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28902. Ulgine Barrows - 4/9/2007 9:01:12 AM

O McDonalds,
I pray to thee
Send me the carbs

And if I choose wisely
Send me a salad, too
With Paul Newman salad dressing

Taste less.

28903. Ulgine Barrows - 4/9/2007 9:04:06 AM

O McDonalds,
I pray to thee
Send me the carbs

And if I choose wisely
Send me a salad, too
With Paul Newman salad dressing

Taste less.

28904. Ulgine Barrows - 4/13/2007 9:49:34 AM

Or some misspelled "Mayonaise" by Samshing Pumpkins.

28905. clydefo - 4/24/2007 3:19:55 PM

What happened to all the Souls in Limbo when the Pope shut the place down recently?

28906. judithathome - 4/24/2007 3:43:22 PM

Good question...maybe they moved into those "many mansions" Jesus talked about.

28907. judithathome - 5/16/2007 1:25:29 PM

Here's a little refresher course on the late Jerry Falwell:

March 1980: Falwell tells an Anchorage rally about a conversation with President Carter at the White House. Commenting on a January breakfast meeting, Falwell claimed to have asked Carter why he had “practicing homosexuals” on the senior staff at the White House. According to Falwell, Carter replied, “Well, I am president of all the American people, and I believe I should represent everyone.” When others who attended the White House event insisted that the exchange never happened, Falwell responded that his account “was not intended to be a verbatim report,” but rather an “honest portrayal” of Carter’s position.

August 1980: After Southern Baptist Convention President Bailey Smith tells a Dallas Religious Right gathering that “God Almighty does not hear the prayer of a Jew,” Falwell gives a similar view. “I do not believe,” he told reporters, “that God answers the prayer of any unredeemed Gentile or Jew.” After a meeting with an American Jewish Committee rabbi, he changed course, telling an interviewer on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that “God hears the prayers of all persons…. God hears everything.”

July 1984: Falwell is forced to pay gay activist Jerry Sloan $5,000 after losing a court battle. During a TV debate in Sacramento, Falwell denied calling the gay-oriented Metropolitan Community Churches “brute beasts” and “a vile and Satanic system” that will “one day be utterly annihilated and there will be a celebration in heaven.” When Sloan insisted he had a tape, Falwell promised $5,000 if he could produce it. Sloan did so, Falwell refused to pay and Sloan successfully sued. Falwell appealed, with his attorney charging that the Jewish judge in the case was prejudiced. He lost again and was forced to pay an additional $2,875 in sanctions and court fees.

October 1987: The Federal Election Commission fines Falwell for transferring $6.7 million in funds intended for his ministry to political committees.

February 1988: The U.S. Supreme Court strikes down a $200,000 jury award to Falwell for “emotional distress” he suffered because of a Hustler magazine parody. Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, usually a Falwell favorite, wrote the unanimous opinion in Hustler v. Falwell, ruling that the First Amendment protects free speech.

February 1993: The Internal Revenue Service determines that funds from Falwell’s Old Time Gospel Hour program were illegally funneled to a political action committee. The IRS forced Falwell to pay $50,000 and retroactively revoked the Old Time Gospel Hour’s tax-exempt status for 1986-87.

March 1993: Despite his promise to Jewish groups to stop referring to America as a “Christian nation,” Falwell gives a sermon saying, “We must never allow our children to forget that this is a Christian nation. We must take back what is rightfully ours.”

1994-1995: Falwell is criticized for using his “Old Time Gospel Hour” to hawk a scurrilous video called “The Clinton Chronicles” that makes a number of unsubstantiated charges against President Bill Clinton — among them that he is a drug addict and that he arranged the murders of political enemies in Arkansas. Despite claims he had no ties to the project, evidence surfaced that Falwell helped bankroll the venture with $200,000 paid to a group called Citizens for Honest Government (CHG). CHG’s Pat Matrisciana later admitted that Falwell and he staged an infomercial interview promoting the video in which a silhouetted reporter said his life was in danger for investigating Clinton. (Matrisciana himself posed as the reporter.) “That was Jerry’s idea to do that,” Matrisciana recalled. “He thought that would be dramatic.”

November 1997: Falwell accepts $3.5 million from a front group representing controversial Korean evangelist Sun Myung Moon to ease Liberty University’s financial woes.

April 1998: Confronted on national television with a controversial quote from America Can Be Saved!, a published collection of his sermons, Falwell denies having written the book or had anything to do with it. In the 1979 work, Falwell wrote, “I hope to live to see the day when, as in the early days of our country, we won’t have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that will be!” Despite Falwell’s denial, Sword of the Lord Publishing, which produced the book, confirms that Falwell wrote it.

January 1999: Falwell tells a pastors’ conference in Kingsport, Tenn., that the Antichrist prophesied in the Bible is alive today and “of course he’ll be Jewish.”

February 1999: Falwell becomes the object of nationwide ridicule after his National Liberty Journal newspaper issues a “parents alert” warning that Tinky Winky, a character on the popular PBS children’s show “Teletubbies,” might be gay.

September 2001: Falwell blames Americans for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. “The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the Pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say, ‘You helped this happen.’”

November 2005: Falwell spearheads campaign to resist “war on Christmas.”

February 2007: Falwell describes global warming as a conspiracy orchestrated by Satan, liberals, and The Weather Channel.


28908. Wombat - 5/16/2007 8:50:15 PM

At Slate, Christopher Hitchens unloads on Falwell as only an erudite Engllishman can.

28909. jexster - 5/16/2007 9:07:44 PM

I don't give that sanctimonious drink-soaked fake as much as a hit...against my religion

Death to Judaizers!

January 1999: Falwell tells a pastors’ conference in Kingsport, Tenn., that the Antichrist prophesied in the Bible is alive today and “of course he’ll be Jewish.”

28910. jexster - 5/16/2007 9:43:22 PM

Tinky Winky says bye-bye to Jerry Falwell

The former TV star recalls the trauma of being called gay by the conservative preacher

28911. wonkers2 - 5/16/2007 10:05:11 PM

Falwell was a skunk.

28912. judithathome - 5/16/2007 10:43:00 PM

A toad. According to what I heard Hitchens say today on NPR radio.

28913. concerned - 5/16/2007 11:25:48 PM

Mote Popularity contest:

Tinky Winky vs Barney. Cast your vote.

28914. judithathome - 5/17/2007 12:00:04 AM

buzz. buzz.

Neither one!

28915. jexster - 5/17/2007 12:29:20 AM


28916. jexster - 5/19/2007 1:44:00 AM

28917. wonkers2 - 5/19/2007 12:42:27 PM

Falwell's Finest Hour

28918. jexster - 5/22/2007 6:27:12 PM

Watch the Jerry Falwell funeral LIVE online -Click Here
(Begins at 1PM on Tuesday)

28919. jexster - 5/27/2007 1:53:16 AM

That's my Bishop!

Calif. bishop has Robinson's back

SUMMARY: The Episcopal Bishop of California defends Bishop V. Gene Robinson against a snub from the Archbishop of Canterbury and plans to march in S.F. Pride.

28920. wonkers2 - 5/27/2007 3:19:38 AM

Why would anyone want to watch Foulwell's funeral other than to see who among the Republicans are elbowing each other out of the way to get into the front pew? And I can read about that in the NYT.

28921. jexster - 7/15/2007 1:44:06 AM

This is cool

With Bible Map you enter any passage and it will produce a GoogleEarth type map of all place names mentioned.

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