45721. alistairconnor - 2/14/2014 12:56:47 PM Somebody shoot me PLEASE...
I agree with Rand Paul. 45722. Trillium - 2/14/2014 3:47:27 PM I've met Rand Paul in person, at a Kentucky State Park. My impression: I don't think he "craves the spotlight" so much as he believes in a particular version of the American Dream, and is trying to put his shoulder to the wheel to make it happen.
In a different way (as community organizer) Obama did the same thing, working for HIS version of America. We all have a voice. 45723. iiibbb - 2/14/2014 4:18:00 PM In other words---
"Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence."
Napoleon Bonaparte
45724. arkymalarky - 2/14/2014 4:48:03 PM Yay! 45725. judithathome - 2/14/2014 8:41:03 PM Trillium, if you watch the Sunday political shows, you will start to notice that Mr. Paul manages to get on them with some "tasty" remarks that are, without fail, repeated every day following the shows until about Wednesday by the OTHER political shows.
He's a master at this sort of manipulation and uses it to get air time.
THAT is a fact...whether or not one agrees with his political stance or whether or not he is the next best thing to sliced bread as far as following his dream for America is concerned, those two things do not negate the fact he has mastered the techniques necessary to get on the airwaves thus drawing attention to himself....moreso than anyone else in the political realm today.
It's not just me claiming this...it has been commented on before by professional political commentators.
I am certain that once he declares his candidacy, each appearance will be accompanied by an embedded small flashing sign in the corner with his campaign address on it and all you'll need to do to donate to him is click on that icon. 45726. Trillium - 2/15/2014 4:45:33 AM I'm not convinced by any of the politicans. But I wouldn't hold it against someone if he analyzes a situation and figures out a strategy for working it.
On a different note, an insurance agent just told me about a possible healthcare marketplace deal for my niece, her husband and two kids... wow wouldn't that be great. The insurance companies are complaining, but I wonder if they couldn't cut costs somewhere else... like in advertising, things along that line? It sure would be excellent to have affordable healthcare. I had given up even thinking about it. We'll see how it all turns out. 45727. arkymalarky - 3/6/2014 1:20:08 AM Issa is a piece of work. 45728. judithathome - 3/31/2014 12:32:01 AM Arky, what do you think about David Brock jumping ship and being "FOR" Hillary today?
This dude was soooo anti-Clinton before and it looks as though, as his hair grew longer, the more he changed his attitude on Hillary...he is practically running a campaign for her today! 45729. arkymalarky - 3/31/2014 1:13:32 AM I noticed it but didn't really get any information on it. It just seems really bizarre to me, but I didn't hear him interviewed yesterday. I'll say this, I'll be all for Hillary if she will kerp bill out of her campaign except for what he would do for anyone else. His people ruined her campaign in 08 in my opinion. and for some reason, the older he gets the more everyone seems to like him and the less I really care for him. I just don't really like his style. everytime he talks it seems designed to create some kind of impression or something. I don't know. Lead to things like a used car salesman then he ever did to me. 45730. arkymalarky - 3/31/2014 1:14:21 AM He seems more like.... 45731. judithathome - 3/31/2014 2:17:27 AM I thought it was Hillary's staff who cocked it up for her back then...they seemed totally inept to me. 45732. judithathome - 3/31/2014 2:19:46 AM She remained loyal to them for far to long...they let things go downhill and she just sat back and let them continue...I said as much at the time right here on the Mote.
Since then, I've heard lots of people who hold the same view say the same thing...they just weren't ready for prime time. 45733. arkymalarky - 3/31/2014 5:37:55 AM I had thought idiot wassisface was a bill guy originally. Either way she wasn't steering her own ship and I couldn't respect her as a result. She seems to be embracing her own personality now instead of trying to manage her image. 45734. judithathome - 3/31/2014 9:07:57 PM I have a great idea for a sign women can carry when they are protesting the unfairness of places like Hobby Lobby which don't want to pay for their birth control pills:
If you can pay for HIS little blue pill, you can pay for my little pink one! 45735. arkymalarky - 3/31/2014 11:54:26 PM Good one!
I haven't boycotted a business since Exxon until this past year and my list is growing. 45736. judithathome - 5/19/2014 5:56:43 PM I truly believe the Republicans are going to take over the Senate...saw a poll today that indicates that and also says, at 60%, that healthcare needs to be discussed further. This tells me two things: 1.) it might have been a skewed poll or 2.) that more people out there think the way my neighbor does: when I asked her years ago if she had voted for the same guy I voted for, she said no because the other guy was going to win anyhow.
The Republicans came in strong telling everyone they would take over the Senate and do away with ACA; ergo, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Why the public wants to vote for the people who want to take away things and give them to rich people is beyond me...they certainly can't be voting on job performance.
If you compare the performance of the House to what the female editor of the New York Times did...who do you think needs to be fired? The paper at LEAST got published every day! 45737. arkymalarky - 5/20/2014 11:31:26 PM Dinesh D'souza looks like Mr. Bean. 45738. judithathome - 5/21/2014 3:30:14 AM I hope he's on his way to prison.
So, Arky....what do you think of Tom Cotton? Looks like he won tonight. 45739. arkymalarky - 5/21/2014 9:57:35 PM He's a piece of work. No surprise on the GOP side. AR will be one of the most interesting states all around between that race, governor, etc. I think Dems will pull it off but I'm not placing bets. 45740. judithathome - 5/23/2014 9:05:56 PM Okay...this is way beyond the pale (from an email from the Wendy Davis For Governor of Texas campaign)
This actually just happened:
Desperate Greg Abbott allies plastered ridiculously offensive posters on phone booths and bus stops that depict Wendy Davis as an "Abortion Barbie."
Yes, you read that correctly. We’re actually talking about posters with Wendy's head on a Barbie doll's body and a plastic baby coming out of the stomach.
Despite the fact I had no idea there WERE phone booths left...this is a disgusting and desperate attempt to "win" votes.