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29422. magoseph - 12/19/2008 1:24:53 PM

'Tis the Season To Be Incredulous-The moral and aesthetic nightmare of Christmas. By Christopher Hitchens

The core objection, which I restate every December at about this time, is that for almost a whole month, the United States—a country constitutionally based on a separation between church and state—turns itself into the cultural and commercial equivalent of a one-party state.

I had never before been a special fan of that great comedian Phyllis Diller, but she utterly won my heart this week by sending me an envelope that, when opened, contained a torn-off square of brown-bag paper of the kind suitable for latrine duty in an ill-run correctional facility. Duly unfurled, it carried a handwritten salutation reading as follows:

Money's scarce
Times are hard
Here's your f******
Xmas card


29423. vonKreedon - 1/27/2009 6:28:14 PM

My family's TV watching tends towards shows with morally challenging premises/characters/situations. Our TiVO season passes are for House, Battle Star Galactica, and 24. We got into quite the discussion last night after watching 24. To recap the relevant part of the show:
- Brutal African warlord, with history of both genocide and kidnapping children for soldiers, has ousted the government of fictional African country. New US President is all hard assed about not allowing this genocidal madman to remain in power and moves to invade the country. BUT...
- Genocidal Madman (GM) has acquired a device that allows him to take control of all sorts of infrastructure in the US, ranging from air traffic control to nuclear power plants. He attempts to blackmail the PotUS to call off the invasion or many many US citizens will die. PotUS doesn't back down and two planes are crashed into each other with the loss of a couple hundred lives. PotUS still doesn't back down, so now GM is going to cause a chemical plant to blow and so kill tens of thousands in the Ohio town that contains the plant.
- Pretty much the entire Cabinet wants the PotUS to give in and save the tens of thousands of US lives, knowing that doing so means that hundreds of thousands of fictional African lives will be lost. The Sec. of State resigns over the PotUS's refusal to give in to the demands.

So, the discussion revolved around the PotUS's refusal to buckle. Does the PotUS have a greater responsibility to the tens of thousands of US lives vs. the hundreds of thousand of foreigner's lives? What about the long standing edict that, "We don't negotiate with terrorists and we don't submit our foreign policy to blackmail"? My wife and son both argue that the PotUS has taken an oath to protect and defend the US, so when push comes to shove throwing the Africans to the wolves is the ethical thing to do. I argued that the moral equation of tens of thousands vs. hundreds of thousands, plus our greater capacity to deal with the disaster, means that throwing the Africans to the wolves is cowardly and unethical.


29424. anomie - 1/28/2009 3:50:24 AM

That just sounds like an artificial set of circumstances. Maybe even a game theory scenario, and as a result it is of little interest in analyzing real world threats. Having said that, and after conjuring up a UN peacekeeping solution, I say let the Africans have their leader and let us keep Americans alive.

I am not an isolationist, and I'm all for helping countries with less fortunate circumstances and geography, but at some point, people, (and us too), will bear the consequences of their leadership and the kind of society they create.

29425. vonKreedon - 1/28/2009 5:16:01 AM

Yeah, agree about the artificiality of the ethical problem. Given that I thought the discussion best placed in this thread rather than in American Politics or International.

You're agreeing with my wife and son that the PotUS's duty to protect and defend US life trumps any ethical duty to prevent genocide, correct? And further that the inhabitants of a country have the primary duty to stop genocide? Please do not read sarcasm into my questions, I want to be clear about what you're saying. And it's not like those positions are outside the norm, if they are what you are saying.

29426. arkymalarky - 1/28/2009 5:57:51 AM

Helping the AU and countries like Liberia that have vulnerable new governments and new hope would do more over a longer term than military action. The president's oath is to the constitution, but as commander in chief of the world's most powerful democracy troops may have to be committed for humanitarian reasons, but it should be in cooperation with an alliance and have a clear set of goals.

29427. vonKreedon - 1/28/2009 6:14:30 AM

So until there is a cooperative alliance the US should not intervene to prevent of put a stop to genocide? Let's for the sake of discussion say that the US has a multi-national alliance in place, but then terroists in alliance with the foreign Genocidal Maniac (GM) credibly threaten to kill thousands of US citizens if we don't back out of the alliance's military action? If we back out then everyone backs out and the genocide goes forward. Do we save the US citizens or stop the genocide?

29428. vonKreedon - 1/28/2009 6:15:28 AM

First line: of put=or put

29429. alistairconnor - 1/28/2009 10:20:48 AM

Ha. It seems to me (not having seen the show) that the makers are making an implicit isolationist argument by creating a false dichotomy.

In the case as presented, the US should back the hell off. There is no absolute duty to intervene to save anyone; there are necessarily trade-offs. See St Augustine's doctrine of just war, it works pretty well for me.

The makers of the program, I imagine, are making the argument that the US shouldn't have intervened in Iraq because the cost to the US is too high (true, but that's not the only reason), and asking viewers to extrapolate to reach the conclusion that any foreign intervention is necessarily a bad thing.

This is a logical reaction, as a national mindset. I have been predicting for five years that the US would enter an isolationist phase as a result of Bush-era overreach. I believe Obama has the vision to overcome this error, but I'm not confident Americans will follow this vision.

29430. arkymalarky - 1/28/2009 4:00:54 PM

I agree with Alistair that t's a false dichotomy. I also don't think Americans should ever react to threats or even American loss of lives (as in Mogadishu). They should act based on the totality of the circumstances.

And I disagree with Alistair about America. We're tired of being hated in the world. More amazing than having elected a black man is having elected a man whose middle name is Hussein who has direct experience through family and residence in the Muslim world.

29431. anomie - 1/28/2009 4:55:58 PM

VK, if there is an alliance (of resources too) that includes most of Europe, other African countries, and a substantial part of Asia, I would opt for intervention if such intervention included a plan to rebuild the country in country or at least to prevent political despots returning to power.

As to American casualties, perhaps they would happen anyway if such a lunatic had the means, so the guy must be eventually disposed of one way or another.

29432. anomie - 1/28/2009 5:01:00 PM

I would say the POTUS duty trumps the moral obligation to prevent "any" genocide or tragedy. But in the case you cite, yes. But then I don't see it as a question of duty so much as a question of pragmatism.

29433. anomie - 1/28/2009 5:02:49 PM

Change above to say "I would not..."

29434. judithathome - 1/28/2009 6:40:51 PM

Well, I think what we have here are the producers of the show setting up a scenario to showcase a female POTUS...this show was filmed before the primaries and it may have been an attempt to either support OR contest the idea of a woman re: more emotional POTUS and the problems she faces.

Not to say this isn't an interesting discussion and one that surprises me as growing out of a show that features a kick-ass, take no prisoners leading man....who is not only the star but the executive producer of said show.

29435. anomie - 3/4/2009 11:22:02 PM

I watched a show about 'time' on the science channel and felt a bit vindicated for a question I posed to creationists in this thread several years (a decade?) ago. That is, has the future been created yet? In terms of physics it seems we just don't know the answer. According to space-time Einsteinian theory, nothing prevents time from running backward. A new theory that attempts to reconcile the large with quantum smallness by suggesting that time may be granular (as in "plank" size), and is created as a result of moving through the three dimensions of the large universe.

Very interesting...

29436. anomie - 3/4/2009 11:25:46 PM

The idea above implies that each plank unit of time is a brand new creation or duplication of everything in the universe.

29437. magoseph - 3/20/2009 3:41:48 PM

The Washington Post
Conservatives have argued for decades that the sins most dangerous to our society were rooted in lust when in fact they were rooted in greed.
E.J. Dionne Jr.

29438. alistairconnor - 3/20/2009 4:08:22 PM

A teaching moment...

29439. wabbit - 5/23/2009 1:20:57 AM

I may well be the only confessed atheist here, but I don't understand this at all. How these so-called Christians can do what they know is wrong, and excuse themselves for such specious reasons, escapes me entirely.

Said Rembert G Weakland:
We all considered sexual abuse of minors as a moral evil, but had no understanding of its criminal nature.
Weakland, who retired in 2002 after it became known that he paid $450,000 in 1998 to a man who had accused him of date rape years earlier, said he initially:
Accepted naively the common view that it was not necessary to worry about the effects on the youngsters: either they would not remember or they would ‘grow out of it’.
Really? I mean, really really?? Do we honestly need the threat of hell or the promise of heaven or sanctioned forgiveness to keep morality in the front of our brains? It seems the most sanctimonious among us are those who should shoulder the most shame.

Talk about someone born to live down to his name.

29440. arkymalarky - 5/23/2009 3:23:28 AM

Judith is an athiest, as well, but any belief should find them repugnant and as for Christianity, that and one other sin are what Jesus expressed as it would be better the sinner were dead or never born. So how they could really believe what they said they did and do that is something else.

29441. arkymalarky - 5/23/2009 3:26:29 AM

And why that doesn't carry the death penalty or at the very least life without parole is beyond me.

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