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28835. Ms. No - 5/15/2016 5:21:02 AM


I'm registered at Able Minds and just waiting for them to clear me to post after my payment.

I was all hopped up to ask what kind of fact-checking any of the offended pundits did on the Facebook story. Its the kind of thing that conservatives want to be true so they can cry about how the liberal media (is Facebook considered media?) is persecuting them and trying to silence their shrill braying.

It just doesn't sound very plausible to me. Not because no one would want to do it, but because it isn't feasible that there are sufficient Facebook employees who can regularly access and re-write the algorithms that tailors users' "trending" feeds to weed out specific news stories on a constant basis.

28836. Trillium - 5/15/2016 1:29:09 PM

"Is Facebook considered media?"

Facebook would be considered media by most people who have followed uprisings around the world such as Ukraine and Egypt.

The role of Facebook in the "Arab Spring" was covered in US newspapers of the time. One book source to look into would be The Awakening of Muslim Democracy by Jocelyne Cesari which claims "In Tunisia, Facebook is considered the number one source of news. Fifty-two percent of the population lists Facebook among their top 3 news sources..."

28837. Trillium - 5/15/2016 1:31:59 PM

Youtube has also played a strong political role around the world. There are many Youtube videos related to assaults on female journalists in Cairo's Tahrir Square (not only Lara Logan), but also in other places around the globe.

Youtube refuses Egypt's request to remove footage of tahrir square sexual assault

There are (relatively young) editors who make decisions about what gets taken down, and what stays up

28838. Trillium - 5/15/2016 1:39:56 PM

YouTube *did* take down videos of Chinese police rounding up and shooting Uighur protestors in Xinjiang (Uighur activists who had recently been involved in bloodshed)...

There is one video in particular I can't find anymore, and I vividly remember seeing it. I understand why the Chinese wanted it taken down.

Cyberwar and Information Warfare edited by Daniel Ventre

28839. Ms. No - 5/16/2016 12:52:31 AM

I think it's a mistake to equate social media with news media even though social media often links to or forwards news. Facebook does not produce or report news, Facebook posters do. There's no accountability for truthfulness or verifiable sources.

28840. judithathome - 5/16/2016 8:25:28 PM

MsNo...send me an email with the user name you registered under and I'll get in touch with Mark, the owner, and see what the hold-up is...

28841. Trillium - 5/16/2016 9:55:38 PM

The Facebook commotion bubbled up with an article from Gizmodo

Gizmodo: "We routinely suppressed..."

"Several former Facebook “news curators,” as they were known internally, also told Gizmodo that they were instructed to artificially “inject” selected stories into the trending news module, even if they weren’t popular enough to warrant inclusion—or in some cases weren’t trending at all. The former curators, all of whom worked as contractors, also said they were directed not to include news about Facebook itself in the trending module.

"In other words, Facebook’s news section operates like a traditional newsroom, reflecting the biases of its workers and the institutional imperatives of the corporation. Imposing human editorial values onto the lists of topics an algorithm spits out is by no means a bad thing—but it is in stark contrast to the company’s claims that the trending module simply lists “topics that have recently become popular on Facebook.”

28842. arkymalarky - 5/17/2016 12:45:11 PM

When they become the propaganda tool Fox hasbeen for years it might be worthy of note. But plenty of FB members balance it with their right wing spew, so it all works out in the wash.

28843. judithathome - 5/17/2016 7:10:48 PM

And if it upsets them so damned much why not search out stories on their own...the old fashioned way, by looking them up themselves.

When they depend on an impersonal machine/programmed algorithm to do their thinking for them, how can they complain that it did things they don't like?

28844. Ms. No - 5/18/2016 5:44:38 AM

Judith -- He got back to me quickly and I'm in. As Ms. No, no less!

28845. Trillium - 5/19/2016 10:29:33 PM

Judith, "they" are not complaining about the algorithm. They are complaining about the way the results of the algorithm are distorted.

WebProNews: Facebook moderators earn $1/hour

"About 4 billion articles of content are moved every day between Facebook's 845 million users. Most falls under acceptable standards, but a lot also falls into categories of pornography, racism and violence – all of which is policed by an outsourced workforce in a third world country, for $1 an hour."

It isn't just pornography, racism and violence that gets filtered. The content editors also manipulate contents of newsfeed that is supposedly trending. I'll post the Gizmodo link again because the source of the controversy is in there. If you read it you'll understand.

Gizmodo: Former Facebook Workers: We routinely suppressed conservative news

"This individual says that workers prevented stories about the right-wing CPAC gathering, Mitt Romney, Rand Paul, and other conservative topics from appearing in the highly-influential section, even though they were organically trending among the site’s users."

28846. arkymalarky - 5/19/2016 11:53:06 PM

On a cafe subject, thought summer would never get here. Next week. Most is done tomorrow.

28847. arkymalarky - 5/19/2016 11:53:23 PM


28848. arkymalarky - 6/1/2016 10:17:35 PM

See y'all later!

28849. Ms. No - 6/1/2016 10:22:28 PM


Are you on your way to Colorado?

28850. arkymalarky - 6/1/2016 11:49:36 PM

Yep. Packing now and leaving in the am

28851. Ms. No - 6/2/2016 6:44:03 AM

Have a great trip!

28852. arkymalarky - 6/3/2016 1:15:43 PM

Thanks! In Elk City and once we get to the cabin today we'll be pretty unplugged. I need that right now.

28853. thoughtful - 8/31/2016 1:13:59 PM

We got back from 2 weeks in Alaska. What I determined is I NEVER want to live there. Heck even most of the people there don't want to live there...something like 70% leave for the winter. With air temps at -40, I can see why. They don't close school there unless the air temp is below -50!

We saw some nice scenery, but saw lots and lots of clouds. We did get most of our checklist accomplished though: bear, caribou, sheep, moose, orca, whales, sea otters, sea lions, seals, eagles, salmon running and glaciers calving, and the midnight sun.

28854. arkymalarky - 9/1/2016 2:17:18 AM

Sounds like a great trip! We're getting the bathroom put in our Colorado house right now. The next door neighbor's a Carpenter, and he's doing it while we're here in Arkansas, and it makes me want to run up there just to flush the toilet.

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