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46487. arkymalarky - 9/13/2016 2:35:47 AM

Arkansas is very hard on respiratory systems and really provokes allergies, sinusitis and bronchitis and lung problems, and I really think that living in Arkansas impacted Hillary and Bill Clinton. Anybody who lives here it's not going to be that impressed about people getting walking pneumonia and laryngitis and having to take allergy shots or the other stuff people go on about with reguard to Hillary and Bill Clinton's health.

46488. judithathome - 9/13/2016 9:46:39 PM

Well, unfortunately, unless you actually KNOW someone from Arkansas and have been there and SEEN this happening to your friend...9/10ths or more of America have no idea to what you are referring.

Instead, they would rather believe Hillary is weak and Trump is STRONG because his pot-smoking, long-haired wacky Gastro doc wrote a half-page incoherent note under time constraints that he IS.

Get ready, America...we are going to have a bigger bufoon than GW as president and reap what we've (or a majority of dunces) have sowed for us....

Seriously, I am old enough that I hope I am spared this by literal death...too old to start anew in some Avalon that is NOT the USA with a Trump Presidency....

46489. arkymalarky - 9/14/2016 12:58:31 AM

I'm not ready to throw in the towel quite yet. Obama just getting started, to say nothing about bill and Sanders and Warren. She's got the best surrogates of any president probably in history, certainly in my lifetime.

46490. judithathome - 9/14/2016 4:59:21 PM

And they've already started in on Obama, saying he should be back in the WH doing his job instead of galavanting around the country stumping for Hillary...the fact unemployment is down and he's kept us safe from attacks by foreign powers for almost eight years can just pound sand...he needs to be WORKING, dammit!

Meanwhile, Congress has been on what seems like a 7 year recess....

Trust me, when Trump is in office and "running things", the nation will be BEGGING him to go on vacation as often as possible.

46491. judithathome - 9/16/2016 9:56:06 PM

I am getting more and more afraid that the lunatics have taken over asylum...did no one else see King of Hearts

46492. wabbit - 9/16/2016 11:53:01 PM

Haven't seen that movie in years...but I was having the same thought today. I'd really like to believe that if the D wins, and sadly he might, after four years we could do better. But I don't think so. The fanatics are immovable. They don't think, they feeeeelll, and the D knows how to push every button. The press is afraid of him, which I do not understand, so he gets a pass on just about everything. He was right, he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue (or wherever) and it wouldn't make a dent in his popularity.

As bad as he is, his acolytes are scarier.

46493. judithathome - 9/17/2016 1:34:50 AM

Hey, people...take a long hard look at your next President:Let's Just Kill Hillary, Okay

46494. arkymalarky - 9/18/2016 12:27:50 AM

As a teacher, the rejoinder I hate to hear the most is "all I said was...." I shut that down quick when a kid starts to try it. That is Trump's Constant defense of himself.

46495. arkymalarky - 9/18/2016 2:46:41 AM

God cast this country an amazing pearl 8 years ago. November 8th we will see if He cast it before swine. I don't believe so. I really don't.

46496. arkymalarky - 9/18/2016 3:13:39 PM

The Alt Right thinks they see a hole through which they can slither into the White House, and they are wrong. Americans will not choose fear and hate. And even if they did, the Alt Right are "deplorable" losers in every sense of both words.

46497. winstonsmith - 9/19/2016 1:59:41 AM

The country is pretty polarized and, given a generic Democrat and Republican, it would probably be a tight race. It seems like all Trump has to do is dial it back a bit and we see a reversion to the mean. Republicans are dying to believe that he will be OK and it doesn't take much to tip them toward him. The debates will probably be the most watched in history and may well decide the race.

46498. winstonsmith - 9/19/2016 2:12:33 AM

And... The republicans are hungrier. After 8 years of media pandering to their worst fears about Obama, they are ready to come out and vote.

And... Democrats, especially young ones, are spoiled by 8 years of Obama. They have seen the rapid pace of social change and want more. They don't realize how big a swath of the country will do anything they can to slow it down. The young are not satisfied with Clinton and could end up with Trump because they are unrealistic.

46499. arkymalarky - 9/19/2016 3:24:56 AM

Here in AR it comes down to guns with the Trump people I've talked to. They don't seem interested in any other issue.

46500. arkymalarky - 9/19/2016 3:25:56 AM

I think that the ground game is going to help with a lot of issues that you reference. I'm going to a meeting of Democrats Thursday and see what they're up to here.

46501. judithathome - 9/19/2016 7:48:04 PM

The young are not satisfied with Clinton and could end up with Trump because they are unrealistic.

See Bernie Trump and their flocking to him...he SEEMED unrealistic to me but his policies seem like a positive, sane REALITY to me now compared to Trump's fear mongering and dog whistles.

Trump's "fans" are hypnotized by his flash but there is no substance there. It's like seeing a magician shoot fire out of his fingertips..we're convinced it's MAGIC and we don't notice him wiping the tell-tale black powder off his hands.

And anyhow, most of the "youth" of today are so used to getting everythng they want due to being told how special they are that they couldn't handle being told they are wrong about anything.

46502. winstonsmith - 9/20/2016 1:26:16 AM

Arrky, yeah, guns are a big motivator in Oregon, as well. Yes, I agree the ground game should help. With all the factors in play though, things are pretty unpredictable, at the moment.

Judith, it does worry me that some young people are unwilling to:

A. Consider the idea that much of what they have been told about Clnton may be untrue.
B. Reconcile themselves to making Choices when neither choice is exactly what they want.
C. Recognize how much progress has been made and how Clinton will keep moving toward progress and Trump will block and reverse it.

46503. arkymalarky - 9/20/2016 2:14:06 AM

Young people need to be told loudly and often the most of Bernie Sanders ideas got adopted in the Democratic platform, and that in 2000 it didn't work to go with a third party and it would be disastrous this time as well. That's where a lot of the dangerous for young people. This made me feel better though:

46504. arkymalarky - 9/20/2016 2:17:12 AM

My parents and I are going to the Democratic party meeting on Thursday, and I'm really excited about it. If Obama does what he did Saturday night at the Congressional Black Caucus dinner, that is the best thing that could happen for election day. And Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are doing so much. That, and as soon as the trumpster gets any slight indication he's in the lead he starts acting like an idiot again. Between Hillary's pneumonia and Trump's teleprompter, this is really looking bad, but he's back to his SOS and Hillary obviously just fine physically.

46505. arkymalarky - 9/20/2016 2:23:18 AM

And I'm busy at work, busy at home, and I'm about to be a grandma, and I'm just not going to spend the next two months despairing over this election. I'm going to the meetings, talking to people, I will take the day off and drive people and make phone calls and whatever I have to do, and then vote. That's all I can do. If everybody else does the same, I think we'll be all right. That assumes the media's going to continue doing its job like it has been ever since trump made chumps out of them all with a publicized Hotel tour. It's all going to come down to turn out and ground game.

The biggest possible slap in the face to the African-American Community would be to elect a birther-in-chief to succeed our first black president.

46506. arkymalarky - 9/20/2016 2:25:06 AM

Ha! That link makes me feel better, too, but i meant to link this:


The other one is my dream Grandma car.

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