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46430. Ms. No - 7/7/2016 5:44:27 AM

Or birth control.

46431. vonKreedon - 7/15/2016 7:55:21 PM

I'm really not looking forward to the House impeachment hearings about Hillary's email server.

OTOH, Trump/Pence is off to an excellent start. For one thing, Trumpence. "Feed the trolls, trumpence a bag...." For another, the logo for the campaign looks like it might produce some santorum:

46432. arkymalarky - 7/16/2016 5:44:12 AM


Great to see you VK!

46433. vonKreedon - 7/16/2016 7:35:57 PM

No mistaking who's the top in that relationship.

46434. judithathome - 7/16/2016 8:39:23 PM

Disaster...Trumpence a bag...indeed. A bag of shit.

Is this REALLY my country? I'm almost afraid to go outside...

46435. vonKreedon - 7/19/2016 5:45:34 PM

Day one of the Repub convention went well, from my perspective. The opening confrontation between the establishment and the anti-Trump elements was entertaining TV. The speakers, with the exception of Malania, all at some points looked like they would bit the face off of the nearest person. And best of all, immediately after Malania's speech the hall emptied while a Lt. Gen. and then Sen. Ernst shouted at and interacted with individuals left in the audience. Not at all the optics the RNC was looking for!

46436. judithathome - 7/19/2016 5:54:12 PM

They'd probably take that optic in spades over what developed later in the night...I'm a political junkie and watched the whole PlagerGate thing unfold until the wee hours of this morning...feel so sorry for Melania.

She compounded it earlier in the day, though, by claiming authorship of MOST of it..."with very little help".

She ended up looking like the sacrifical lamb.

The speech WAS great...just as it was when Michelle Obama gave most of it in 2008.

Just imagine what would happen if the positions were reversed and Michelle Obama had used someone else's words...President Obama wouldn't have blamed the "dirty media" for reporting it, that's for sure. But the Republicans would have probably taken her to court...or formed a committee to study and get to the bottom of it for years and for millions of pur tax dollars.

46437. judithathome - 7/19/2016 5:55:20 PM


46438. vonKreedon - 7/19/2016 6:41:02 PM

I thought Melania's speech was quite weak tea. No anecdotes showing another softer side of Trump, just declarations about him. Pretty much the same way that Trump talks, all declarations with no substance.

46439. judithathome - 7/21/2016 6:39:57 PM

Well, this may be the only time I get in here in a dog's age....so I will just say while I have the chance: I loathe and detest what Trump has done to ME....he is responsible for me thinking last night: "Way to go, Ted Cruz!"

Cruz is a man I hate from the core of my being...but his refusal to endorse Trump at last night's convention was a thing of beauty.

For those asshole Trumpsters who think Cruz is "Lucifer" incarnate after that speech...I want them to think about what they would do if their opponent called their wife a whore and their father in league with those who assassinated JFK.

46440. vonKreedon - 7/21/2016 7:24:30 PM

This campaign, specifically the Repub campaign, has disillusioned Ace to the point he may quit blogging!

"I think it's time for me to announce that I'm looking to make my exit from the blog and politics as soon as I can arrange it. I can't take the stupidity, the juvenile hero worship, the backbiting, the groupthink enforced by bullies and dummies any more."

46441. arkymalarky - 7/21/2016 8:46:51 PM

I can so relate to that Judith. I'm a little concerned that Ace sounds sane in that quote from vk. We were in the truck stop, and a guy was cussing, f-bombs included, about how Trump had treated Cruz. He said, and I quote, I voted for Hillary, but I hate that guy. Talking about Trump.

46442. arkymalarky - 7/22/2016 12:24:07 AM

Just noticed A mistake. The guy said he wasn't voting for Hillary

46443. arkymalarky - 7/22/2016 12:24:07 AM

Just noticed A mistake. The guy said he wasn't voting for Hillary

46444. winstonsmith - 7/23/2016 8:08:04 AM

It's Clinton/Kaine.

46445. judithathome - 7/23/2016 6:29:45 PM

Berniebots are furious with her choice.

46446. vonKreedon - 7/23/2016 6:58:35 PM

Yeah, it's a very conventional and status quo choice. Understandable, but disappointing.

46447. judithathome - 7/23/2016 9:41:12 PM

Really? I thought the intro speech today was great...that man has a sense of humor and is very accomplished...the fact he speaks Spanish is an asset and it showed in this rollout...at the very least he spoke for HIMSELF, with wit and intelligence...unlike the Edgar-Bergan-like speech Trump gave when introducing Pence...whom, after Trump's usual agrandizing of himself, finally said, in effect: "Oh yeah...here's my guy...Mile Pence" and left the stage to this man who, in off-camera time, never smiles.

Then Trump, during a 60 Minutes interview, not only over-talked Pence but almost ignored him altogether.

Face it, the VP choices of the two parties are not even close...Trump has chosen a dour man who, evidently, has no choice but to sit back and let Trump define him and Hillary has chosen a man who defines himself. Very well...I might add.

46448. judithathome - 7/23/2016 9:42:16 PM

Mile Pence...sorry, MIKE Pence.

46449. vonKreedon - 7/23/2016 11:50:06 PM

I, and many/most Bernie supporters, would have loved a more progressive nominee, Tom Perez or Corey Booker for instance. Alot of Bernie supporters wanted Warren, but not me; I want her in the Senate raising cain.

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