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3883. thoughtful - 10/16/2006 11:42:58 PM

no insects... i think with my days away, i may have screwed up the watering pattern.

And then we've turned the heat on, but while we were away the house was pretty chilly.

Of course with the change of season and the odd weather we've been having the light in the window has changed.

And then i can't remember if i gave him his regular monthly feeding

between my husband ending up in the hospital, my sil dying of cancer and the stresses of getting the approvals through the town for our new house and the usual work load, it's been a tad hectic. Perhaps he's just picking up on my stress...somehow orchids would seem to be fairly empathetic plants.

3884. arkymalarky - 10/17/2006 5:08:33 AM

It sounds like you've had a rough time lately. I hope your husband's doing better.

3885. wabbit - 10/17/2006 2:49:36 PM

Geez thoughtful, I hope things settle down soon. Is Mr. t'ful ok?

3886. thoughtful - 10/17/2006 3:15:32 PM

thanks for the kind thoughts.
Hubby is doing much better.

SIL is 5'10" and down to 88 lbs and stuffs herself full of morphine and is still going to work. She makes the auschwitz survivors look well fed. I don't know how long she can hang on, but if she makes it to Nov 22, she'll turn 40. But I don't think she'll make it. I don't see how she can.

3887. wabbit - 10/17/2006 3:27:12 PM

I'm sorry to hear about your sil. She's so young. It sounds like she's trying to go out on her own terms. Best wishes for her and for all of you.

3888. thoughtful - 10/17/2006 3:57:28 PM

Yes, that's it exactly. She's going out on her own terms.

Same way my dad went out...

Same way my father in law went out...

I can see myself doing the same.

A control freak to the end.

3889. wabbit - 10/17/2006 4:00:38 PM

I hope I'm aware enough at the end to do the same.

3890. wabbit - 10/31/2006 9:11:13 PM

My father asked me to take an old, well-set red wine stain out of a light gray sweater he has. I thought I'd try something I read not too long ago, when I was looking for ways to get an old coffee stain out of a light beige wool sweater of Spunky's. White vinegar worked on the coffee stain. I started with diluted vinegar, and finally ended up using it straight. It took a while and a good deal of scrubbing, but the coffee stain did come out. A wash in Woolite took the vinegar smell out of the sweater - my hands took a little longer.

Back to the red wine stain - I used hydrogen peroxide and a bit of Dawn dishwashing liquid. I have some of that foamy kind of Dawn and used that, which worked well. Perhaps any dish detergent will work. I didn't measure, but roughly two tablespoons of peroxide with about half a teaspoon of soap. The peroxide alone didn't touch it, so something in the soap must cause a reaction. Finish up by rinsing with hot water, and let dry. Worked like a charm.

With the holiday wine-spilling season coming up, I thought some of you might be able to use this.

3891. judithathome - 10/31/2006 9:55:46 PM

My favorite red-wine stain remover is Dow Bathroom Cleaner (the Bubble Guys) in the spray can...you have to use the aerosol can, not the bottle spray-on. I had some white pants with spilled wine on them and tried that...I use it for everything around here...and at first, I was scared I'd ruined the pants because the red wine turned bright blue. But after laundering the pants, no stain was in sight. Worked really well.

But it's good to have another option!

3892. thoughtful - 11/1/2006 12:15:48 AM

for some reason i seem to remember MIL always saying she soaked the wine stain in milk and it would come out...

3893. wonkers2 - 11/1/2006 1:57:27 AM

Hot cider and warm donuts

3894. jexster - 11/1/2006 2:57:16 AM

Experience Another World

3895. wonkers2 - 11/1/2006 3:06:03 PM

Ha! I've actually been to Frankenmuth. It beats the hell out of Germany or Switzerland.

3896. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/1/2006 3:53:39 PM

3897. PelleNilsson - 11/1/2006 8:26:56 PM

It beats the hell out of Germany or Switzerland.

So the copy is better than the original? A very American thought, I would say.

3898. judithathome - 11/1/2006 9:24:26 PM

Thanks, Wiz...this is the first day I can eat solid food and now I seem to have lost my appetite. ;-)

3899. wonkers2 - 11/1/2006 11:30:31 PM

Pelle, I was being sarcastic. It's a cheap tourist trap on Interstate 75.

3900. jexster - 11/2/2006 12:19:46 AM

Best sausages this side of Dusseldorff!

3901. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/2/2006 2:38:44 AM

Sorry, Judith; how was I to Know?

3902. judithathome - 11/2/2006 5:44:34 AM

Didn't you see my irritating smiley?

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