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Host: Ms. No, arkymalarky

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3106. arkymalarky - 5/19/2007 5:59:54 PM

Anyone have an opinion on this?

I haven't kept up with the issue, since I look at the Slate front page about once or twice a week and only occasionally read a full article from there--too much other good stuff available elsewhere and way more than I've had time to read as it is.

But it strikes me that their process seems somewhat inept, in the first place, and that it's interesting they're so into participant input compared to when we left being treated as unnecessary impositions rather than (Paying) customers.

I was also struck (though I didn't read the whole thing) by their complaint, similar to ours now and theirs back then (though with far less reason than we have since they're attached to a well-funded magazine), that they can't get new people in.

3107. arkymalarky - 5/19/2007 6:06:36 PM

I still think the explosion of the Blog world and places like TPM and Huffpost mean the demise of those online magazine and news providers that expected to corner a market and the profit from internet interaction. I hope I'm right, and I hope the same holds for music companies and television companies who are trying to do the same thing. There's enough money and monopoly to go around. Let the people have something that they can truly call their own for once. It makes me a bit nervous when they talk about chunking the current internet and completely overhauling it, and when it seems security of people and their computers is becoming such an issue as to warrant more control over the system in the minds of most users.

And I have come to hate Microsoft, for mostly unrelated reasons. I'd like to see them lose their domination.

3108. arkymalarky - 5/19/2007 6:08:47 PM

Oh man, I hadn't seen this:

Club Fray
You can post in these threads if you are a star poster or by invitation only.

Arts & Life
News & Politics
Slate Movies Page
Travel & Food
Campaign 2004

Think this could be part of their problem? Who would want to participate in their freaking Peanut Gallery while the pet students get the preferential treatment?

What a turnoff.

3109. Wombat - 5/31/2007 10:31:30 PM

Goodness gracious! For the last few days, I've spent some time lurking Chez Acey. I got into this after Acey was given prominent play by Larry Johnson and others for taking the lead in committing some real bloomers about Plame and a memo from the US embassy in Bagdhad. Highlights included typical Acey abuse of Juan Cole and Pat Lang.

Chez Acey is like an insane asylum run by McMurphy. I must admit that I have occasionally posted there (under a different monicker), as it is fun to put on protective gear and do some poking with an electric cattle prod to stir things up (not that it really needs it).

3110. jexster - 5/31/2007 10:47:29 PM

The little shit's bad mouthing Obe Juan?

"The Great Satan" taken???

3111. jexster - 5/31/2007 10:50:19 PM

Cole screens his posts. Smart move

3112. Ms. No - 6/1/2007 3:36:25 PM


I could only read so much of that before I was just rolling my eyes. They're still looking to woo people with public praise and gold stars. "One of our editors might pick your post to highlight as especially profound!!! You might even get start ratings from other posters!!!"

They still have no concept at all of what exactly makes people post on a message board. Plus, I can't figure out why the uber-brains at Microsoft have had a sign-in glitch for however many months now that they simply could not or would not fix.

Clearly, the problems are much the same as they ever were: Too much talk about how to change policy and appearance with no real technical support. Slate doesn't really care about the Fray as anything other than a traffic generator and a way to bring in readership which shows their profound idiocy. It's an entirely backwards idea -- that people who like to run their own mouths and talk to each other are going to suddenly start stampeding to read Slate's pundits instead.

If they want people to read their magazine they need better articles.

And naked chicks.

3113. prolph - 6/17/2007 7:13:06 AM

i am seriously tired of jexter, sex and health that may be harmful so i tried to go to ozzie's site without sucess , anyone tell me how?

sports is great and wizard etc, but i want to see what the otheer kids are doing,

3114. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 6/17/2007 5:47:50 PM

Ozzie Land

3115. wabbit - 9/12/2007 12:21:28 AM

I'm happy to see Ms. No posted about our 9th anniversary. No doubt some are snickering, but for myself, it's been a good nine years with all of you. Thanks to everyone who has hung in so far.

3116. jexster - 9/12/2007 12:46:04 AM

Nine years...my how time flies..or something like that

3117. wabbit - 9/12/2007 1:00:04 AM

Hmmm, is it 9 or 8? My bad, I think it's our 8th anniversary, not 9th. I think we went live 9/11/99.

Regardless, the sentiment remains the same. We're still here.

3118. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 9/12/2007 1:12:59 AM

Kudos & Congrats, wabb, et al . . . Celebrate Here . . . [provided your browser can do Java].

3119. arkymalarky - 9/12/2007 3:59:09 AM

I love this place and you all.

3120. judithathome - 9/12/2007 7:09:46 AM

Me, too...and especially at this time.

Because I'm depressed as hell.

3121. arkymalarky - 9/13/2007 3:23:43 AM

Oh my. Why?

3122. lemwalker - 9/13/2007 4:12:09 AM

I visit the Mote daily. Are we going under? Seldom post, enough do so often that there is no need. I thank all for their opinions.
We all have two things. One is an opinion, and the other... usually they both stink. The key is to express the one without being considered the other.

3123. Ms. No - 9/13/2007 4:46:17 AM

Yes, we're on the verge of collapse just as we've been since the first year. ;->

Good to see you, Lemwalker!

3124. arkymalarky - 9/13/2007 10:29:21 PM

Haha! I'd always heard "and they all stink but mine." I like "The key is to express the one without being considered the other."

3125. judithathome - 9/14/2007 9:43:58 PM

All of a sudden, I have to log in to post...WTF?

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