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29038. judithathome - 3/28/2008 3:10:52 PM

I missed that one but I watch that show occasionally. If I see it listed in rerun, I'll definitely watch it.

I love that show exactly for the reasons you mentioned...how everyone goes into it wanting to "share their ways" but usually end up being rigid and dogmatic...the worst was that heavey-set lady called the God Warrior. She was loony.

29039. jexster - 3/28/2008 5:58:48 PM

Thomas Merton - the 5 Ways of God Part One

29040. judithathome - 4/5/2008 9:16:47 PM

Federal judge in Maryland orders liens against Fred Phelps' Westboro Baptist Church building and the Phelps-Chartered Law office

If the case presided over by U.S. District Court Judge Richard D. Bennett is upheld by an appeals court, the church, at 3701 S.W. 12th, and the office building, at 1414 S.W. Topeka Blvd., could be obtained by the court and sold, with the proceeds being applied toward $5 million in damages Bennett imposed on church members for picketing a military funeral.

How's THAT for good news!

29041. anomie - 4/5/2008 9:57:24 PM

As much as I'd like to see these Phelps folks be put of business, I'm a little concerned about the threat to free speech. These news articles never really explain the legal case, so there's probably more to it than "picketing...". I hope so anyway. We shouldn't be sued for just picketing, no matter how stupid the reason.

29042. jexster - 4/11/2008 1:28:31 AM

Next thing ya know, they'll be marryin dogs

Adam and Eve NOT Adam and STEVE

    Good People of Church of the Advent, Christ the King,
    please come to a barbeque to celebrate of the engagement of Ricardo Avila and William Bonnell. This will be held on Saturday, 26 April, at 1pm, at the home of Deacon Mary and Jim Hudak. There is a BART station in Orinda – we will try and accommodate those needing a ride . Please try and let us know by 20 April if you will join us. All are invited and welcome to come.

29043. wonkers2 - 4/20/2008 12:21:32 AM

Seven deadly sins updated by the Vatican Vatican Update

29044. jexster - 4/20/2008 9:33:44 PM

One of my favorite orders featured prominently at Yankee Stadium

Franciscan Friars of the Renewal

Especially fond of Benedict Groeschel: Near Death....

29045. jexster - 4/20/2008 9:44:20 PM

29046. jexster - 4/24/2008 1:54:02 AM

Good NEWS from the NyT!

The Russian Orthodox are FINALLY doing something about their Prot problem!

I am especially heartened that they're going after evangelicals and Methodisses (Bush, Clinton - need I say more!)

But there's another reason to rejoice. My parish has a special relationship with the Orthodox via the man who later became Metropolitan of Moscow and a saint/martyr in the Russian Revolution. We've even commissioned a Holy Icon and erected a votive altar to the Saint!

    Russian St. Nicholas' Cathedral

    15 E. 97 St.., New York

    Rev. Charles N. Lathrop,

    San Francisco, Cal.

    Rev. and dear Father:-

    Having read in the Living Church your letter about awful calamity which occured (sic) in San Francisco and destroyed your beautiful and so-memorable to our heart Church, I beg to send you as a small token of my condolence and sympathy a sacred Chalice and paten, which perhaps you will find useful for your services.

    May God give you and to your parish a strength and energy to rebuild same magnificent House of prayer, as you have had before, and to continue your noble work of preaching true Gospel of the Christ.

    With best wishes and blessings,

    I am, Reverend Sir,

    [Signed] Sincerely yours

    Archbishop Tikhon

    May 12th, 1906.


    This document, written in English as reproduced here, doesn't require any commentaries. These holy vessels are still reverently kept at the Church of the Advent of Christ the King (Episcopalian) at 261 Fell Street, between Franklin and Gough Street, San Francisco.

29047. jexster - 4/24/2008 7:41:27 PM

Ruins of the Church of the Advent, SF 1906

29048. wonkers2 - 5/12/2008 2:37:55 PM

Jesus & George

29049. wonkers2 - 5/12/2008 4:50:11 PM

The curious case of Bishop Paul Moore The Bishop's Daughter

29050. wonkers2 - 5/13/2008 6:36:29 PM

Washington University is giving Phyllis Schlafly an honorary doctorate. As Katha Politt observed in "The Nation" May 26, Schlafly is "an archfoe of the Equal Rights Amendment, the United Nations, Darwinism and other newfangled notions, and the promoter of innumerable crackpot, far-right conspiracy theories who called the Bomb 'a marvelous gift that was given to our country by a wise God.' Her eighty-two years haven't mellowed her one bit: last year she blamed the Virginia Tech massacre on the English department; called intellectual men 'liberal slobs'; advocated banning women from traditionally male occupations like construction, firefighting and the military; and defended men's property rights over their wives' vaginas (by getting married, the woman has consented to sex, and I don't think you can call it rape.') The campus is in an uproar, and no wonder. After four years of hard work, female seniors get to watch their school honor someone who thinks they should park their diplomas in the kitchen sink. Washington U might as well bring in mad misogynist Chris Matthews or Jexter as commencement speaker. Oh. you mean...?No! Yes."

29051. thoughtful - 5/13/2008 6:58:34 PM

How about banning women from traditionally male kudos such as receiving honorary doctorates? Let's start with Phyllis!

How about banning women from traditionally male occupations such as being speakers and front men for political organizations? Let's start with Phyllis!

Apparently this woman hasn't learned anything about tolerance from her gay son either.

29052. jexster - 5/20/2008 12:19:22 AM

We Made the Cover Wonks!!!

29053. jexster - 5/21/2008 1:12:40 AM

Harper's June Cover Story - money quote:

    Still the question remains: How does a Christian population implicated in militarism, usury, sweatshop
    labor, and environmental rape find a way to sleep
    at night? Apparently, by making a very big deal
    out of not sleeping with Gene Robinson.

29054. concerned - 6/4/2008 7:19:20 AM

Atheism versus Christianity

Democide* Statistics, Christianity vs. Atheism

Atheist Democide in 1 century - 153.36 million people

Christian Democide in 20 centuries - 1.65 million people

* Democide includes genocide, political killings and murders, and mass murder.

Leftists like jexster who drink the atheist Kool-Ade don't have the innate intellectual resources to understand why Christianity has always been so much more benign than the Left Wing political philosophies that have afflicted civilization during the last 100 plus years.

29055. concerned - 6/4/2008 7:26:14 AM

And to anyone who replies by effectively diminuating or dismissing these 150 million deaths from atheist regimes, I would suggest that they go fuck themselves because they don't have a concept of humaneness.

29056. alistairconnor - 6/4/2008 12:32:49 PM

I think the adjective you are looking for is "humanity". Or perhaps "humanism" (though I doubt you'll like that one).

29057. jexster - 6/13/2008 1:04:03 AM

a bit amateurish to say the least...

Corpus Christi Procession
Parish's 150th Anniversary Celebration

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