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3126. judithathome - 9/15/2007 12:08:04 AM

Okay...this is getting OLD. I have to log in even though when I come here, it says Welcome, Judithathome. And even though each time I come here and log in, I check the box that says "remember me on this computer".

What is going on? I have changed NOTHING since yesterday.

3127. judithathome - 9/15/2007 1:34:55 AM

This is getting as irritating as World Crossing.


3128. arkymalarky - 9/15/2007 1:48:51 AM

Hmm. It's not doing that with me. Did you look at your settings? Toss your cookies and relog in and maybe that will help.

I can't get anything to post without stopping and reposting, so everything I say goes double, just like this.

3129. arkymalarky - 9/15/2007 1:49:09 AM

Hmm. It's not doing that with me. Did you look at your settings? Toss your cookies and relog in and maybe that will help.

3130. arkymalarky - 9/15/2007 1:49:25 AM

Heh. I had to repost, but it didn't post the first one this time.

3131. judithathome - 9/15/2007 5:15:55 AM

I think I fixed it...I hit "add" to favorites and it asked if I wanted to "overwrite" the address that was already there...I hit yes and here we are!

3132. judithathome - 9/15/2007 2:24:47 PM

And THAT fix lasted overnight and this morning I am back to having to sign in.

3133. judithathome - 9/16/2007 8:40:21 PM

Is there no one reading this thread? I am not computer-literate and need some suggestions here, people! ;-)

3134. arkymalarky - 9/16/2007 9:46:07 PM

You might try the tech thread, since it's not a Mote thing and the only help you could get would be computer stuff. For some reason your cookies are being dumped or something and you may need to change your browser settings. I'm having troubles of my own and almost didn't get in here. If a call to WildBlue doesn't fix it, I'm going back on dialup.

3135. arkymalarky - 9/16/2007 9:46:09 PM

You might try the tech thread, since it's not a Mote thing and the only help you could get would be computer stuff. For some reason your cookies are being dumped or something and you may need to change your browser settings. I'm having troubles of my own and almost didn't get in here. If a call to WildBlue doesn't fix it, I'm going back on dialup.

And I can barely post at all.

3136. wabbit - 9/16/2007 11:56:39 PM

Judith, it has nothing to do with your favorites, or the site, since it isn't happening to everyone else. It may be cookies, as Arky has already suggested. Have you tried clearing the Mote cookies and then logging in? btw, make sure you do NOT have the Mote open in any browser window when you delete the cookie, or it won't really delete.

3137. judithathome - 9/17/2007 2:17:07 PM

That should be no problem at all since I don't know HOW to delete or install or do anything with cookies but eat them.

3138. wabbit - 9/17/2007 2:23:33 PM

It's simple enough to ask. What browser do you use?

3139. judithathome - 9/17/2007 2:45:43 PM

Internet Explorer.

But I'm going to have Keoni do it because he's the one who fouled it up...he has this new security program and the Mote is the only place now (besides WC) that doesn't work. So he must have reset something and by gosh, he can just re-fix it! I didn't want the new program to start with and we went round and round about it because he overbought on it. Ha!

I know that makes me sound like a wuss and is a blow to women's lib but it has ticked me off enough that I am determined to make him do it.

For some reason, I can now get into WC with my old bookmark in favorites without logging in each time...so whatever he did, it left that one alone.

It will be fixed by tomorrow morning and I apologize for being such a pain about it.

3140. wabbit - 9/17/2007 2:52:02 PM

Who knows what messed things up, it could be any number of things, but deleting the Mote cookies and then logging in again fixes most log in problems. I have to do that sometimes at the NY Times site. I blame Microsoft.

Regardless, when you have him delete the Mote cookies, make sure the site is not open in any browser window, or the cookies won't delete.

When I have time, I'll write up instructions for deleting cookies in IE and Firefox and add it to the FAQ.

3141. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 9/17/2007 4:15:15 PM

Get a MAC and be FREEE!

3142. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/19/2007 8:03:40 PM

This place reminds me of this place which reminds me of this place . . .

3143. wabbit - 10/19/2007 8:35:22 PM


3144. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 9/5/2008 4:59:38 AM

Hey wabb. AC


I can't bring up The Mote on FireFox; here is the diagnostic . . .

Microsoft Active Server Pages error '80004005'

Can't call method "value" on an undefined value at C:inetpubwwwroot hemotelibperl/Objects/Applications/ViewThread.pm.

?, line 0

3145. alistairconnor - 9/5/2008 8:47:31 AM

That's not the browser, that's the server. Dunno. I'll give Sigi a ring if it happens again...

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