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46354. arkymalarky - 4/4/2016 11:06:30 PM

Since we are up for the moment, I have just gotta say I have never in Life or history seen a piece of work the like of Donald Trump. Now he's just trying to terrify everyone that if they don't elect him the economy is going to collapse and we're all going to die. What a Despicable specimen of humanity.

46355. arkymalarky - 4/4/2016 11:17:12 PM

I'm trying to set up and it said I had to verify my email, and since I use an email that I only use to sign up for stuff like didqus, the overlords at Google would not let me in that email.

46356. judithathome - 4/4/2016 11:19:37 PM

For anyone who wants to stay in touch via the internet, I have a site in a froun called AbleMinds...it's a "for pay" site at $10 annually but I'd be glad to pay anyone's dues if you'd like to try it out...actually, it has a free trial situation where you can check it out and if there is any interest in joining, I'd gladly sponsor everyone here the first year.

They use HTML shortcuts and have a "respond" fuction to individuals...

My forum is called Talkalot and it evolved from my previous forums at the Atlantic Magazine.

(Let Wabbit know if you are interested and she can send you my email address.)

By the way...I can't speak for ALL the forums listed at AbleMinds because I only go to a few...I've heard some of them are pretty "biased".

46357. judithathome - 4/4/2016 11:20:54 PM


46358. judithathome - 4/5/2016 12:10:50 AM

Here's a link to that forum: AbleMinds Forum

46359. iiibbb - 4/5/2016 12:10:56 AM

I don't understand the snafu Arky. Why couldn't you verify?

46360. arkymalarky - 4/5/2016 12:40:51 AM

Because Google wouldn't let me into that account because I don't use it except to sign up for stuff so I haven't used it in a long time and they insisted on getting my phone number and I'm not giving it. I'll figure something else out later.

46361. arkymalarky - 4/6/2016 3:07:12 AM

I'm very anxious to see what happens at the Republican convention. New York, California, Convention. If Trump doesn't run as an independent I'll be very surprised.

46362. iiibbb - 4/6/2016 1:45:39 PM

According to the votemaster, Trump maybe doesn't want to be president... he just wants to say he could've been president.

It's hard to say. Trump is either a sociopath, a megalomaniac, or the greatest Troll to have ever duped a Republican.

46363. Ms. No - 4/6/2016 5:08:29 PM

Just to set everyone's mind at ease a little bit ---- we aren't losing the Mote. We'll have the connectivity issues worked out in the next week or 10 days hopefully, but until then, it's good to have other places to meet.

Arky --- I've never had any issues with Google having my number. They don't call or text or anything. I wouldn't trust Yahoo or anybody else, but so far Google hasn't ever interfered with me in any way. (Not that you have to give them your number, but just in case you really wanted to get in but were needed to be reassured.)

46364. arkymalarky - 4/6/2016 5:30:25 PM

It's not that, google pretty much has control my whole life, but there are several of my Google emails I don't want interacting. And it's really about the principle, my phone number's none of their damn business.

46365. arkymalarky - 4/6/2016 5:31:35 PM

Haha 3i. Can’t he be all three at once?

46366. arkymalarky - 4/6/2016 5:35:09 PM

Just to clarify, I do realize that on my droid Google has my phone number, but I have a couple of Google emails that aren't attached to that number. I just don't think they have any business asking for my phone number from my email account. I think they should have to work a little harder to amass synthesize and crunch all my personal data.

46367. Ms. No - 4/6/2016 5:43:27 PM

Arx -- I totally get it. I was quite dismayed a few months ago when I realized that two of my internet usernames had not only been associated with one another, but also with my real name. It's not like I was plotting to take over the world or anything, but I've got students who don't need to know that much about me.

46368. arkymalarky - 4/6/2016 5:52:05 PM

Exactly. I really just don't Like Google's to Hell with you everything is our business attitude, along with several other big tech companies.

46369. arkymalarky - 4/6/2016 5:57:18 PM

It's like trying to force me into google plus. The more They pushed common the more determined I was not to be in it. Microsoft and apple are no better. It's the main reason I got off Facebook (That, and Evidently too many idiots are my friends And family ), though I figure I'm gonna break down and get back on it before long. I never have been good at compulsory anything, Especially when I feel like I'm supposed to be the consumer and should be calling the shots of what I want to do or not do .

46370. arkymalarky - 4/6/2016 5:59:14 PM

It's also why I'm not impressed with apple's righteous failure to share anything with the government about people's phones. Don't share, but don't act like you're operating from a position of moral Superiority .

46371. winstonsmith - 4/6/2016 10:54:03 PM

Seems like Cruz is gaining ground. He would present a different risk profile for the Republican Party and the Democrats.

46372. arkymalarky - 4/6/2016 11:25:03 PM

Nobody but him expects he would win the general election.

46373. arkymalarky - 4/6/2016 11:26:30 PM

With all the contested convention talk, I find it extremely telling that none of the party leadership suggests that it should go to cruz. They all talk about outside candidates.

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