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46854. arkymalarky - 2/7/2017 10:36:29 PM


46855. judithathome - 2/8/2017 7:54:22 PM

Last night Mitch McConnell handed Democrats their next candidate: Elizabeth Warren.

46856. judithathome - 2/8/2017 7:58:49 PM

Good lord...who would think listening to court "testimony" would be so fascinating to listen to on TV...and not even Perry Mason for the defense being a part of it!

And if that is boring to you, flip over to the Congress to listen to the Dems speaking all night long to try to deter Jeff Sessions' bid for a Cabinet position...well, you can listen to every Dem except for Elizabeth Warren....because Mitch McConnell threw her out for "impugning the character of fellow member"...yeah, she was reading a letter from Coretta Scott King about Jeff Sessions which is IN the Congressional Record ...from back in the day when he wasn't fit to be put on the bench...and McConnell made her shut up and sit down. She's PISSED!.

The clownishness of the White House is seeping over into Congress...keep it up, Republicans!

46857. judithathome - 2/8/2017 7:59:55 PM

(This last post was written by me last night in my forum...and I copied it to here...)

46858. judithathome - 2/8/2017 10:45:52 PM

Okay, this is another post I made about last night's goings-on:

Well, Mitch is kinda in Trump's pocket...his wife is in Trump's Cabinet, after all...head of LABOR. So I'd think ole Mitch is very thankful.

From Wilipedia:

Chao's parents had fled to Taiwan from Shanghai in China after the Chinese Communists took over following the Chinese Civil War in 1949. When she was 8 years old, in 1961, she came to the United States on a freight ship along with her mother and two younger sisters, a long journey that took 37 days. Her father had arrived in New York three years earlier after receiving a scholarship.

So...what sounds hinky about THIS story? She is an IMMIGRANT...as were her parents.

Wonder if she could get into the US today under Trump Rules?

edit: I am not trashing this woman, by any means....but what does this say about Trump's ideas about barring people from coming into this country? That he's a complete and total idiot? Yes...her "journey" and the outcome of it speaks volumes. Too bad Trump can't read.

46859. judithathome - 2/8/2017 10:48:33 PM

Sorry...she is Secretary of Transportation...my mistake.

46860. judithathome - 2/8/2017 10:49:29 PM

Evidently, I can't read, either! ;-)

46861. wabbit - 2/11/2017 5:42:13 PM

President Trump vowed in a pair of tweets Saturday morning to negotiate the costs of constructing a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border “way down,” after a government analysis estimated the price at a whopping $21.6 billion.

So he'll not pay the contractors, is that the plan? It worked for him for years, so why not. It's how the self-inflicted "Trump Tax" got started in the NYC metro area. Let's see if contractors nationwide wake up in time to see it coming their way.

46862. judithathome - 2/11/2017 7:58:23 PM

Well, if the wall is to made of bricks, he won't get anyone to work for him except Mexican artisans...they are the BEST at brick work!

And he's stiffed them before in NYC so he'll do the same with this ridiculous wall.

Did anyone hear about ICE last night rounding up "illegals" nationwide and deporting them last night? Hundreds of them..."disappeared".

46863. wabbit - 2/12/2017 7:41:39 PM

But only the "criminal" ones, right? Of course, since they are here illegally, they are all criminals. And now those who are left will hide. I feel SO much safer.

I'd like to hear about other repercussions of a wall. How will the indigenous wildlife be affected? Or are we back to the Bible where we rule the animals and don't give a crap about them or the environment?

I'm so sick of small-minded, short-sighted people running things.

46864. wabbit - 2/12/2017 7:49:42 PM

Good read about gerrymandering.

46865. judithathome - 2/12/2017 8:09:23 PM

I'm so sick of small-minded, short-sighted people running things.

Me, too...but I'm more terrified of smart, very articulate people in thrall to the devil doing so.

If you haven't seen it, watch
b Meet The Press
today (reruns throughout the day on NBC and MSNBC) and see Chuck Todd be eviserated by Steve Miller....no, not the Space Cowboy...the guy who writes most of Trumps teleprompter material and third on the WH totem pole, right after Bannon. (Yes, I know Reince is in there somewhere and THINKS he's running things but...guess again, Reincy!)

Miller is young, highly educated AND articulate...and deadly smug. Morning Joe Scarborough nearly had an anuerysm last week, spewing his outrage for almost an hour blasting Miller and demanding he be fired.

Miller is scarier than Trump OR Bannon. He looks so meek and innocuous but then, he opens his mouth!

46866. arkymalarky - 2/12/2017 9:59:31 PM

That's what investigative reporters are for. The old line that Obama liked to use that sunlight is the best disinfectant applies precisely to people like that and they've always been the concern. Trump didn't win on his own, and he would have lost had his handlers not shifted his campaign managers; and the puppeteers who wanted him to win, wherever they are, ran the strategy that put him where he is. They don't need ever to get a pass. They need to be reported on and exposed. I've seen some of that, but not nearly enough. And on a side note, I don't care for Chuck Todd or Chris Matthews or any of those squishy yappers who can't manage to actually do the work and dig in and ask the questions that need to be asked, to say nothing of getting answers.

Katy tur was defending her work to some congresswoman a while back, and I thought no dear, you don't get credit for sitting in the pit and being a stenographer I don't care how in danger you felt. She may think that they called out falsehoods and concerning issues like an undercurrent of racism and possible Russian connections during the campaign, but there was precious little of that in comparison to the free airtime and the squishy faux balance they thought they were providing to both sides of the campaign. And while I'm at it I'll throw NYT right on top of that steamy pile.

46867. arkymalarky - 2/12/2017 10:00:54 PM

"the work"= the research

46868. wabbit - 2/14/2017 12:08:07 AM

I really miss HBO's Late Week with John Oliver

46869. arkymalarky - 2/14/2017 4:43:02 AM

I wish we got premium channels. We too poor.

46870. arkymalarky - 2/14/2017 6:11:12 AM

Well, Flynn jumped, leaving us to wonder if he would have ever been pushed--and what investigations may turn up.

46871. arkymalarky - 2/14/2017 6:21:48 AM

The Russian dynamic and alt right support of Putin needs looking into. The message is out there in the rw ether but the origin is unclear as are their greater global aims. The role of Jill Stein deserves a closer look as well.

46872. winstonsmith - 2/14/2017 6:37:34 AM

Arky, I wonder if Flynn was asked to resign. Trump knew he was big trouble, especially since his problems related to Russia, an area where Trump is vulnerable/suspect. It may also be the case that it can be proven that Trump knew all about what Flynn did.

46873. arkymalarky - 2/14/2017 7:32:54 AM

I Figure the Flynn-Russia conversations thread is hanging from a very big sweater and I just hope it unravels quickly.

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