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3700. wonkers2 - 3/28/2006 1:32:30 AM

Yes, but red wine usually gives me a headache. White does not.

3701. arkymalarky - 3/28/2006 4:03:24 AM

I like merlot, and I love the beaujolais Judith mentioned and she and Keoni are the reason I know it's so great! I don't like chardonnay. But I know zip about wine. If I like the taste and a couple of glasses don't make me feel icky, it's good.

Red wine can cause headaches. Sometimes I get them with red wine and sometimes not, but I read somewhere that the precursor to a migraine may actually be a craving for red wine rather than being caused by it, and I think that's at least sometimes true, at least for me.

3702. thoughtful - 3/28/2006 2:52:11 PM

the headaches from red wine have 2 causes...histimines and nitrites. White wines also have them, but less. I drink only italian whites as they are the cleanest wines and rarely get headaches from them. When we were in italy, we drank a lot of wine and never got drunk and never got headaches. Very nice stuff.

3703. wonkers2 - 3/28/2006 3:03:02 PM

I can drink a lot of good Spanish sherry (e.g. La Ina)without getting a head ache. But it does make one drunk!

3704. alistairconnor - 3/28/2006 3:17:40 PM

I note I never get a headache from drinking organic wine. But often enough from drinking other stuff...

Sulphites are another head-hurter, and are generally much lower in organic wines. In Italy, wine-making is pretty "clean" these days -- whenever I ask for organic wine, they tell me, well, this is "nearly organic" and it's pretty true.

3705. Magoseph - 3/28/2006 3:50:39 PM

I used to drink this one Côtes du Rhône Villages and never became inebriated, but then I was young.

3706. Magoseph - 3/28/2006 3:51:32 PM

Oh, I didn mean to imply that I drank mild.

3707. Magoseph - 3/28/2006 3:51:56 PM

Didn't, darn!

3708. Magoseph - 3/28/2006 3:52:38 PM

Milk, darn! No, I had no wine...yet.

3709. wonkers2 - 3/28/2006 3:53:07 PM

I thought the Italians added bull's blood or something to their red wines? Is my memory failing me?

3710. thoughtful - 3/28/2006 3:57:40 PM

I only remember that they crushed the grapes with their feet...adding that certain je ne c'est qua.

3711. PelleNilsson - 3/28/2006 4:18:14 PM

It's an Hungarian brand that has bull's blood in the name.

3712. wonkers2 - 3/28/2006 4:18:27 PM

Maybe this is what I was half-remembering about Italian wines? Methanol.

3713. wonkers2 - 3/28/2006 4:37:47 PM

What is red wine?

3714. alistairconnor - 3/28/2006 4:52:00 PM

No, in the old days, various things were used for fining wines. The principle is that if you put animal protein into solution -- e.g. egg whites, or blood -- it binds to the little particles and causes it to precipitate out.

These days, it's generally filtered instead. And in any case, your real wine snob will not object to a certain amount of solid matter in the bottom of the bottle.

3715. thoughtful - 3/29/2006 2:50:31 PM

lees? beeswing?

I think i spend too much time doing xword puzzles.

3716. Jenerator - 4/4/2006 9:21:02 PM

I got a new espresso machine yesterday. I am so excited!

3717. Jenerator - 4/4/2006 9:25:47 PM

It's the Nespresso

3718. Magoseph - 4/4/2006 9:30:24 PM

Nice, Jen, very nice--have you tried it yet?

3719. Jenerator - 4/4/2006 9:40:36 PM

Yes and I love it. I get to buy those nifty ultra-fresh capsules and the temperature, pressure and timing are perfect.

The best thing is that it is powerful while being small so it won't take up too much counterspace.

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