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29262. judithathome - 10/18/2008 6:47:00 PM

It will go for more on eBay!

29263. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/18/2008 8:06:30 PM

29264. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/20/2008 10:05:49 PM

Here is a sensational example of a so-called Christian who openly (and unconsciously) exhibits her hatred and intolerance for all to see--and yet thinks she is being true to Jesus Christ.

It's jaw-dropping and I know there are millions of this kind of ignorant, pretend Christian throughout America. They have't the slightest awareness of the evil in their own hearts as they project it on to others.

29265. Jenerator - 10/20/2008 10:12:13 PM

Why don't you find someone mainstream?

29266. jexster - 10/20/2008 10:15:00 PM

Jen is a CINO

Christian in name only

29267. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/20/2008 11:00:58 PM

Mainstream??? What's that mean?

Jen, look at the anger and spite in this woman who claims to have "faith."

Save us all from the millions of fools and zealots who are led by the Christian right demagogues who believe they're the demigods of Christ and the Bible.

29268. anomie - 10/21/2008 12:12:21 AM

I'm puzzled why she thinks McCain is the better Christian. Sounds like she's voting purely on the VP slot. But yeah, the ignorance is appalling.

29269. Jenerator - 10/21/2008 1:11:07 AM

A few things...

That video is hardly 'jaw-dropping'. It's one woman, who is pretty one-sided and extreme, sharing her opinion. She's allowed to vote for whomever she chooses for whatever reason, whether or not you agree with it. That she has serious problems with Obama because of his background and beliefs isn't revolutionary. A big 'so what' I say. I have heard and seen much worse, Wizard. Go and read the American Politics thread in this forum! Look at your own pictures making a monkey out of our President's face. Read Jexster calling Obama a 'nigger'. That is the kind of hatred and bigotry that I find appalling.

I suggested you post something mainstream. Yes, mainstream, Wizard. Do you even know what that means anymore? I ask that in all seriousness. If you do not know what an average Christian is like, then you are not around enough average Christians. I attend a large church and have attended many churches over the years and I haven't known any of the women like you posted above. Quit picking people that will fit your stereotype; instead, find someone who is not extreme!

Lastly, who are all of these "Christian right demagogues who believe they're the demigods of Christ and the Bible"? and who create millions upon millions of zombies? If you say the Pope is one of them, I agree.

You need to start practicing that 'tolerance' that you preach.

29270. jexster - 10/21/2008 1:17:34 AM

Andrea Yates

29271. Jenerator - 10/21/2008 1:42:26 AM

Is she mainstream to you?

29272. jexster - 10/21/2008 1:48:58 AM

She's one of your co-religionists...

I don't think either of you are "mainstream"...Whatever did I say to give you that impression?

Hell, I don't think you're even Christian in any meaningful sense of the word

Now that you ask

29273. Jenerator - 10/21/2008 1:54:15 AM

That's because I am a monotheist unlike you.

29274. Jenerator - 10/21/2008 1:58:00 AM

I don't even know why I even *try* to talk with you. You're an hysterical ninny that is so entrenched with certain idolatrous parts of the Catholic Church that you cannot see straight.

You're a breathing paradox; a nonsensical, blathering hypocrite who thinks his 'socks' are blessed while he calls Obama a nigger. A freak of nature who thinks Andrea Yates is mainstream Christian!

You form enough complete sentences to fool the occasional poster into thinking you're sane, but I know better.

29275. wonkers2 - 10/21/2008 2:02:54 AM

Jex can be exasperating. His heart's in the right place on most issues, however.

29276. wonkers2 - 10/21/2008 2:04:12 AM

I think she is a mainstream McCain supporter.

29277. jexster - 10/21/2008 2:57:09 AM

The little god of the Christianist Right in action

29278. jexster - 10/21/2008 2:58:17 AM

You're an hysterical ninny that is so entrenched with certain idolatrous parts of the Catholic Church that you cannot see straight.

See what I mean. That's her "faith" in action

29279. jexster - 10/21/2008 3:01:49 AM

There's nothing worth speaking about in Jen's "religion". She can only then define herself through her spiteful hatred of other's faith...the One True Faith..the Holy Catholic Church of our Lord Jesus Christ

29280. jexster - 10/21/2008 3:10:06 AM

And if the Gates of Hell cannot prevail against it, what chance does a pitiful creature like Jenerator have?

Mt 16: 16-18

29281. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/21/2008 3:37:34 AM

Jen- FWIW, my jaw dropped because of that woman's ugly spirit, which is in no way Christian--or even moral for that matter. That it didn't seem to phase you is even more revealing about your ideological blinkers and lack of awareness.

As for my photo cartoons and Jexster's over-the-top sense of facetious satire, you don't seem get the moral outrage behind it or what spurs us to rail against the countless criminal acts your heros have committed for the last eight years. Sadly, you seem to only comprehend the literal rather than the metaphorical or the satirical.

FTR, I feel the exact same way about the Catholic church as I do about the hypocrisy and phoniness of the Jerry Falwells and the Pat Robertsons who program their flocks to be intolerant of anyone who doesn't conform to their dogmatic doctrines.

I'm not sayin' all Christians and all Catholics are hypocrites or phonies. I'm saying that these institutions have promoted non-Christian behaviors to the dolts and fools who swallow, literally, Bronze-Age superstition and respond to fear-based exploitation so readily.

God is not to be found in the behaviors of many of these people and for you to not to see it is kind of pathetic and tragic--especially for someone who professes and defends her faith so often. Faith isn't clinging to a doctrine, faith is more about letting go of one's selfish and petty attitudes.

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