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4232. jexster - 6/24/2008 10:07:43 PM

This is a first. Just got chased off the pot by the cat! His kidney's aren't in the best shape so he couldn't wait until I left. I had to explain that I had my bidniss and he his...didn't cut it

4233. jexster - 6/28/2008 3:22:23 AM

Welcome to the Hayes Valley Senior Assisted Kitty Living and Hospice!

Senior assisted living at its finest. Sonny's CRF has taken another southward turn which is bad enough - he can hardly walk - without the separate and apparently unrelated development - urinary incontinence.

Puddles of piddle in the bed.

4234. thoughtful - 6/28/2008 6:38:34 PM

Oh the poor thing, Jex...maybe it's time....

4235. jexster - 6/29/2008 12:12:25 AM

Oh it's time alright. Sonny's taken to the closet and I've been playing phone tag with the vet...went to bed at 12 woke at 2..haven't slept all day...Thanks T'ful...soldiering on

4236. jexster - 6/29/2008 2:14:08 AM

Son of Thunder (Sonny)
October 1988
June 28, 2008

4237. jexster - 6/29/2008 6:39:03 PM

Guess I am going through a second childhood or something but whatever, Julia Child recipies which stand the test of time as my copy of Mastering the Art of French Cooking will attest - a stained ragged ass mess from my teenage years

Note especially her ratatouille...a bit complex as most of her's are but it is the season and if you've tasted better...

4238. robertjayb - 6/29/2008 6:53:39 PM

Sorry, jexster.

4239. alistairConnor - 6/29/2008 8:16:10 PM

Yep yep the essence of a good ratatouille is to cook everything separately. My mother laughed at me, but couldn't argue with the result.

Son of Thunder, rest in peace. Our old thing will be only 15 this summer, but she's had a tough life, and I don't know how long she will last. I think she had a stroke or something about a year ago, one side of her face is all droopy.

Still a formidable hunter though.

4240. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 6/29/2008 9:43:06 PM

4241. arkymalarky - 6/30/2008 4:57:55 AM

I tried to post a note, Jex, but I was away from home and my connection was down, and it wouldn't go through. Sorry to hear about Sonny.

4242. thoughtful - 6/30/2008 3:08:45 PM

It ain't easy, Jex...my thoughts are with you and Sonny.

4243. jexster - 6/30/2008 5:08:11 PM

Thanks girlz..I was so messed up that when the tech asked if it was ok to insert the catheter I didn't know what he was talking about and when he brought Sonny into the Bereavement Room they have, I thought it hadn't been done yet..They'd cleaned him up brushed out his tail and wrapped him in a pink blanket....too much to take

4244. jexster - 6/30/2008 9:07:23 PM

This is GRAVEYARD humor...

Background - Colma is just south of SF. For a kazillion years SF has prohibited any burials - only so much space for the living.

So people started to be buried in Colma - running joke Welcome to Colma CA pop 500,000 - 5000 are actually living"

Same for pets..They're handling the arrangements

    Welcome to Pet's Rest
    A Cemetery, Crematory for all Pet Animals
    Serving San Francisco Bay Area Pet Lovers Since 1947
    60 years of service to our community!
    Conveniently Located in Colma, California, "The City of Souls"

4245. arkymalarky - 6/30/2008 9:34:20 PM

Another benefit of living in the country: I know exactly where all our former pets are buried. Our neighbor had a headstone made for his dog, and the police stopped at his house one time and asked if a baby was buried there. The dog's name was Rosie, so at least they weren't asking for a "Spot" or "Rover," but still--and they were perfectly satisfied when Jim told them no, it was his dog. They didn't ask him to dig it up and prove it or anything.

4246. judithathome - 6/30/2008 11:19:05 PM

We had to have Leslie's 17 year old Siberian Husky put down on Friday....she had suffered from being let out from his backyard and picked up by the pound days later (where we found her) while he was in the rehab hospital.

I called the lady vet who comes to the home and she put Mali down on Friday. Leslie was so relieved that she was finally in no pain that he took it very well.

In fact, I think the dog was holding on for him and that he knew it...he has imporved in his mental attitude since she went to sleep and he feels as though he helped her.

I know for sure she helped him....

4247. judithathome - 6/30/2008 11:20:49 PM

Jexter, so sorry about Sonny...just know and feel better that there is no pain for Sonny now.

4248. arkymalarky - 7/1/2008 12:20:46 AM

Oh man, Judith, that's rough.

4249. jexster - 7/1/2008 12:33:57 AM

Yeah they have a sixth sense don't they Judith! We're gonna take Sonny's ashes to Mount Tam State Park in Mill Valley just across the road from where he was born at some point

Just across the Bridge

4250. jexster - 7/8/2008 2:17:41 AM

Well that was quick. Sonny's remains arrived today and so did Sasha charcoal medium hair kitten about 12 weeks...SPCA makes you go thru an inteview, microchips the cat, gives you DVD on cat care...quite the operation they have..

4251. thoughtful - 7/9/2008 4:46:30 PM

So sorry about all the pet loss...so hard on us 2-legged friends left behind.

That is a fabulous picture, jex. Yowzah!

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The Good Life

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