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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 46394 - 46413 out of 47369 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
46394. Ms. No - 4/25/2016 5:59:00 AM

Has been pathetic for some years now. He needed to fade gracefully away more than a decade ago.

46395. arkymalarky - 4/25/2016 3:52:44 PM

I agree

46396. judithathome - 4/25/2016 5:40:33 PM

One-half of a one hit wonder, IMO.

He should have retired after All The President's Men.

46397. wabbit - 4/28/2016 9:30:35 PM

Former House Speaker John Boehner said he'd vote for Donald Trump in the general election if he were the Republican presidential nominee, but he wouldn’t vote for Ted Cruz.

“Lucifer in the flesh,” Boehner called Cruz on Wednesday during a talk at Stanford University, the student newspaper reported. “I have never worked with a more miserable son of a b---h in my life.”
Tell us what you really think, John.

46398. winstonsmith - 4/28/2016 11:42:24 PM

The really striking thing is that even among a group filled with unlikable assholes, Cruz stands out as the biggest asshole.

46399. arkymalarky - 4/30/2016 1:52:01 AM

Had he not so thoroughly and repeatedly shit his own nest, he had a really good chance of becoming the nominee at the convention.

46400. arkymalarky - 4/30/2016 1:52:26 AM

Politicians are arrogant by nature, but he makes them look humble in comparison.

46401. robertjayb - 4/30/2016 7:31:51 PM

Spouse and I are looking forward to the press bash tonight. Obama and his crew have plenty of material to work with. Tough to beat this from last year on Cruz comparing himself to Galileo: "Galileo believed the Earth revolves around the sun. Ted Cruz believes the earth revolves around Ted Cruz."

46402. arkymalarky - 5/1/2016 2:09:56 AM


46403. arkymalarky - 5/1/2016 6:01:09 AM

Wilmore fell flat for me, but I loved the bit with Boehner.

46404. judithathome - 5/1/2016 9:18:07 PM

The host of the coverage team on MSNBC (Craig Melber) said as they came back to him after the show: "That was Larry Wilmore speaking at his first...and probably last...White House Correspondents Dinner."

46405. robertjayb - 5/4/2016 5:28:38 PM


Any bidders for this ticket?

46406. arkymalarky - 5/5/2016 1:14:29 PM

Unbelievable. World War III aside, I do not think I can tolerate listening to that dumbass pontificate the same old stupid shit over and over again until November, much less Until 2020. Is the right wing of the GOP gone completely insane?

46407. Ms. No - 5/5/2016 8:31:53 PM

Well, that depends on your definition, I suppose. They've always been racist, misogynist, hate-mongers, only now it appears they can publicly admit it and be praised for taking steps to make America great again.

(Before anyone thinks me too, too biased, the left wing of the Dems are classist, self-righteous reactionaries who spread their fair share of hate and nincompoopery as well.)

46408. judithathome - 5/6/2016 8:10:48 PM

Any bidders for this ticket?

Hopefully, not Kasich.

46409. judithathome - 5/6/2016 8:11:29 PM

...meaning, I would hope he has more integrity than to accept something like that.

46410. robertjayb - 5/17/2016 11:14:26 PM

Too bad...

WASHINGTON (AP) - Under pressure from Democratic Party leaders to denounce ugly violence by his supporters, Sen. Bernie Sanders instead struck back with a defiant statement Tuesday that dismissed complaints from Nevada Democrats as "nonsense" and asserted that his backers were not being treated with "fairness and respect." It followed chaos at the Nevada Democratic Party Saturday night, where Sanders' supporters threw chairs, shouted down speakers and harassed the state party chair with death threats. Gravely alarmed, Democrats pressed Sanders to forcefully denounce it...

Early on I made a small contribution to Sanders, never thinking he would be the nominee but believing he would emphasize issues that might go unremarked. He has done that. Good work, Bernie. Now he should calm down and calm the thuggish element among his supporters. Perhaps forgive them for they know not what they do.

This recent letter to the Houston Chronicle is on point. From Kati in Cypress:

"I am tired of Bernie Sanders whining about superdelegates not representing the party faithful. They are the party faithful! Many of them are elected officials: governors, mayors, senators, congressmen, congresswomen, state elected officials, city council members, etc. These people have been working, often for years, in support of Democratic principles,
The superdelegates have raised funds for Democratic candidates, for office expenses and overall party expenses often from their own pockets. They have put in countless hours to make the wheels of success go around.

Bernie, however, is not a Democrat. He has always run as an independent. It is beyond time for Bernie to make peace with Hillary, give his money to down-ballot candidates and help unify the Democratic Party that gave him the opportunity to make his case."

Perhaps Bernie should back off and reclaim his independent status. Then he and his could have the sort of fairness and respect they desire.

46411. robertjayb - 5/17/2016 11:40:47 PM


46412. judithathome - 5/18/2016 12:02:35 AM

I was never in favor of Bernie Sanders from the get go...he chose to run on a party ticket he had never supported in the past and that was enough for me...now it has gone to his head and he is supporting thugs who resort to TRUMP-style tactics when they think things are not going their way...his milquetoast response to their actions have completely torn it for me.

Bye, Bernie...yer burnt!

46413. arkymalarky - 5/19/2016 1:23:51 AM

Mark Halperin is such a twit. And Nader is Chris Matthews' hero? Seriously? MSNBC's vacuous Trump-worship is about to lose me.

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