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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 46807 - 46826 out of 47369 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
46807. judithathome - 1/20/2017 8:15:21 PM

Well, it is clear Trump didn't actually write the speech he gave today...Black Friday.

And he SNIFFED throughout the entire thing.

Good luck, America...hope you are prepared for Armageddon.

"America FIRST!" He has no idea this "cry" was started by a communist sympathizer, Charles Lindbergh, while running for President.

46808. arkymalarky - 1/21/2017 12:58:51 AM


46809. arkymalarky - 1/22/2017 5:05:04 AM

Wow. What a day. I'm truly beginning to suspect that I Walked Through a Wormhole somewhere around November 8th. This is just surreal.

Marches were great though. Got some pictures some people we know in different parts of the country, and one of our good friends went to DC. Hadn't heard from her yet, but I'm sure she had a blast. Course she has a blast everywhere She Goes.

46810. wombat - 1/22/2017 6:28:44 AM

All the pink-hatted grooviness on display today will not mean sh-t if it is not followed up by voting. And by not wasting votes.

46811. arkymalarky - 1/22/2017 7:05:21 AM

Lots of focus on organizing at the grassroots level like I've never seen before. A lot of what caused problems was the DNC's lack of effort at the state and local levels. I saw that hete. There is no excuse for Dems not controlling the Senate. If the next two years goes like today and the Dems shift in the ways they're promising to, especially if the GOP continues to overreach and Trump continues to implode, 2018 will see a major shift back toward Dems.

Having been a community organizer, I cringed at what the Dems were failing to do at the local level which made it hard for people running as Dems to win. But new DNC leadership will help, plus Obama's new initiatives, and people are really using social media and the Indivisible guide to mobilize. The Congress app is great, too.

Who knows, but 32% approval for Trump with 60+ for Obama, and a terrible horrible no good first day plus a record-breaking worldwide protest are all hopeful signs of a shift.

46812. judithathome - 1/24/2017 4:19:17 AM

CBS Confirms That Trump Brought Cheering Props To CIA Appearance

46813. judithathome - 1/24/2017 4:21:12 AM

Quote from article:

CBS News confirmed reports that President Donald Trump brought a studio audience to his visit with the CIA on Saturday. The news agency reports that an official said the visit left a wake of “unease,” “made relations with the intelligence community worse,” and was “uncomfortable.”

Intelligence people were “stunned” and “offended by the president’s tone,” CBS reported U.S. government sources tell CBS News that there is a sense of unease in the intelligence community after President Trump’s visit to CIA headquarters on Saturday.”

Also, Trump did bring cheering props, which fits with how he has operated previously in requiring a cheering section – a sort of laugh track of supportive extras like those his campaign hired for his announcement event. It has been confirmed by Trump insiders that the President loves props.

“Authorities are also pushing back against the perception that the CIA workforce was cheering for the president. They say the first three rows in front of the president were largely made up of supporters of Mr. Trump’s campaign,” CBS continued.

46814. judithathome - 1/25/2017 5:08:21 AM

I'm serious...I cannot believe we are waking up every day to having this asshole as our President....I'm to the point I don't even CARE if I wake up every day.....

46815. judithathome - 1/25/2017 9:08:09 AM

Jesus H. Christ...I just watched the first 20 minutes of Rachel Maddows show...if you missed it, check out her website tomorrow and WATCH IT.

This man who was put in the White House has done what I, for one, consider an open ATTACK on our country and has actually banned the agency he attacked...the EPA...from telling anyone about it.

I was hesitant to label him Hitler but after you see this portion of her show, I have no idea what to call him if not dangerously close to being a Hitler-esque tyrant...full on, including forbidding anyone working at the agency from talking to the press about what was just done....luckily some brave souls ARE talking about it...with printed evidence of what he's just done...and no doubt, will do far worse as the days stack up.

edit: Here Is A Link WATCH IT!!!!

46816. Trillium - 1/26/2017 4:34:52 AM

This could also go on International -- but posted it here because Gabbard is unquestionably a U.S. domestic political leader who commands respect

Tulsi Gabbard on CNN re: Iraq visit

Tulsi Gabbard went on CNN, called out past U.S. support for murder and mayhem in Syria

46817. Trillium - 1/26/2017 5:31:59 AM

More complete video of Gabbard's post-Syria interview with Tapper

46818. judithathome - 1/26/2017 9:59:49 PM

Yesterday Trump said many people in this country are listed on more than one state voting registery...FRAUDSTERS!!

As a matter of fact, Tiffany Trump is listed in 2 states and until late yesterday afternoon, so was Trump Whisperer Steve Bannon...he removed his name from one of his 2 state registries late in the afternoon.

I guess we can forget the old saw "People in glass houses" and amend "glass" to White".

46819. judithathome - 1/29/2017 11:44:00 PM

I can't believe this forum is so idle...we have a man in the White House running this country into hell on earth...and by that, I mean Steve Bannon...and nary a word about it....WTF???

46820. iiibbb - 1/29/2017 11:53:05 PM

Important read.

How to culture jam a populist

46821. iiibbb - 1/29/2017 11:53:45 PM

I am in Disqus... the talk is fast there.

46822. judithathome - 1/29/2017 11:59:46 PM

Well, I am in another forum, too. (in fact, I run it)..but how hard is it to come in here and if not link to other places, at least COMMENT on things going on?

We have a man running things that wants to destroy our way of life...and I don't mean Trump...I mean the PuppetMaster, Bannon.

46823. judithathome - 1/30/2017 12:58:25 AM

It might be but I went to your link and cannot make any sense of it whatsoever.

46824. judithathome - 1/31/2017 12:37:41 AM

Oh to be young again and be willing AND able to pull up stakes and move to another country!

Just wait...Social Security and MediCare are going to be axed next.

46825. judithathome - 1/31/2017 12:42:07 AM

Arky, I am hearing a LOT of refernces in the news to Tom Cotton...none advising the asshole SHAVE, by the way...but I think Republicans are putting him forward as the next great conservative hope.

Hide and watch.....

46826. arkymalarky - 1/31/2017 1:28:35 AM

They've been doing that ever since before that ridiculous and embarrassing Iran letter previous to the nuclear halt deal. I don't think it will work because no one likes a scold, but he's a bigger concern than a lot of possibilities because he's smart and he doesn't have a core set of conservative values. Kinda like a younger Mitch McConnell

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