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28682. jexster - 10/31/2006 8:08:06 PM

Dhimmi See
Dhimmi Done Did

28683. jexster - 10/31/2006 8:09:03 PM

"Concerned puts words in AC's mouth, like he puts bullshit in his head"

David Letterman

28684. alistairConnor - 10/31/2006 8:54:07 PM

OK. Concerned will perhaps reveal how he chooses the relevant passages in the Old Testament. Those which consist of injunctions to present-day Christians, as opposed to those which were addressed purely to the contemporaries of the Prophets.

(Perhaps it's by divine inspiration. Concerned, a latter-day Joseph Smith?)

Or perhaps he will allege that nothing in the Old Testament should be construed as religious edicts for present-day Christians. This, of course, would make a nonsense of his original invitation, since there would be, by definition, nothing to discuss.

And would also be a confession of the Dualist heresy.

28685. jexster - 10/31/2006 9:02:43 PM

Anyone seen Concerned lately?

    A teenager carrying a Bible and shouting "I want Jesus" was shot twice with a police stun gun and later died at a St. Louis hospital, authorities said.

28686. concerned - 10/31/2006 9:17:58 PM

Re. 28684 -

I wouldn't have thought that even you would have found Biblical texts so challenging, AC.

28687. Jenerator - 11/1/2006 12:26:39 AM

Read it and weep, Jexster.

Al-Qaida and Fascism

Berman saw in Qutb's writing "the kinds of doctrines that one might find in reading the Nazi or fascist philosophers of the European past -- and the kinds of doctrines or writing that I could easily imagine might prove to be seductive."

Historians don't all agree on the definition of fascism, though they do seem to agree on certain aspects of it: Fascists believed democracies didn't work. And as World War II historian Michael Burleigh points out, "fascists are completely contemptuous of liberal democracy and the rule of law, both domestically and in the international sphere." Fascists also tended to believe in cosmic conspiracies, usually involving Jews, Communists or Americans.

28688. Jenerator - 11/1/2006 12:29:17 AM

Islam in praxy

An Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood supporter holds a banner reading in Arabic "Martyrs for Islam," as another displays a copy of the holy Koran during a demonstration in Cairo, Sept. 22, 2006. Getty Images

Berman vs. Cole on NPR.

28689. judithathome - 11/1/2006 12:30:30 AM

"fascists are completely contemptuous of liberal democracy and the rule of law, both domestically and in the international sphere."

Ha! Replace that liberal with a capital "L" and you've got Republicans defined to the max.

28690. Wombat - 11/1/2006 12:31:20 AM

Three Fascist rulers, Mussolini (Italy), Salazar (Portugal), and Franco (Spain) did not believe in cosmic conspiracies. Note that Franco's belief in the threat of Communism was firmly rooted in his fight against them during the Civil War.

28691. Jenerator - 11/1/2006 12:31:49 AM

You're dishonest and blind Jexster. Abrogation exists in Islamic theology. You're the one who doesn't want it to. You are the poster child for the stupid and easily led Westerner whom the radicals want for support.

Jexster, the poster boy for Al-Qaida mind control.

28692. Jenerator - 11/1/2006 12:33:02 AM

President Bush didn't invent the term. A Lexis-Nexis search found the first time it was used in the mainstream press was back in 1979, in a Washington Post article describing Iran's Ayatollah Khomeni as an Islamic Fascist.

Since then, the phrase has morphed into "Islam-o-fascist.' That word appeared in a 1990 article in the British newspaper The Independent, which argued that authoritarian governments are the norm in the Islamic world.

But how can a small group of alleged terrorists living in London be Islamic Fascists? Doesn't the term fascism imply a central government, whipping the populace into a nationalistic frenzy?

Historian Paul Berman says it has happened before.

Berman, author of Terror and Liberalism, says that when fascism arose in Europe in the 1920s, '30s and '40s, similar movements cropped up in the Arab world. While different from their European counterparts, Berman says, they "had similar mythology, paranoia -- a cult of hatred and a cult of death."

28693. jexster - 11/1/2006 12:34:02 AM

had similar mythology, paranoia -- a cult of hatred and a cult of death."

Now that's a real stretch. I hope the man didn't get a hernia

And how many Nazis blew themselves up in cars?

A bunch of Jews did. In fact, the Irgun invented suicide bombimg

Mythology? Nazi Aryan myth isn't even close to the most screwball jewball reading of the Quran

Not even Concerned's most twisted E-book learning.

And did I miss something Jen?

I didn't see Juan Cole's name mentioned anywhere

You just made that up

28694. Wombat - 11/1/2006 12:35:13 AM

The point that Berman misses is that the Arab movements were primarily nationalist in scope, as were their European equivalents. Islam was a component of their nationalism, as the Catholic church was in the case of Spain, Italy, and Portugal.

28695. jexster - 11/1/2006 12:37:39 AM

As did the Jews so that moron bigots like Jen and TD - true fascists in " " - could bore us with tedious discourses on Islam and fascism

They don't even believe in a fucking state. They want to destroy states.

They are anarchists, not fascists by any stretch

"Berman" eh? Of the Hebrew persuasion peut etre?

28696. Jenerator - 11/1/2006 12:38:01 AM

Parallels can be drawn, I think.

28697. Jenerator - 11/1/2006 12:40:01 AM

I didn't see Juan Cole's name mentioned anywhere

You just made that up

As I said, you're dishonest and blind.

...The term has angered many in the Muslim world, who see it as tarring their entire religion -- and everyone who practices it -- as fascists. I think it's despicable," Middle East expert Juan Cole says...

28698. Wombat - 11/1/2006 12:40:20 AM


Now you are into guilt by surname?

28699. jexster - 11/1/2006 12:40:40 AM

Forget about the state, Osama don't much like Halliburton eitherI suspect!

Fascism is a specific category or concept of statecraft that is based on specific social and historical developments or phenomena. It cannot be conjured up by magic or portrayed by capricious definitions. It arises under conditions of an advanced industrialized economy, that is, under particular historical circumstances. It is a product of big business that is brought about by market or profitability imperatives. It is, in a sense, an "emergency" instrument (a metaphorical fire fighter, if your will) in the arsenal of powerful economic interests that is employed during crisis or critical times in order to remove or extinguish "obstacles" to unhindered operations of big business.

When profitability expectations of giant corporations are threatened or not met under ordinary economic conditions, powerful corporate interests resort to extraordinary measures to meet those expectations. To this end, they mobilize state power in order to remove what they perceive as threats to unrestricted business operations. Therefore, as the 1928 Encyclopedia Italiana puts it, "Fascism should more appropriately be called 'corporatism' because it is a merger of state and corporate power."

While some researchers have attributed this classic definition of fascism to the Italian philosopher Giovanni Gentile[1], others believe that it came directly from the horse's mouth, Benito Mussolini, the prototypical fascist.[2]

But while radical groupings and individuals of the Muslim world (or anywhere else in the world, for that matter) cannot be called fascist, the neoconservative/corporate-run Bush administration does bear some major (though low-level) hallmarks of fascism. These include a tendency to curtail civil liberties and retreat from democratic principles, a penchant to view the peoples and nations of the world as "allies" and "enemies," a preference to boost the power and fortunes of big business at the expense of the needy and working classes, a desire to manufacture enemies and to invent scapegoats in order to justify wars of aggression, and so on.

This is not to say that President Bush or the neoconservative handlers of his administration can be called full-blown or mature fascists; but that their ranks, their circles of power, and their politico-philosophical agenda are infested with insidious germs of fascism that, if not contained, can develop to full-fledged fascism.

Islamic Fascisms?
Nigger Please!

28700. Jenerator - 11/1/2006 12:40:50 AM

When did Jexster become anti-Semitic? or has he always been and I just didn't pay attention?

28701. jexster - 11/1/2006 12:41:39 AM

I think its despicable, piss ignorant and very embarrasing

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