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3600. alistairConnor - 2/5/2006 11:25:58 PM

Because M-A says it is in Lyon...
it's a big city, not a huge one. There may be other places that look like that, but it's certainly the leading candidate.

I'll surely go back there soon : not so much for the cochonnailles etc, which I have other sources for, but there's a fabulous Armenian deli/supermarket there.

3601. ronski - 2/13/2006 9:36:56 PM

That winter aconite up above is now under two feet of snow.

3602. Macnas - 2/14/2006 11:43:04 AM

Had some very pleasing news this morning when I got to my office.

Myself and a friend bought an old shotgun last year, and I spent some not inconsiderable time refurbishing the woodwork.

It's a very fine piece of english walnut, with lots of figure and colour. Trouble was, it was completly soaked in mineral oil and had at some early stage been atrociously treated to a brutal sanding and thick varnishing.

The stock was also scored and gouged in places, which is why we got it at a good price.

After many weeks of devarnishing, cleaning, and de-oiling, I was only then ready to start on getting the lumps and bumps out. After that came finishing, with lots of fine sanding and grain filling, then polishing to final oiling and finished stock.

My mate did the metalwork, and we then asked around our usual dealers as to how much it was now worth. Not good news, maybe 300 more than what we paid for it.
Then we contacted an english auction house who specialise in such things, sent them a run-down of the item with photograhs and such and via email this morning we got quoted a price that gives us over 1000 profit.

To say I was pleased with the result would be an understatement, but then the fun I had in doing the work would have made it worthwhile anyway.

3603. PelleNilsson - 2/15/2006 9:48:51 PM

From our kitchen window:

3604. thoughtful - 2/15/2006 10:45:56 PM

pretty orchid...phoebe is blooming now...have to take a picture.

always amazing to me how such an odd looking plant as an orchid can sport such incredibly beautiful blossoms.

3605. prolph - 2/18/2006 9:12:52 AM

shortly before Thanksgiving I looked around my bedroom and
dressing room and decided they were getting grungy. So I chose some nifty fabrics which shorrly turned into curtains and the chose new cabinets and countertop for dressing room. I used to favor small sports
cars and got used to hearning that a part was coming on the water.
Same thing seems to afffect cabinets which arrived this week.
Tomorrow there will be a tearout amd them caninnet instaalation
and then another wait for measuring and installing counter.
Right now everything is covered with egg shells but I have some
faith that I will end up with an omelet. But no urge to redecorate any thing else for a while. every thing has its bugs. Patsy

3606. thoughtful - 2/19/2006 5:22:37 PM

Phoebe's blooming:

3607. PelleNilsson - 2/19/2006 7:29:10 PM

Very nice picture, thoughtful.

Here is something more depressing.

A bleak view to the west...

...and equally bleak to the east...

... and you wonder about the Swedish suicide rate.

3608. wonkers2 - 2/19/2006 8:45:15 PM

Vanderbilt Family Values.

3609. Magoseph - 2/19/2006 10:05:29 PM

3610. wonkers2 - 2/19/2006 10:08:01 PM

She was an unusual woman who led an interesting life. Not bad looking either!

3611. Magoseph - 2/19/2006 10:13:26 PM

Her mother was quite extraordinary, considering her origins. Consuelo was her master piece.

3612. ronski - 2/22/2006 10:54:44 PM

Nice phals, nice snow scenes.

3613. ronski - 2/22/2006 10:57:26 PM

Catt with cat. Or vice versa.

3614. PelleNilsson - 2/22/2006 11:28:36 PM

Well captured but too much contrast.

3615. Jenerator - 2/23/2006 12:12:30 AM

The flash just overexposed it.

Still, I like it that the cat is softly out of focus in the background.

3616. thoughtful - 2/23/2006 12:14:26 AM


3617. Magoseph - 2/23/2006 1:28:16 AM

I should admire the orchid, but I love the pinkish rusty beige colors of the cat and the cherry wine color of the table. I wonder if the cat jumped down after the photo was taken--it seems to gauge whether it’s possible.

3618. Ulgine Barrows - 3/3/2006 1:29:21 PM

Ick. Orchids.

3619. arkymalarky - 3/5/2006 6:39:16 PM

Alistair, or anyone else here who's had experience with organic gardening, wine making, or anything else organic, if you can provide any basic info, good websites, organizations, etc, I need input.

Bob's come into some land--not to own, but to use--and he's looking into doing some organic farming with it, and also growing muscadines and making the wine himself. Since the land is rent-free and he has farming equipment, what he's looking at is materials, seed, and plant suppliers, regulations for selling organic produce, etc, and good websites with basic info that aren't hokum or trying to sell something.

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