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46707. arkymalarky - 11/15/2016 6:52:35 AM

True No! I think both would do a good job and another man from South Carolina whose name I can't recall but who I recognized threw his hat in today also. There are two or three more interested. What I found interesting about what Howard Dean said was that he would be glad to work on the infrastructure which is what they need anyway. They need to get directly to the people. I said it already, but it really struck me going to that Democratic rally that they just weren't doing anything. They didn't plan anything, make phone calls, nothing

46708. judithathome - 11/15/2016 7:04:29 AM

Rachel is reporting on the unbelievablevisit the other day to meet the (real) President and Trump's son-in-law was there with Trump...he asked someone, just as a point of interest, how many people in the President's staff would be "staying on"...shocked, the person told him "None of them"....

They didn't even KNOW that!! They must be viewing this as "learning on the job" training...starting at the most basic level.

This does NOT bode well....not at ALL.

46709. judithathome - 11/16/2016 1:53:34 AM

So. Tonight Keoni and I decided to say Fuck It about the elction and have, for dinner, the things we had put together for Election Night and have them while watching, on National Geographic, the first episode of Mars.

We had different cheeses, crackers, caviar, grapes, smoked salmon, etc...and champagne.

The series shows the first manned misson to Mars...in 2033...and though we won't live long enough to actually GO there...we can dream.

46710. Jenerator - 11/16/2016 5:17:53 PM

Hi everyone. It's been a while.

This election season had me exhausted! When it came down to the two major party candidates, I simply couldn't vote for either.

I really hate how people are handling the election result, too.

46711. arkymalarky - 11/16/2016 6:32:29 PM

How is everything? Great to see you and so good that you stopped in to say hello!

I like when people express themselves and exercise their rights. Protests and dissent have never bothered me even when I don't agree with them. The only way we protect our freedoms is to utilize them.

I Understand how a lot of people feel like you do; what stresses me the most though is it seems that nobody on his team has a clue what they're doing. That may work out okay, but it's not comfortable knowing that the person in charge doesn't know how to do the job, especially in the nuclear age.

46712. judithathome - 11/16/2016 10:16:14 PM

Well, at the rate his team is failing to fill open offices/appointments, and knowing he has 4,000 positions to go...he might think about foregoing a dinner out and buckle down and get this ONE job done before thumbing his nose at tradition.

All I can say is, we expected...and got...appointments and hirings before Obama took the oath of office. And even Bush, Jr. had things well in hand...I don't expect this president to mirror anything like that.

Obama had at least served in the Senate before. And GW Bush had run a STATE before and whether that was a nightmare or not, he had SOME knowledge of how government worked and it served him...I won't say for "well" or "not"...but he also had competent people around him who filled the gaps.

Just as with the Apprentice "hirees", the winning was all there was...very few of them were heard from again. Unfortunately, we're stuck with this "apprentice" for the next 4 years and have to make the best of it or we'll go mad and/or kill ourselves.

46713. judithathome - 11/16/2016 10:16:56 PM

Oh, and "HI!", Jen! Good to see you!

46714. winstonsmith - 11/16/2016 11:21:49 PM

My 16 year old daughter participated in the high school walkout and protest march in downtown Portland. I hate how conservative relatives of mine have been posting things on Facebook about how the kids are a bunch of ungrateful slackers who can't even vote. My daughter is a straight-A student who is in choir, the debate team, all honors classes. She works her ass off and will be a hardworking asset to this society. She was one of the students who gave a speech downtown at Pioneer Square. She understands that Trump won the election and will be President. She is unhappy with many of the inflammatory things he said during the campaign and is giving voice to her concerns. It's true, she was unable to vote in this election and it is frustrating for her. She will for sure vote in the next one though.

46715. judithathome - 11/16/2016 11:28:40 PM

Props to your daughter and tell her (which I am sure you HAVE) to keep fighting the fight!

These kids like her are going to inherit this country and they definitely have a right to be worried about what is going to be "left of it".

46716. winstonsmith - 11/16/2016 11:48:15 PM

Thanks Judith!

Hi Jen!

46717. Trillium - 11/17/2016 7:07:31 PM

The following is long, and reading it will take more than the usual attention span.

Consider the following link (written by someone working in mental health who clearly doesn't like Trump, yet remained relatively rational)

Slatestarcodex: You Are Still Crying Wolf

46718. judithathome - 11/17/2016 7:53:15 PM

and reading it will take more than the usual attention span.

...I guess I'd better just skip it then...probably far too complicated for me to grasp!


If you could, please refrain from posting War and Peace. I get all those Russian names sooo mixed up...

46719. Trillium - 11/18/2016 9:19:48 PM

No problem. Here's something much shorter, more succinct, laced with plenty of profanity. Anti-Trump so most here are allowed to listen to it

British comedian Jonathan Pie

46720. arkymalarky - 11/18/2016 11:32:26 PM

I always google Pepe's link sources before clicking, but the first was posted on slate's forum under a historian's piece on Hitler. Evidently it's being disseminated for some reason. And we all know where 1st amendment suppression will come from, so no need to be sarcastic about what's allowed reading here.


There's you a long article to read.

46721. Trillium - 11/19/2016 4:53:29 AM

Already read it back in August. The term "Alt Right" was made up by Clinton's team and it's a fail.

But here's something to sing if you like the sound of "Alt Right"

Alt Right

46722. arkymalarky - 11/19/2016 5:43:32 AM

No. The term alt right was not made up by the Clinton team.

46723. judithathome - 11/19/2016 1:15:37 PM

Read it and weep, Trillium: here is the truth from the site run by one of the biggest purveyors of it, Roger Bannon, the very definition of the thing. Link*

*I suggest everyone take a shower after reading...it's Brietbart.

46724. arkymalarky - 11/19/2016 5:15:08 PM

People need to flag false news whenever and wherever they see it

46725. judithathome - 11/19/2016 7:26:15 PM

That is becoming harder and harder to do...most people get their news from Facebook today and many of the sources they read/cite are fake copies of real news sources that have been cloned and made to "look" real.

46726. arkymalarky - 11/19/2016 7:45:34 PM

FB is working on a new policy right now, but it's closing the barn door after the horse got out. Better late, tho.

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