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29228. jexster - 10/4/2008 8:29:29 PM

Back from St. Francis Day Blessing of the Animals

We were such a brave little girl..couple cats, couple big overly frenly dogs...kept cool throughout ..on daddy's shoulder

Even got a bag of treats and a prayer card!

29229. jexster - 10/4/2008 8:31:38 PM

On the reverse
Will post pics when developed

    Francis was a universal person whose love extended across boundaries of class, religion and race. His reverence for everything led him to call animals, plants, and all of creation "brother" and "sister." Animals responded to his respect and love with an amazing docility. As Francis walked across medieval Europe, people caught glimpses of what Eden must have been like.

    St. Francis helped reform the Roman Catholic Church in the thirteenth century through his example of personal poverty. He simply lived the Gospel as he took monastic life into the streets. Living among the poor, his example was so compelling that soon he had thousands of followers.

    Francis’ great goal was to follow Jesus as closely as possible. Near the end of his life he spent forty days in solitary prayer on Mt. Alverna. During this time he asked Jesus that he might experience, as much as he could, the love, pain, and grief that Jesus had experienced in his passion. In response to his prayer he was given the stigmata -- wounds in his hands, feet and side. The wounds remained, never healing, for the rest of his life.

    Before Francis died, he asked his brothers to strip him of his ragged brown robe so that in total poverty he might lie naked on the bare ground. He had lived as God’s troubadour, a bright flame by which others could read the Gospel with fresh insight and vision.

29230. jexster - 10/9/2008 9:57:47 PM

29231. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/10/2008 3:52:19 PM

29232. jexster - 10/13/2008 4:40:57 AM

Cardinal Newman Gets the Last Laugh

29233. wonkers2 - 10/13/2008 5:02:45 AM

Gay priests and cardinals? Hard to believe!

29234. David Ehrenstein - 10/13/2008 3:04:33 PM

L.A. Times FINALLY gets around to writing about the gay priest who outed himself and attacked Prop 8. Needless to say he's up shit creek.

29235. jexster - 10/13/2008 5:21:35 PM

Marjie's people are acting up

Hindus to Christians - Run for your lives

29236. wonkers2 - 10/13/2008 5:21:40 PM

I can hardly believe it. Jexter stroking a pussy!

29237. jexster - 10/13/2008 5:23:22 PM

Wonk..Cardinal Newman's about to become the next gay saint!

We're everywhere!

Even in Heaven

29238. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/13/2008 8:12:39 PM

29239. Jenerator - 10/14/2008 3:29:58 AM

What exactly does 'blessing the animals' do?

29240. jexster - 10/14/2008 3:40:14 AM

This is the prayer said over Sasha and William..priest made sign of cross on her forehead as he included her name at the blessing

Blessed are you, Lord God, maker of all living creatures. You called forth fish in the sea, birds in the air and animals on the land. You inspired St. Francis to call all of them his brothers and sisters. We ask you to bless ______. By the power of your love, enable it to live according to your plan. May we always praise you for all your beauty in creation. Blessed are you, Lord our God, in all your creatures! Amen.”

The American Catholic

29241. Jenerator - 10/14/2008 3:58:04 AM


29242. wonkers2 - 10/14/2008 1:07:20 PM

Does the blessing extend to the animals supporting McLame-Palin?

29243. jexster - 10/14/2008 7:29:25 PM

IF you brought one of the creatures on Oct 4, they'd be blessed too.

Reminds me...I was at the Papal Mass at Dodger Stadium and whenever the Pope does anything audience or whatever, at the end, they announce that the Holy Father will now bless medallions etc of the faithful....

I had a crucifix around my neck but I didn't take it off and hold it up. So I asked a priest whether it was blessed

"John even your socks were blessed"

29244. jexster - 10/14/2008 7:31:11 PM

the Miracle of YouTube

Jexie was there

29245. Jenerator - 10/14/2008 7:55:35 PM

What do blessed socks do for the Kingdom of God? How do they edify Christ?

29246. jexster - 10/14/2008 8:10:35 PM

"edify Christ"

Baylor education

Become a Catholic..and find out

29247. jexster - 10/14/2008 8:12:15 PM

What does naming your daughter "Faith" do?

Some 17th Century Puritan throwback will probably be wearing the Scarlet Letter in a few years

What do you do?

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