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46827. judithathome - 1/31/2017 2:38:21 AM

Well, thanks for making feel BETTER....ha!

He seems like an idiot to me...but an AMBITIOUS one...which is ALWAYS dangerous...especially in Republican circles.

46828. judithathome - 1/31/2017 2:55:15 AM

Making ME feel....jesus, I really wish we had autocorrect!

46829. thoughtful - 1/31/2017 3:45:40 PM

Did any of you go to DC to march? I did. What an experience!

46830. arkymalarky - 1/31/2017 6:04:01 PM

We weren't financially or obligation-wise able to go. A good friend of ours went, but we haven't heard how it was for her.

46831. judithathome - 1/31/2017 6:28:15 PM

Thanks to any and all who DID make it! Me, I do well to make it to the car these days, usually for doctor's visits or to labs for tests....

I did WATCH the marches all day long, however. (blush)

46832. thoughtful - 1/31/2017 11:51:47 PM

You were with us in spirit for sure!

46833. judithathome - 2/1/2017 12:20:49 AM

No kidding I was!

I am atip with anticipation TONIGHT to see who will get the ROSE of Supreme Court Justice at 8pmEST!

I'm actually shocked this asshole didn't delay the announcement until halftime at the Super Bowl on Sunday.

46834. wombat - 2/1/2017 12:27:55 AM

I Spend more time on Facebook.

46835. judithathome - 2/1/2017 12:45:30 AM

I loathe Facebook...but whatever.

Actually, I don't know why I do...except for the fact everytime we meet people for dinner or any social situation, everyone seems to be more concerned with taking pictures of their damned meal and sending it to "facebook friends" or answering every single tweet they GET while we are sitting there asking how they've been, etc.

I used to think it might be because we are boring dinner companions...but trust me, we are NOT.

Ask around...probably to FACEBOOK FRIENDS, while they are out having dinner with fascinating companions.

Sorry...I'm a luddite....HUGE eyeroll. Ha!!!

46836. arkymalarky - 2/1/2017 1:15:25 AM

Pictures of food is actually what I miss most about Facebook. Especially from the former exchange students I was Facebook friends with.

I'm waiting on the DNC to pick a new chair so I can start volunteering locally, but I don't want to do it until they have their new leadership and start making some structural adjustments that make it something besides pissing in the Wind to work with them.

46837. arkymalarky - 2/1/2017 1:52:21 AM

Facebook and other social media was a big part of the reason the women's March was so successful, and it's a tool organizing that people are going to have to embrace if they're going to get word out and have frequent actions.

When we were doing the rural ed organizing, we didn't have Facebook, and we sent out email through networks. Facebook and other social media venues are a lot more effective in that regard and reach a lot more people a lot faster.

46838. wabbit - 2/1/2017 3:15:51 AM

Thank you Thoughtful!

The best I could manage was to wear my soft kitty hood all day...it does have ears.

46839. Ms. No - 2/1/2017 7:08:13 AM

Crazed with the start of the new semester and a new, additional class for zero period.

Getting hooked up with some friends to either join or start an Indivisible group. We spent Sunday evening tossing around design ideas for yard signs to promote American values like liberty, justice, tolerance, and a total repudiation of tyranny.

46840. Ms. No - 2/1/2017 7:13:18 AM


Great article! My soundbite for the night is:

"a hissy-fit is not a strategy"

So important for people opposed to Trump to remember.

46841. arkymalarky - 2/1/2017 2:50:38 PM

Amen! So true. I looked at 3is link the other day, and in that vein, read this in tpm last night:


No time to link on the phone getting ready for work, but c&p. It's right on.

46842. judithathome - 2/1/2017 7:21:13 PM

Arky's Link

46843. judithathome - 2/6/2017 12:31:25 AM

I get the distinct feeling the Mote has ended...I can't believe NO ONE has posted here in last 5 days.

Seriously....I know hardly anyone likes to see my name as "last poster"....but is there nothing done since Trump was elected that hasn't pissed ANYONE off???

46844. winstonsmith - 2/6/2017 11:16:26 PM

Hi Judith, I am happy to see your name as last posted and I am very pissed off at Trump. I agree with Arky that the DNC needs to get moving on getting the new chair in place. I think this is going to be a long fight an I am trying to figure out where to best expend my time, energy and money. At the moment, I am thinking that preparation for 2018 is the most import thing but that requires the Democrats to help create a coherent plan and marshal all the resources required to win. All the pissed off people will need to row in the same direction to make 2018 turn out the way we want it to.

46845. arkymalarky - 2/7/2017 5:35:38 AM

Hillary Clinton was going to win the presidency before James Comey, though it was difficult to get her message out because the media just having all Trump all the time. I actually emailed MSNBC and quit watching them about a week before the election because of that. But her loss revealed a much bigger problem, and that is the DNC and Democratic Leadership that has been awol since 2010. And that has to change, or we're not going to get anywhere. Had the Democrats won the Senate like they were supposed to, we would have so much more leverage to prevent a lot of what's Happening with incompetent and unqualified cabinet picks and blocking a stolen Supreme Court seat.

If people don't understand that it's going to take work to get the party and the country back on track, we're going to be in a world of hurt. So my limited time is not really productive railing against trump. In addition, I refused to give him that much control over my life. I've got a lot of things personally I intend to enjoy. Talking about Trump is not enjoyable for me, and it's not useful. Laughing at him and working to oppose his dangerous and anti-Democratic agenda is. Working locally with the DNC, working with Grassroots organizing, finding an indivisible group and getting with it and calling legislators and getting as large a network of friends to do so as possible are the things that work, even in red States. We proved that in Arkansas. It would be nice if that weren't the case. when I was doing the rural organizing several years ago I wore myself out doing that kind of work. But had we not done it, many schools, and especially poor schools, would have closed. I think it was worth the effort to keep them open, and I think it's worth the effort to rebuild the Democratic party just like the Republicans did after '08. Work with the very localest of local neighborhoods and communities and work outward from there. There are A lot more tools to get that sort of thing done than there were when I was doing it. I was the only one that even had a smartphone and it was a BlackBerry.

On that topic, if y'all haven't seen it you really need to check out MsNo's picture in the cafe. It's very cool and very inspirational.

46846. arkymalarky - 2/7/2017 5:36:41 AM

And Winston, you are exactly right.

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