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4605. Jenerator - 7/7/2010 3:49:57 AM

That is my ultimate dream house.

4606. thoughtful - 7/7/2010 8:09:07 PM

Thank you ladies...it's been a genuine labor of love as it's taken us so bloody long and cost us way too much.

But I'm enjoying the process tremendously...especially what's next which is making drapes and decorating the place.

Now that I'm leaving work, I'll have time to get it all done.

4607. thoughtful - 7/12/2010 9:21:19 PM

I forgot to post a pic of my wild-assed powder room...

...the colors for which were inspired by this print:

I'm still looking to get the print framed, but they're crazy prices. One guy wanted $700 for a frame...heck I got a custom made 4' high marble pedestal for my statue for $600 bucks....are they crazy???

4608. thoughtful - 7/12/2010 9:25:13 PM

Don't remember if i posted this before or not...this is the sculpture for my marble pedestal, only I have the little one...not this life-sized one!

4609. judithathome - 7/13/2010 5:34:15 PM

Wow...great balance in that bronze! Who is the artist?

Your bathroom is Hermes Orange...my friend Malibu is doing his new guest bathroom in that color!

4610. thoughtful - 7/13/2010 8:12:15 PM

Andrew DeVries

4611. thoughtful - 7/13/2010 10:55:01 PM

His website is here: http://www.andrewdevries.com/

He's done some very cool things with dancers and defying gravity and physics.

This one is pretty neat:

But I especially like this one...

He said he was watching this dancer dance who was so in to it that he literally hit the wall. In his sculpture though, he allows the dancer to actually penetrate it.

4612. thoughtful - 7/19/2010 1:56:46 PM

Now we have a new issue at the new house....i think we have a flying squirrel in the attic and I need to get it out. And I need to have someone come to plug the vermin entrances....guys did not do a good job of flashing around some architectural detail in the roof edge and left spaces where I knew vermin would get in and now they have. The problem is getting someone in to do the high work as it's probably 30' in the air up there.

4613. bhelpuri - 8/5/2010 5:57:46 AM

Fab house, thoughtful. Congrats!

4614. wabbit - 8/7/2010 1:47:44 AM

t'ful, get some very concentrated peppermint oil, dilute it enough to get it to spray through a spray bottle and spray it around the attic. You'll want to do this when you'll be out of the house for a while, because the smell will be strong, but squizz folk and mouse people don't much like peppermint. I've had very good luck clearing the attic in my parent's house with peppermint oil and it's completely non-toxic. But believe me about leaving the house, it gets to your eyes.

Love the powder room!! And yes, unless that print is enormous and your frame will be gold-gilt and made of some extremely rare exotic wood, imho $700 is out of line for a frame.

4615. thoughtful - 8/19/2010 1:16:13 PM

Thanks bhelpuri
Long story but we got one mouse gone and I think the other one is now gone too. We also had the "vermin entrances" plugged so I think we are all set, but time will tell. Still not sure how they were getting in, but had our suspicions.

Thanks for the peppermint oil hint...I'll share it with my neighbor up the street who is battling flying squirrels.

I had the lady of shallot framed now and got it with a perfect frame, and double matted for $170. Much much better...thank you Jo Ann's and a 60% off coupon!

We have a pastel of hubby's grandfather...the one who bought the property... over the mantle. While the mat colors are good, the frame is a little whimpy...I think I'll have that beefed up some so it fills the space better.

I've been retired for a couple of weeks now and still letting it all absorb. It still feels like a long and welcome vacation.

Next big thing is to ready for the memorial service for my Mom which I never had yet...I'm scheduling it for 9/11 which seems a very good day for memorials.

Going through her papers, I came across a very nice poem that she wrote about Happiness....I'll be sure to read it at the service.

4616. thoughtful - 8/19/2010 1:19:15 PM

Today's the day they install the audio video equip in the new house...we decided to go with att uverse...be interested to see how it works.

4617. Ms. No - 8/20/2010 4:26:49 AM


What a beautiful, wonderful home you've built. I love your wild-ass powder room and all of the lovely details. Elegant, harmonious, welcoming, what a splendid success!

4618. thoughtful - 8/22/2010 9:13:48 PM

Thanks MsNo! Such compliments...you are too kind.

I'm so glad you called it welcoming as that's just what I wanted...when the architect first asked what kind of house I wanted...he was expecting cape or colonial or contemporary....but I said one that when people see the outside say, oh I want to see the inside too. I think we've gotten what we wanted...we have created an attractive nuisance...we've had strangers stop by asking to see the place! Especially the library though...it is formal but not off putting....so many of the monster homes they build up our way are formal and lovely, but make you feel like you've entered a hotel lobby or a public space...none of them feel cozy. This place is cozy.

ATT Uverse is working fine. Friends at work said...you'll love it! for a year and then they jack up the rates! I'm sure.

4619. wabbit - 8/31/2010 12:07:52 AM

Cats rule.

4620. iiibbb - 8/31/2010 7:33:57 PM

Dogs that draw blood are not "just playing".

I also have to admit a bias against someone with tattoos all over their body.

4621. wabbit - 9/1/2010 12:56:22 AM

Agreed. There is another video floating around, a couple years old, of a pit bull puppy "playing with" what appears to be a 6-8 month old kitten. The problem is, this puppy blocks the kitten against a wall, then freezes - no tail wagging, no body motion, nothing. That is not a puppy playing, that is a puppy learning to hunt.

Some people are too stupid to live, never mind own animals. I feel sorry for the animals, but have other ideas for the people who think that kind of thing is cute.

I'm not someone who believes that any breed is inherently bad, but there are characteristics that carry through. Border Collies have "eye" and have to be watched around children. Most spaniels are nippy. But pit bulls, sadly, have been badly bred and now suffer the resultant P.R. problem. Not all of Michael Vick's dogs could be adopted out, but only two had to be put down, and one of those was for health reasons, not temperament.

Sigh. Enough of my soapbox for today.

Still, cats rule!

4622. iiibbb - 9/1/2010 1:41:36 AM

I know pit bulls that are fine. But dogs are firearms...maybe worse. Control yours or suffer.

4623. wabbit - 9/3/2010 12:24:35 AM

We had a woman come in once with a puppy she had adopted from a shelter - it looked to be mostly Doberman and was just lovely, a happy smiley wiggly pup. She said if she told her husband the dog might be part Doberman, he'd make her take it back and get something else. I suggested saying it was part coonhound.

Alas, she said part Doberman and the husband made her trade it in for a puppy that looked like a black lab. This new pup was only eight weeks old and was already snapping at us, at her, and had bitten both her children. I love dogs, but that pup needed to be put down. And eventually, after mauling her children a few more times, it was.

But at least it wasn't part Doberman.

So, iiibbb, you are exactly right. All dogs need proper socialization and a consistent environment.

4624. iiibbb - 9/3/2010 3:43:41 AM

I think I read that labs attack more kids than all other breeds.

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