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3420. wabbit - 12/12/2005 3:42:00 AM

Thanks, everyone. See y'all in a couple weeks!

3421. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/12/2005 3:58:39 AM

Break a leg, wabb and show your beauty!

3422. thoughtful - 12/13/2005 8:54:08 PM

Going to our co. xmas party tonight...usually very excellent food and lots of vino and good company. I generally enjoy myself quite a bit.

Tomorrow a.m. I'll be making a pot roast in the crock pot for dinner. Don't know why certain foods are very pedestrian yet shout comfort, like a pot roast, but there it is. And with a side of applesauce. Yum.

3423. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/13/2005 9:24:54 PM

Just made a pot roast using a recent Cook's Illustrated recipe which explained everything about the process--I've been cooking a long time and I thought I understood what was happening when meat is cooked low and slow and in liquids, but this piece gave me much morel awareness into how meat breaks down over time. As a result all of my Italian veal dishes (like Osso Bucco and veal breast) have gone to the next level.

3424. ronski - 12/13/2005 10:21:36 PM

...but this piece gave me much morel awareness...

I've achieved the same level of enlightenment, but tend to use the ordinary button mushrooms that are a lot cheaper.

3425. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/13/2005 10:57:49 PM

Haha-my bad revisions of my bad grammar always undo me. Haste, lexdycsia and senectitude--a leathal trifecta!

3426. Jenerator - 12/14/2005 12:04:18 AM

Cook's Illustrated is a great magazine.

3427. PelleNilsson - 12/20/2005 9:57:36 PM

There are of course many wacko groups out there but I don't think many of them can afford a half-page ad in the IHT. This is fantastic


The resolution to rebuild Geneva comes from the eight-day conference held in Geneva last week: Celebrating the Dawn of a New Fortune for All Mankind.

The existing architecture of Geneva violates Natural Law and does not promote health, happiness, and prosperity to the extent expected from proper architecture. Instead, it offers misfortune and problems to its citizens.

Almost half of the population of Geneva are the dear guests of the Swiss people from 180 countries; so, in his parental rote as the Raja of Switzerland, Dr Fellix Kägi wishes to provide all the guests, and also the Swiss hosts, with fortune-creating homes by rebuilding the city of Geneva.

There is no way for Geneva to be a really healthy, happy, fortune-creating, international city without demolishing the majority of the old, misfortune-creating buildings, which are wrongly oriented with reference to the north-south, east-west directions.

Roads must be rebuilt to run north-south in order to provide auspicious east entrances to every building.

People do not know that all kinds of negativity and problems in life come from living and working in wrongly-oriented buildings.

The conclusion is that Geneva must be rebuilt - and the sooner it is planned and done, the better for everyone.

Raja Felix says; 'I want to see my country as an invincible Global Country of World Peace, and Geneva as the fortune-creating international capital of this Global Country of World Peace.

For details~ please visit our website:


I'm glad to note that I live in a building which is perfectly aligned with the north-south axis and has its auspicious entrances to the east. That's probably why I am rather content with life most of the time.

3428. wonkers2 - 12/20/2005 10:38:25 PM

Thanks, Pelle. I'm forwarding it to my daughter who is an architect.

3429. PelleNilsson - 12/24/2005 12:23:27 PM

An atheist's Christmas decoration:

The crib and the human figurines were made by Christina's father. The sand in front of the crib is from the Jordan Valley

3430. Ulgine Barrows - 12/24/2005 12:26:33 PM

Happy feng-shui, Geneva!

3431. Ulgine Barrows - 12/24/2005 12:28:36 PM

Its cute in a way, till you cannot speak

3432. thoughtful - 12/24/2005 4:42:34 PM

Just wanted to share some pics of my winterscape table which I'll be using for tomorrow's dinner and subsequent winter dinner parties.

Perhaps someone can guide me to how I can show a more full-sized shot because in this one, the detail of the arrangement is left wanting.

Regardless, here they are:

Table is a white brocade covered with a gossamer periwinckle blue overlay. Napkin rings are bows made from silver wired ribbon. Arrangement is obviously all artificial made from sparkle infested and icicle-laden branches that really spark and shimmer.

Wish I could bring it to you live as the pics don't do it justice. But there it is.

3433. thoughtful - 12/24/2005 4:51:44 PM

Since there will be only 5 of us tomorrow, dinner is a smaller version of a traditional holiday meal.

Appetizers will consist of an assortment of sharp and smoked cheeses and pepperoni as well as toasted squares of parmesian foccacia bread.

I'm making Pierre Franey's roasted breast of turkey served au jus (jus kicked up a notch with white wine), cranberry sauce of course, Rachel's apple & onion stuffin' muffins...fundamentally a classic apple and onion stuffing which is then mounded in a muffin tin and baked making single servings...oven roasted sweet potatoes and onions with garlic-pepper seasoning, green beans with toasted bread crumbs, mixed green salad which is predominantly romaine with carrots and radishes in a classic dijon vinaigrette also from Pierre Franey, and sliced babka with cheese. Dessert will be ginger bread with whipped cream and of course coffee/tea as desired. Also on the side will be our traditional nut roll...a slovak/hungarian pastry.

3434. Magoseph - 12/24/2005 5:21:27 PM

Nice shots, thoughtful—I love the silvery tints of the cutlery and table covers that marry so well with the glass glints—even the window’s view and the candle’s warmth conspire to make these pictures delightful.

3435. Ronski - 12/24/2005 5:35:16 PM

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah, folks.

3436. jexster - 12/26/2005 12:17:00 AM

Chappy Channuka to you 2 Ronsk

Here's a Christmas eve tradition I never have enjoyed but must someday

Insalata di Frutti di Mare

Mixed Seafood Salad (serves 8)

1/4 cup olive oil
3 TB. fresh lemon juice

1/2 tsp. grated lemon zest

1 garlic clove, minced
Salt to taste

Pinch of red pepper flakes

2 lb. squid, cleaned
Caico's Conch

1 lb. shrimp, peeled

24 mussels, scrubbed

1 small fennel bulb, thinly sliced

1 cup black olives, pitted and sliced

3 TB. chopped flat-leaf parsley

Salt and pepper to taste

Radicchio and lettuce leaves

Whisk together the olive oil, lemon juice, lemon zest, garlic, salt, and pepper flakes.
Set dressing aside.

Cut the squid bodies into ½" rings. Leave the tentacles whole.

Bring a large saucepan of salted water to a boil.

Add the shrimp and cook about 2 minutes, until pink.

Using a slotted spoon, transfer the shrimp to the dressing.

Add the squid to the boiling water and cook 1 minute.

Using a slotted spoon, transfer the squid to the dressing.

Pour most of the water out of the saucepan leaving about 1".

Add the mussels. Cover and cook 5 minutes or until mussels open.
Discard any mussels that fail to open.

Remove the mussels from their shells and add to the dressing.

Add the fennel, black olives, parsley, salt and pepper. Combine well.

Place the radicchio and lettuce leaves on a serving platter.

Spoon the seafood mixture into the center. Serve at once.

3437. thoughtful - 12/26/2005 3:57:29 AM

Thanks mags & arky.

Dinner is over.

My nephew surprisingly showed up for dinner. He's proof the apples don't fall far from the tree...he's inherited all of my brother's narcissism. So not only did he show up having been very undefinite about whether he'd come or not, but he came with nothing. No presents, even for his father and grandmother who were here, let alone anything like a hostess gift. I guess he figures his presence is enough. Mind you we haven't seen this fellow (he will be 25 in Jan. ) in about 3 years or so. So do you think even once he would ask how we are doing? Nope. I'm not sure he even knows hubby is retired and he's been retired for 5 years. I find it so amazing. He spent the entire time talking about himself and how great he's doing...whether he really is or not is questionable...and when anyone else had anything to say, he said absolutely nothing.

I find myself paraphrasing rumsfeld:

You go to christmas with the family you have, not the family you wish you had.

Anyway, the meal was delish if I do say so myself and we've got lots of leftovers.

Stop on by any time and help us eat all these leftovers.

Dessert anyone? Gingerbread with real whipped heavy cream. Yum!

3438. PelleNilsson - 12/26/2005 10:22:25 AM

I note that I committed another Swedicism by calling using 'crib' for 'manger'.

The English-Swedish-English intercourse is full of pitfalls and faux amis, in this case manger --> 'krubba' --> crib.

3439. Ulgine Barrows - 12/26/2005 10:28:00 AM

crib > place to hole up > while doing american drugs

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