didn't expect trick-or-treaters there. But now I have a townhouse in a 162 unit complex and last night I saw seven trick-or-treaters. Five of the six girls were in a group, one was with her parents, and the only boy was one I literally chased across the street to give him some candy. The two women he was with didn't bother coming across the street to try me or my neighbor.

I'll donate all this candy, since I won't eat it, but I'm wondering if some of the parents here can explain what happened to Halloween? The first year I must have had 100 kids. This year, seven. Do kids (or their parents) prefer to go to organized parties these days?

28280. arkymalarky - 11/1/2014 5:19:41 PM

Wabbit!! I was thinking about you yesterday, wondering how you were doing. In the 31 years we've lived here Stan and I have never had a single trick-or-treater. my kids still go some, according to what they told me yesterday, and I got a the impression the younger ones still do, but there are lots of school and church and other Halloween parties around here.

28282. arkymalarky - 11/1/2014 5:25:43 PM

just called Mose thinking she'd say "a lot" since they live in a really nice family neighborhood in Fayetteville, and she said she didn't get a single kid. she's an elementary school librarian and she said lots of kids now do "trunk" parties where they go to one place and get all their candy. what a rip for everyone else who loves to see the kids all dressed up! it's been one downside of living here.

28284. arkymalarky - 11/1/2014 5:27:54 PM

mom and dad in their new easy to access house in a very kid oriented area didn't get a single kid either.

28285. judithathome - 11/1/2014 8:20:27 PM

We left a bowl of candy on the porch with a note that said "Take All You Want" and not one piece looked missing from it when we got back from the party we attended.

We left in the car to go to the party and as we drove through our area, there were swarms of kiddoes roaming around...mostly junior high sized...and kids with their parents...Keoni drove very slowly for fear he'd have to brake suddenly and did the same thing in the neighborhood where the party was...lots of kiddies out THERE, too.

As to why the lack of kids banging on doors, here the malls have big parties and so do "some" of the churches.

Most of the costumes I saw the kids wearing as we drove through were BLACK. Really stupid on an almost moonless, cloudy night.

28286. wabbit - 11/2/2014 5:52:45 PM

Like people who drive at dawn or dusk without their headlights on, because they can see...they don't understand. It isn't about whether they can see, it's about whether they can be seen.

And why do so many people cross the street against the lights these days. They don't look, they just stroll into the street. In the city where I work, four pedestrians have been killed by cars in the last six months, and still, every day, I see kids and even some adults just walk into the street. At the high school, 15 or 20 kids will cross in a group, very slowly, and hold up traffic for minutes. It's ridiculous. Maybe citizenship needs to be reintroduced to schools (as if).

28287. Ms. No - 11/2/2014 9:30:41 PM

There are swarms of trick-or-treaters here depending on the neighborhood - not mine. I don't get any at my place because I'm around the back of the building, but there aren't a lot of trick-or-treaters in Midtown, regardless.

28288. robertjayb - 11/3/2014 4:07:42 PM

I didn't know that...

Web-geezer here (thanks Ms.No): Amid the noise about ISIS, ebola, and tea party loonies, I thoroughly enjoyed this letter in today's local rag. Indulge me.

The Queen's English still is important to some people

Herewith a bit of unsolicited geologic and petroleum engineering information prompted by the recent political cartoon of "porous borders," offered because the state of Texas is a significant player in the domestic production of oil and gas, where porosity is important.

The word "porous" as used regarding the flow of terrorists across national borders is not the right word and authors and political cartoonists who continue to use the term are unfortunately confusing porosity with permeability. Porosity is a measure of how much of a material is open space. Volcanic pumice is the ultimate example, having an average porosity close to 90 percent. Even though it's a rock, it floats on water. The numerous openings in it are not connected with one another, however, and, consequently, fluids cannot pass through it. It is highly porous, but completely impermeable.

What is meant therefore by continuing erroneous use of the term "porous," as in "porous borders," is actually "permeability," a measure of the ease with which a fluid (in this example, terrorists) can move through a substance. The proper term referring to the cross-boundary movement of terrorists is "permeable borders," not "porous borders."

There, no one asked and perhaps most don't even care, but they're welcome nevertheless. The proper use of the Queen's English is close to sacred in some peoples' books.


Yesss! "Call things by their right names" (George V. Higgins).

28289. Ms. No - 11/4/2014 5:16:43 PM

Most excellent!

28290. judithathome - 11/4/2014 9:36:52 PM

Hope you don't mind but I "lifted " your post and put it over in my forum's "Words" thread, with attribution to Gordon and "a friend at the Mote"...you are both heroes at my forum now! ;-)

28291. judithathome - 11/5/2014 1:00:47 AM

We voted today...for all the good it will do.

28292. judithathome - 11/5/2014 1:03:56 AM

And while I' m at it:

I voted today...I voted for a Democrat...mainly, I voted for a woman whom I think is a decent human being who thinks women should have control over their own bodies...a woman who had to make a difficult choice as a woman to abort a fetus which would have been born with severe brain deformities and had little chance to live...and for making that choice, a woman whose opponent chose to face that fact by dubbing her "Abortion Barbie".

To me, this was the entire election in a nutshell: do I vote for a compassionate human being or do I vote for a man who thinks the way he expresses himself when faced with a moral decision is to deride and ridicule the woman who had to make that heart-wrenching decision?

To me, today...in that voting booth...it wasn't even close.

28293. arkymalarky - 11/9/2014 6:09:08 PM

brain workout: www.riddlex.com

28294. arkymalarky - 11/16/2014 12:19:46 AM

I had an epiphany in the Walmart parking lot. One's IQ is inversely proportional to the size of one's SUV.

28295. arkymalarky - 11/16/2014 12:20:01 AM

Inversely related

28296. arkymalarky - 11/16/2014 12:20:07 AM

Inversely related

28297. iiibbb - 11/16/2014 4:17:20 AM

but you're at a Walmart.... soooo....

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