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46634. arkymalarky - 10/29/2016 8:44:20 PM

When Hillary goes into office, some of this C
stuff will change automatically because the Republican party is imploding. Some of it will change over the next few years, because the average age of these people is well above 60.

46635. Ms. No - 10/31/2016 3:19:53 AM

The shitty thing is, when he gets fired he'll say it's because he stood up to "Crooked Hillary," not because he violated the responsibilities and misused the power of his office.

And I'm in total agreement with you on the media, Arky. FOX News was legitimized by the mainstream media when they should have laughed it out of existence from the get-go. You can be fair and balanced without giving lunatics a platform to spread lies and sow dissent. In fact, I would argue that by giving a pass to lunatics, the media is being dangerously unbalanced.

46636. vonKreedon - 11/2/2016 10:50:54 PM

Jan. 20th, 2017: Hillary is inaugurated.
Jan. 21st, 2017: The Congressional Repubs start impeachment hearings.

Perhaps we'll have a period of relative calm and civility between Nov. 9th 2016 and Jan. 20th 2017, but probably not.

46637. judithathome - 11/3/2016 12:33:54 AM

Hey....the cable media have been giving Trump free access ALL ALONG...they have cut away from their regular programming every single DAY and have done so even in prime time evening shows...and I am talking MSNBC which is NOT like FOX News...just the opposite, in fact.

This could be looked on as giving voice to a lunatic so watchers can SEE how insane he is....or it can be seen as something else.

46638. Ms. No - 11/4/2016 1:19:59 AM

I'm very concerned about the Secret Service detail if Hillary becomes our next president.

How exactly is she (or the nation for that matter) supposed to trust her life to a division of the FBI at this point? Sure, no agent wants to be known as the one who lost a sitting president, but with the level of hostility toward Clinton I wouldn't be surprised if there was one who was willing to fall on his sword for "the good of the nation."

And Comey has another 7 years in office.

Clinton has declined to comment on whether or not she would ask for his resignation should she be elected, but the only reason I can think of for NOT demanding it is the wish not to be accused of retaliating against him, which would be a ridiculous wish. People who would accuse her of such have already shown they don't care about the facts and couldn't be convinced of her integrity if Jesus Christ himself came down and sponsored her.

Never mind that when you abuse the powers of your office you OUGHT to be removed regardless of the popularity or lack thereof of the victim of the abuse. Although, ultimately, it wasn't an abuse of Hillary Clinton, it was an abuse of the American people and our Democratic process.

Sorry - know that was disjointed as hell, but I'm in a rush and wanted to get my thoughts out quickly.

46639. arkymalarky - 11/4/2016 1:55:58 AM

Reminded of how wretched cellardoor thought Andrew Sullivan was. I totally agree.

46640. arkymalarky - 11/4/2016 1:57:25 AM

And Trump and fox are running with what Comey said spinning lies out of control like a cat with a ball of yarn.

46641. arkymalarky - 11/4/2016 1:58:11 AM

If he had a scintilla of Integrity he would at least try to clarify what he said seeing that people are spinning lies out of it.

46642. Trillium - 11/4/2016 3:19:48 PM

Comey, Clinton in their own words

46643. wabbit - 11/4/2016 4:17:05 PM

OMG, do not be drinking coffee when you read this...

Melania Trump Says She’ll Fight Cyber-Bullying as First Lady

Does she live with her husband???

46644. arkymalarky - 11/4/2016 5:02:40 PM

Pepe, you really need to look at the dates on the article as you link.

46645. vonKreedon - 11/4/2016 8:26:28 PM

Cos - The SS is part of Homeland Security, not Justice and so not the FBI.

46646. judithathome - 11/4/2016 8:49:27 PM

Hey, Andrew Sullivan, now that he is dying, has sounded more realistic in his assessment of this run for President...I've heard him say he thinks Trump might win but only because he thinks the American public has gone insane.

He is NOT a fan of Trump...he is condemning the fools who are supporting this idiot.

46647. arkymalarky - 11/4/2016 10:18:06 PM

Attitudes like his are not helpful. And he's got an abnormal dislike of the Clintons which he is constitutionally incapable of hiding.

Hillary's been ahead the whole time. Yes, she may lose, but that is always a risk in this environment. Democrats need to be strong and positive and confident. Projecting anything else feeds a loser's mentality, which is deadly in campaigns. I'm making calls to newly registered voters through Monday night. You do everything you can to make positive things hapoen then deal with it if they don't, but despairing before you're defeated is pointless. Sullivan going on as a talking head with that attitude is helping trump and he should know that.

I call my 85 year old dad and have him talk me down every once in awhile, and the only time he's been concerned about the result was after she had pneumonia and her poll numbers dropped significantly. I'll take my dad's view over Sullivan's any day of the week.

46648. wabbit - 11/5/2016 3:05:04 PM

Your dad rules!

46649. arkymalarky - 11/5/2016 3:34:43 PM

Awwww! I will tell him you said so!

46650. judithathome - 11/5/2016 10:04:06 PM

Well, I must be missing all Sullivan's appearences because I've only seen him one or two times in the last month or so...and I don't think he is nearly as egregious as 9/10ths of the others showing up these days.

Pick any blonde surrogate...and the one brunette...of Trumps who are absolutely bat-shit crazy and one or more of them is interviewd almost daily...especially AJ Delgado (shudder)....ALL of them are talking utter shit, not just one dying journalist.

However, when even David Frum casts his vote for Hillary...and advertises that fact (including on Bill Maher's show last night) it gives me a little more hope for the country than the rest of this insanity does. (Plus 28% of early Republican voters in Florida voted for Hillary!)

(And I think Rudy Gullianni should be arrested for crimes against the nation. But I've thought that for a long time...my actual hope is that President Trump just doesn't appoint Rudy head of the FBI...)

46651. Trillium - 11/6/2016 4:08:49 PM

When the "Pepe" meme first appeared in the news, like most people I had to look it up. "Pepe" cartoons are a kid/reddit thing, not exactly mainstream Know Your Meme: Pepe

There are apparently a huge variety of Pepe cartoons. For general viewing pleasure, a Matrix-themed "Neo Pepe"

46652. Trillium - 11/6/2016 4:11:01 PM

Assigning disrespectful nicknames is a schoolyard bullying technique. It's out of place in schoolyards (teachers should discourage this, not engage in it) and out of place in adult political discussions. Stop it Arky, you know better

46653. Trillium - 11/6/2016 4:18:01 PM

I had thought "Alt Right" was another idiot invented term without a constituency. However, a British gay activist who speaks at college campuses ("Dangerous Faggot Tour") has defined "Alt Right" in the following BBC interview -- so apparently "Alt Right" is legit.

If you're permitted to watch Breitbart, go ahead with the link, the description is in there
BBC interviews Milo

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