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28445. alistairConnor - 7/28/2006 7:16:29 PM

The neocon credo was that by determined action, you can create a whole new reality that fits with your belief system.

But their legacy will have been to redefine the meaning of "truth".

28446. Jenerator - 7/28/2006 8:34:26 PM

From islamworld

A Slight Tear in Socks is Overlooked

Question: What is the ruling if someone notices after prayer, either a short or long time afterwards, that he had a medium size tear in one of his socks? Should he repeat his prayer or not?

Response: If the tear is small or the hole is small according to convention or custom, it is overlooked and the prayer is correct. However, it is safest for the believing men and women to be very careful about keeping their socks free from any kind of tear or hole. This is being more cautious with respect to their religion and it also avoids the difference of opinion [that exists concerning such torn socks]. This approach is indicated by the Prophet's statement,

"Leave what makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt."1

The Prophet (peace be upon him) also said,

"Whoever avoids the doubtful matters clears himself in regard to his religion and his honor."2

Shaikh Ibn Baz

Now, this sort of legalism is interesting to me, and it also plays into the concept of works (for salvation). Do any of you find this interesting too? For someone to be worried about a hole in his sock, and for that to be enough of a reasonable issue that it's posted.

28447. Jenerator - 7/28/2006 8:35:41 PM


If you don't like the link, then we don't have to use that site. We can stick with the plethora of other sites I have used.

28448. wonkers2 - 7/28/2006 8:54:29 PM

Jen, would you mind reading the statement by a Detroit Muslim linked above in #28441 and respond to my comment. Just as Christianity is not monolithic, neither is the Muslim religion. You put too much credence in stuff you read. Just as there are big differences among devout Christians,e.g., between you and Jexter, a wide spectrum of views prevails among Muslims. It seems to me you are picking the most extreme interpretations and practices and over-generalizing to ALL Muslims. The Southern Baptist girls in my high school in Louisiana were't supposed to use makeup or dance. But, obviously this restriction applies only to a small minority of Christians.

28449. wonkers2 - 7/28/2006 8:55:40 PM

It isn't helpful to peace and understanding in the world to tar everyone of any religion with the most extreme views and actions of members of their religion.

28450. wonkers2 - 7/28/2006 10:12:38 PM

Jen, I hope you didn't bug out!

28451. anomie - 7/28/2006 10:15:27 PM


What's the solution? Prayer? Maybe God needs some persuasion, worship, or begging to stop all this Islamic nonesense. Maybe another human sacrifice on the cross for a fresh start? Maybe the plan has gone awry. Another flood might do it. Kill everyone. Maybe your God should slaughter innocent first borns again to demonstrate his glory...plague and pestulence. Hey, it worked in Egypt.

You seem to be amazed that your God has created a sect that relies on violence, terrorism, deceit,and so on. You should know this is standard operating procedure for the inept diety who can't figure out how to forgive people without killing something.

Quite a guy you worship...

28452. anomie - 7/28/2006 10:32:32 PM

Here, Jen. Problem solved. This should give you the knowledge of all things. You just need to find out where the Holy Spirit is hanging out these days.

John 14:26-"But the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He [Gr. that one] will teach you all things..."

28453. anomie - 7/28/2006 10:39:30 PM

I should apologize for the sarcasm. It's not just Jen. I'm feeling provoked by the ubiquitous ignorance that seems to be pervading so many aspects of the world...politics, religion, media - especially news, education. I sometimes think we're living in the second dark age.
Jen, you don't even realize you're a fish in the same barrel as your antagonists.

28454. Jenerator - 7/28/2006 11:44:20 PM

You're the shooter, Anomie.

28455. Adam Selene - 7/29/2006 12:07:31 AM

I have a lot of catching up to do... in the mean time, let me just caution against ad hominum arguments. Pogo not withstanding, we are not the enemy.

28456. anomie - 7/29/2006 12:10:17 AM

Not sure what you mean Jen. But if I'm the shooter, you are not the only target.

Pray for your Islamic sisters as you throw stones at them and their men.

28457. Jenerator - 7/29/2006 12:10:53 AM


I read the piece. He seems like a nice person. I wonder what his feelings are with regard to Judaism and Israel. That seems to be the litmus test with Muslims and he didn't mention them.

28458. Jenerator - 7/29/2006 12:12:18 AM

So far I have been posting wrticles that other people (Muslims) have written. I have yet to throw a stone. Unless of course, my "sounding oppressive" comment is what you're talking about.

I dare any of you to talk about Islam honestly. Quit making me or Christianity the subject of your attack.

28459. Jenerator - 7/29/2006 12:14:11 AM

And wonkers2,

What about the woman whose backside was bruised from lashing? Any comment or opinion from you?

28460. anomie - 7/29/2006 12:15:54 AM

Sorry. I think Christianity is just as bad as Islam, so I attack both. They are both merchants of ignorance, racism, violence, oppression. They are both liars. They are both anti-human.

28461. anomie - 7/29/2006 12:16:53 AM

That is to say, Jen, I applaud your critique of Islam. We agree on something it seems.

28462. anomie - 7/29/2006 12:18:59 AM


The bible lays down drastically different punishmenst for crimes against men and women. Women always getting the short end of the stick. What of that?

28464. wonkers2 - 7/29/2006 12:49:50 AM

Shameful. You have no argument with me over women's rights issues in Iran, Saudi Arabia and most other Arab countries. However, my impression is that the situation varies considerably from country to country. Worse in some, better in others such as Jordan, Egypt, Turkey perhaps? I don't consider myself an expert on women's rights in the Arab world. You and I have some important differences, however, about women's rights in the United States. However, I assume we can agree that women and men should have identical rights under the law, both here in the United States and everywhere in the world.

28465. jexster - 7/29/2006 1:06:04 AM

Time for a little prophecy for Jen...

Hosea 8

Set the trumpet to your lips!
One like a vulture* is over the house of the Lord,
because they have broken my covenant,
and transgressed my law.
2Israel cries to me,
‘My God, we—Israel—know you!’
3Israel has spurned the good;
the enemy shall pursue him.

4They made kings, but not through me;
they set up princes, but without my knowledge.
With their silver and gold they made idols
for their own destruction.
5Your calf is rejected, O Samaria.
My anger burns against them.
How long will they be incapable of innocence?
6 For it is from Israel,
an artisan made it;
it is not God.
The calf of Samaria
shall be broken to pieces.*

7For they sow the wind,
and they shall reap the whirlwind.
The standing grain has no heads,
it shall yield no meal;
if it were to yield,
foreigners would devour it.
8Israel is swallowed up;
now they are among the nations
as a useless vessel.
9For they have gone up to Assyria,
a wild ass wandering alone;

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