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3162. thoughtful - 7/5/2005 10:05:53 PM

Help from another gardner please....we planted our tomaotes and the plants look extremely healthy. They started blossoming in early June and so far all but one of the blossoms have dried up and fallen off. We have one tomato. Any ideas why?

In past years we had a fungus attack the plants and they'd start dying from the bottom up, so someone suggested we plant them in pots instead, which we did. I'm afraid we made the soil mix too rich and that's why we're getting what we're getting.

Neighbor suggested that overnight temps have been largely too cool and it takes a certain amount of heat for the blossoms to set. He also suggested we may not have enough bees pollinating them, but we've not had that problem before.

Any suggestions?

3163. judithathome - 7/5/2005 10:58:57 PM

No suggestions but I do recall someone...a neighbor? another poster?...talking about beating the tomato plants to make pollinate.

3164. thoughtful - 7/7/2005 1:52:29 PM

well, i looked on the net and found an article that blossom drop is related to temperature variations and there's very little one can do about it. It's a shame. I was so hopeful having gotten blossoms on the plants so early. Our growing season is short and I so look forward to that first juicy tomato!

Well maybe we'll get some real tomaotes yet....

3165. PelleNilsson - 7/8/2005 8:25:02 AM

Construction Mania The supports are made up by volumes of the Swedish National Encyclopedia.

3166. Macnas - 7/11/2005 10:35:45 AM

What'cha making there Pelle?

3167. PelleNilsson - 7/15/2005 1:31:18 PM

Sorry, Macnas, I didn't see your question until now. It's a gangway to connect the floating landing stage with the shore. It was easier to build it here than bringing all the pieces of wood over in the boat and building it there.

3168. thoughtful - 7/15/2005 2:13:28 PM

Just make sure you don't build it so large that it won't fit out the door!!

3169. Macnas - 7/15/2005 3:51:46 PM

Ah, I see faith.

3170. Magoseph - 7/16/2005 4:08:26 PM

My son's "Lake Room" is going well.

3171. Magoseph - 7/16/2005 4:11:21 PM

3172. Magoseph - 7/16/2005 4:15:24 PM

3173. Magoseph - 7/16/2005 4:17:56 PM

3174. Magoseph - 7/16/2005 4:19:27 PM

3175. Magoseph - 7/16/2005 4:21:46 PM

It'll be 12x44 and have windows all around--I can't wait to see the inside.

3176. Magoseph - 7/16/2005 4:23:05 PM

I guess I posted two pictures that are the same. Time for a nap!

3177. Ms. No - 7/19/2005 5:48:31 PM

Very cool, Mago. That looks to be a lovely room when it's finished.

3178. concerned - 7/25/2005 3:41:04 PM

Looks like it'll be nice, Magoseph. Which lake is that?

3179. Magoseph - 7/25/2005 3:52:21 PM

Thank you, concerned--it is Lake Michigan.

3180. concerned - 7/25/2005 4:23:34 PM

Btw, I had a couple of encounters with wildlife this weekend that I certainly didn't expect. The first one was Saturday when I was moving dirt in my back . I noticed a pig rooting around in the forest near me. It then wandered onto my back yard. It was a gray low slung creature, probably fifty pounds. I was a little disconcerted that it did not appear to be at all afraid of me since when I ran the wheelbarrow within six feet of it, it appeared to start getting its hackles up. IAC, this pig was in my front or back yard for a good half hour before wandering off. At first I thought it might be somebody's escaped pet, but it didn't seem to be particularly sociable. Not sure how such a creature gets by with the coyotes and large dogs running loose. I wonder if I should call the local animal control people. Pigs are not the most desirable creatures running loose, from what I understand.

The second wildlife encounter occurred this weekend when I was visiting my sister with a large hornet's nest that had been constructed on one of her porch lights. This thing was larger than a football. I knocked most of it off the porch light with a mini-rake. Talk about your proverbial mad hornets! They were swarming for a good long time after that.

3181. judithathome - 7/25/2005 5:23:16 PM

Leave it to you to stir up a hornet's nest! ;-)

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