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46470. winstonsmith - 8/4/2016 7:15:56 AM


46471. winstonsmith - 8/4/2016 7:15:56 AM


46472. wabbit - 8/11/2016 12:30:39 AM

I have for years avoided the political discussions here, but...

As much as I dislike Facebook, I am there to stay in touch with some friends from college and some far away cousins. Alas, I'm afraid some of them need to be cut loose. I'm *really* tired of hearing about the Donalds's feelings and how he's the only one who can fix things (without a plan or a clue). I really cannot believe the posts going after the Khans for attacking that thin-skinned selfish thoughtless clueless weasel.

Not thrilled with Hillary either, but if that's the choice, it's a bright clear line afaic.

I'm waiting for a trumper to tell me how their guy (what a joke) is going to fix anything. All I get is, well, what about Hillary, she's a bitch, just LOOK at her...seriously?? At least I know the defenders got their Karl Rove letter - keep repeating the lies and they will become true! How about showing me where she has said she wants to overturn the 2nd amendment? Oh, can't do that? Shut up already.

I feel a wee bit better.

46473. winstonsmith - 8/11/2016 2:10:49 AM

Wabbit, yeah, I have a number of friends and relatives that post things like if only people would read this one super enlightening article they would realize how great Trump really is and how he is the only one who can fix things. That, and all the hateful posts about how Hillary is the most evil woman in history. The solution I have come up with is to not block my Trump-loving friends and relatives on Facebook but to mark the source of every link they share to never be seen on my wall again. Over time, this seems to have reduced the crap. I also post much less about political matters on Facebook than I used to. I really do like most of those Facebook friends and don't want to drive them away.

46474. arkymalarky - 8/11/2016 9:40:41 AM

I got off fb the day after Sandy Hook. I miss some of my friends and family, but it just wasn't worth it.

46475. arkymalarky - 8/11/2016 5:27:04 PM

How much more pathetic does Bob Woodward have to get before he gets to take the Walk of Shame to Fox.

46476. arkymalarky - 8/12/2016 4:13:48 PM

Don't know if you know the joke with the punchline of a monkey trying to stick a cork back in an elephant's ass, but it describes the GOP right now to a. T. If it weren't so scary, it's hilarious watching all those poor GOP politicos trying to get that cork back in the elephant's ass.

46477. winstonsmith - 8/13/2016 12:42:15 AM

Ha, yes, to a T!

46478. wabbit - 8/13/2016 10:52:34 PM

Arky, too true. And sad. My boss is a Trumper because he sees the tax advantages coming his way. He was a big fan of Sarah Palin. I once asked what she said. He replied "Oh she's great!" Ok, but what did she actually say? Was there a complete coherent sentence? Do you ever read the transcripts, or do you just think she's hot and presentation is good enough?

We do not discuss politics in the office. Ever.

Hey winstonsmith! I've done something similar, but maybe a bit more overboard. I have folks divvied up into various groups, real life friends, acquaintances, cousins ( or family name if there are several), college friends...and one group titled "Yeah right" where the Trump contingent goes and I don't have to see them unless I'm really bored and need a laugh.

46479. winstonsmith - 8/15/2016 3:56:20 AM

Wabbit, that makes a lot of sense. I probably should create some groups.

46480. wabbit - 9/4/2016 9:36:32 PM

So, now Trump knows who the moderators will be. Note to the networks...please, PLEASE don't change the moderators to appease him. Bring in the Libertarians, the Greens, any and all the other groups who have a candidate. Let Trump sit it out. And then DO NOT make him the news story with whatever rebuttal his team comes up with the following day.

Sigh...if only...

46481. arkymalarky - 9/5/2016 1:24:08 AM

the fourth estate in this country is truly pathetic. I forget it until an election rolls around, and then I remember it again.

46482. iiibbb - 9/8/2016 2:12:27 PM

I'm starting to think most people in most ventures are barely qualified pretenders.

This includes myself.

46483. thoughtful - 9/8/2016 2:57:11 PM

Last night after the commander in chief forum, I figured it out. I know what trumps secret plan is for dealing with isis. He will nuke them. He's already said he wants to bomb the s*** out of them, in a briefing he asked 3 times, if we have nukes why can't we use them, and he wants to get nukes to s. korea and japan.

One can only hope that, if he does get elected, the generals are able to tell him how many nukes are aimed at the US with his good buddy Pooty-poot's finger on the button.

It would also explain why he doesn't care about climate change. Nuclear annihilation makes that irrelevant.

46484. arkymalarky - 9/8/2016 6:12:51 PM

I can5t believe this guy is the nominee of a major political party. I've never been so scared of an election in my life.

46485. judithathome - 9/8/2016 8:39:25 PM

Well, we can count out Gary Johnson as an alternative after this mornings debacle on Morning Joe....when asked how he would handle Aleppo he asked "What's Aleppo?"

Seriously....that is what he said. It's all over the news...I would bet big bucks there will not be a third podium at any of the debates. He needed to get to 15% and is at 9 or 10....or WAS, before that asinine remark.

It was almost worth it, though, to see that blow-hard Scarborough literally lose it afterward. Heh.

46486. arkymalarky - 9/9/2016 12:40:22 PM

Suits me. I don't want a repeat of 2000. Although the court wouldn't do the same thing, the nightmare scenario would be thrown into the House of Representatives to decide

46487. arkymalarky - 9/13/2016 2:35:47 AM

Arkansas is very hard on respiratory systems and really provokes allergies, sinusitis and bronchitis and lung problems, and I really think that living in Arkansas impacted Hillary and Bill Clinton. Anybody who lives here it's not going to be that impressed about people getting walking pneumonia and laryngitis and having to take allergy shots or the other stuff people go on about with reguard to Hillary and Bill Clinton's health.

46488. judithathome - 9/13/2016 9:46:39 PM

Well, unfortunately, unless you actually KNOW someone from Arkansas and have been there and SEEN this happening to your friend...9/10ths or more of America have no idea to what you are referring.

Instead, they would rather believe Hillary is weak and Trump is STRONG because his pot-smoking, long-haired wacky Gastro doc wrote a half-page incoherent note under time constraints that he IS.

Get ready, America...we are going to have a bigger bufoon than GW as president and reap what we've (or a majority of dunces) have sowed for us....

Seriously, I am old enough that I hope I am spared this by literal death...too old to start anew in some Avalon that is NOT the USA with a Trump Presidency....

46489. arkymalarky - 9/14/2016 12:58:31 AM

I'm not ready to throw in the towel quite yet. Obama just getting started, to say nothing about bill and Sanders and Warren. She's got the best surrogates of any president probably in history, certainly in my lifetime.

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