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The Good Life

Host: arkymalarky

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4321. arkymalarky - 7/28/2008 9:06:40 PM

Well, we may have to go shopping in Hot Springs!

4322. iiibbb - 7/30/2008 4:41:12 PM

The lion was in the news Wiz.

4323. iiibbb - 7/30/2008 4:42:09 PM

Well the link didn't work... but it was on the Today show... an interview with those guys today.

4324. arkymalarky - 7/31/2008 1:22:54 AM

That was the coolest!

4325. jexster - 8/1/2008 10:52:16 PM

Mine does this TOO!

Gets all wet, nasty


4326. thoughtful - 8/3/2008 1:14:51 PM

Give the poor cat a break! For cripes sake, it's not like he has a thumb or anything!

4327. thoughtful - 8/12/2008 9:04:44 PM

Thoughtful house update. Framing is continuing...it's starting to look like a house now!

Two car garageon the left, first window is hubby's study...it will be a larger window with an arch top, though they haven't cut the arch yet. Next is front door then library and then bedroom.

4328. thoughtful - 8/12/2008 9:06:26 PM

Latest shot shows they're adding the dog house dormers over the garage and the living area. These are actually just up in the attic space. Someone may choose to expand up there in the future, but it will be some other family...not us.

4329. thoughtful - 8/12/2008 9:10:43 PM

Rear of the house looks significantly larger, a result of building into the southern facing slope.

The little lady in blue on the left is the thoughtful mother. On the right, behind the garage will be a deck. Area underneath will be filled and a small retaining wall will be there so the ugly wall of concrete will disappear.

Solar panels will be on the upper left portion of the roof.

4330. thoughtful - 8/12/2008 9:12:55 PM

This is the view from the guest room on the lower level. Architect has declared that that is his room and he's never leaving. I told him there will be a desk centered in the nook so he'll be able to have any future designs he makes inspired by nature.

4331. thoughtful - 8/12/2008 9:17:33 PM

The views from upstairs will be similar, though from a slightly higher aspect. Here is the window in the dining room. This too will be higher with an arch top, the arch not yet cut. Note too the beams above. This room will have a barrel vaulted ceiling that matches the line of the window arch. We'll have indirect lighting shining up and I hope to have the ceiling painted by hand to look like a sunset sky. I'll try it first and if I can't do it, I'll hire someone to do it for me.

4332. thoughtful - 8/12/2008 9:20:39 PM

This is the view from my bedroom window. It's in a nook (you can see the outside of it from the back view...left-most window) above which will be an arch and below I'll be placing a chaise which I'll probably never leave. Sigh.

I feel like a kid waiting for xmas...Hurry and finish the house already!

4333. thoughtful - 8/12/2008 9:23:52 PM

The worst part of it is, I look out the window and say ahh what a view...hubby looks out the window and says, I need to do more mowing....those lower limbs need trimming....drives me nuts!

4334. wonkers2 - 8/12/2008 10:35:26 PM

I'm sure a lot of thought went into your house. Nice!

4335. arkymalarky - 8/12/2008 11:15:55 PM

Wow, that's great! Love the views and the water.

4336. judithathome - 8/13/2008 5:34:50 PM

Absolutely stunning! When can we expect to be invited for the weekend?

4337. anomie - 8/21/2008 1:41:04 AM

It's been pretty cool watching your house go up, Thoughtful. May the good progress continue... And what a beautiful site!

4338. arkymalarky - 8/21/2008 2:08:42 AM

I'm anxious to see the details--colors, fixtures, all that fun stuff!

4339. arkymalarky - 8/21/2008 2:09:13 AM

Though, I must add, it is all fun stuff.

4340. thoughtful - 8/21/2008 1:41:12 PM

Thanks, guys. I'm anxious too.

The dining room window in #4331 is set in a bump out and will have a deeper sill...probably about 12". I want to put my orchids there and so want to have a waterproof sill.

So, trying to be green, I dutifully found bioglass which is made from recycled glass. I thought, great...I could maybe even light it from underneath, get a really cool effect. So I went hunting and finally found a place. No they didn't have samples, but would quote me a price.....$8,800! For a window sill!!!

I said, this is made from trash, right???

So now I'm hunting for granite instead, preferably something with blue. Naturally, I found out that blue granite is the most expensive. A guy has come up with a remnant and I'll be sure to be sitting down when I get the price from him. It's called blue pearl.

I mentioned this to my sec'y who said, can't you just use saucers under the plants like the rest of us???

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