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46894. judithathome - 2/26/2017 1:23:44 AM

I'm disappointed and think he's a bad pick...what is needed is a Howard Dean 50 state soultion and I think Perez has no way to understand that...I think Ellison would have been a far better choice.

46895. judithathome - 2/26/2017 1:24:32 AM


46896. arkymalarky - 2/26/2017 2:05:26 AM

Of the main ones I prefered buttigieg, but I'm fine with Perez. And the term is Democratic Trill dear.

46897. arkymalarky - 2/26/2017 2:08:22 AM

I think that Independents and Democrats should just start thinking of all the creative ways they can pull a letter or two out of the word Republican. You could have all sorts of fun with that.

46898. arkymalarky - 2/26/2017 2:18:46 AM

"Republicans tend to remain "closeted" in those "Uniparty" cities."

False. A lot of top pols and businessmen in NYC and other largely Democratic cities and states do just fine as open Republicans. Since Trump has had no core political values that have ever been identifiable, he's a poor example of switching party for convenience.

46899. arkymalarky - 2/26/2017 2:20:40 AM

I mean, he's a good example of identifying with a party for personal convenience and gain, and a poor example of switching parties despite an opposing set of beliefs.

46900. Trillium - 2/26/2017 6:52:19 PM

According to Business Insider, the populous Williamsburg, NYC voting precinct had ONE Republican voter. Either the Republicans are closeted, non-existent, or their votes are being tossed somehow (which I recall happening to an independent non-Republican candidate for school board on the Upper West Side, many years ago; not an improbable event in this very corrupt political system) but they don't show up on the records.

There is an astoundingly low number of GOP voters in New York City

I rest my case.

46901. Trillium - 2/26/2017 6:55:59 PM

I had not heard anything about Buttigieg before you mentioned him. Interesting guy with an interesting record of getting seedy housing either fixed or demolished. Worn-down, war-zone neighborhoods are demoralizing.

He's a Rhodes Scholar, an honor often associated with presidents/presidential candidates


46902. Trillium - 2/26/2017 7:15:47 PM

Buttigieg also did his thesis on Puritan influences. The Puritans were unusual for their time because of their insistence on literacy for all, and resulting representation in the science of the time (Merton Thesis). "7 of 10 nucleus members of the Royal Society were Puritans. In the year 1663, 62% of the members of the Royal Society were similarly identified"

Merton Thesis

The purpose of the literacy goal was for individuals to be able read and interpret the Bible for themselves (without priestly intervention and Catholic/Habsburg political interference.) A side effect of this was much the wider cultural impact that comes from asking people to think and judge for themselves.

46903. Trillium - 2/26/2017 7:16:48 PM

lots of typos here, very distracted. Time to get back to work

46904. judithathome - 2/27/2017 7:45:41 PM

"Pete" Buttigieg was favored by Howard Dean but I think in the first go round of votes, he got less than 5....Dean wanted someone "youthful" and I heartily agree...face it, the Democratic party needs to focus on the future and that is the younger genertation.

Look at what a shambles it is NOW...anything would be better than what we got this last year.

46905. arkymalarky - 2/27/2017 8:53:34 PM

One of Rush Limbaugh's most successful tactics (and an old, simple one) is building a seemingly strong argument on a patently false premise. That's what trillium is doing with the whole Republican identity in the cities thing. There's no evidence that Republicans are closeted or denying to be the party that they are, only that their numbers are low. Now voting for Trump, you might have an argument for that. There is evidence that a lot of people are loath to admit that in public. In fact, fewer people are identifying Republican than they were before the election.

46906. arkymalarky - 2/27/2017 8:58:15 PM

Home with the flu--first day of fever below 102 since Fri., and looking thru info found this fascinating in depth look at political demographics and trends from 538:


46907. arkymalarky - 2/27/2017 9:12:32 PM

Perez will be good for several reasons. First, he's had a lot of experience in the area of civil rights, second, his skill organizing and increasing the efficiency of large unwieldy entities like the labor department, third, being Hispanic, a demographic Democrats need to do a better job of reaching out to, fourth, being connected to Obama and Obama's structure and money connections the man is, after all, still a huge rock star) fifth, as with most of the other top candidates, he understands that you have to start at the most local level. He said what I've been saying which is that you cannot let a position of doggcatcher go without a Democratic candidate running. Every time I think about Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her total neglect of the state and local party it makes me mad. I certainly saw it here, but now my locality has an indivisible group as does Mose's and most other areas in this state. There is no reason Republicans should control the Senate right now. I blame dws for that. What Perez has said, which is what Howard Dean has said, is that this needs to be an all zip code strategy.

I'm actually going to contact the Democratic party and start trying to do some work with them at the local level. I had a lot of experience with the rural organizing I did a few years ago, and There are a few pretty simple techniques that frankly the GOP started using in 08 that has brought them amazing success, and Democrats actually had the potential to maintain and just didn't. They've got to get back to it. The most important thing for everybody to remember is that democracy is not a spectator sport and if people don't get their asses up and get involved they're not going to win, but demographic Trends are on the side of Democrats in the foreseeable future.

46908. judithathome - 2/27/2017 9:21:36 PM

Well...evidently you are reading different things about Perez than I...I hope you are right about him. (or rather...correct...heh!)

46909. arkymalarky - 2/27/2017 10:12:55 PM

His record is excellent, I don't know where there's anything that contradicts that, so you'd have to point me to it. TPM happens to have a good blog post on the topic right now. Josh Marshall's concluding paragraphs:

"My own small beef in this is that some Ellison supporters, in their need to vindicate their own take on the race, have needed to rebrand Perez as "corporate Democrat" and "establishment shill." You can only sustain this view if you ignore Perez's entire political career and especially the last decade when he held senior positions running the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department and then Secretary of Labor.

The Democratic party will have a hard time moving forward if every contest must be reduced and simplified into a replay of the 2016 primary battle."

46910. arkymalarky - 2/27/2017 10:20:06 PM

The shift here in Democratic attitudes is unbelievable. The party is trying to talk my brother into running for the state senate, and where he lives there's no way he's going to win, so the idea that they would want to field candidates for every position is prevalent even in the whitest of white reddest of red rural North Arkansas. I think for the first time in a long time the Democratic party understands what its Mission is, and there's really not any daylight between what Ellison and Perez were saying about what needed to be done. The DNC seems to be completely Unified in that regard. I was not for Ellison until he agreed to give up his seat to take the job, but the fact that they're so strongly United and chair and vice-chair sends a clear message to everybody else where they're headed.

And, I also got my first email update from Obama's new organization. It's a scary time but it's an exciting time. We're in a race with the devil and we just have to see who wins when it's all said and done.

46911. arkymalarky - 2/27/2017 10:39:21 PM

By the way, it is not gone unnoticed by a lot of non Republicans that Republicans are trying to talk up division between groups of Democrats. In the trump era it's just not going to work.

46912. arkymalarky - 2/28/2017 12:07:07 AM

One more point about this shift in the Democratic party's priorities and organizing: this is not about trump, it's about the Republican party and their abrogation not only of American values but of what they claim to be their own Republican values in exchange for pushing through an agenda that's not only harmful to the country and Constitution, but to their base. And their noise about Christian values is just that. It does not match their actions at all. People see that, but they've been deluded into thinking that if they don't get Supreme Court picks things are just going to get worse. The people who will hurt most from GOP policies are people who supported them. Of course they're hurting anyway, and the statistics of rural white people are very serious. That's my demographic, and I see it every day. Rural populations are declining, rural jobs are disappearing, and nothing about rural life is being maintained or improved. Once it becomes clear that new management isn't going to change that trend, they're done. In short, this is no less than a fight for the soul of this country and its values. If Democrats can't shift their message to help desperate people understand that we have to transition the economy where it's going and that we can't dial it or our demographics back to where it was, it's going to be ugly for everybody.

46913. arkymalarky - 2/28/2017 12:09:47 AM

And another thing people need to understand is that one of the reasons our deficit went up like it did was because President Obama put the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars on the books. It was a simple and much-needed shift in bookkeeping that never gets mentioned.

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