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46954. Trillium - 3/19/2017 3:57:49 PM

Nope, it disappeared for me also. Don't know why.

Here's another version of the YouTube, will see if this one works:
Full Joint Conference

Plus this:
ABC News: Trump, Merkel talk job training

German technical students, from what I've seen and heard, benefit from world-class training that supports their economy well. Would be great if we could use what works, here.

46955. judithathome - 3/19/2017 6:26:44 PM

I've been saying that since 1985...at the Gauthaus (hotel) where we stayed for a month when we first moved there, the young lady who was our...waitress, interpreter, maid, and HUGE help in acclimating us to this very foreign country... had trained 4 years for her job...and had been working there for three years...we once asked her what her plans for the future were and she said "To inherit THIS place as manager/owner" And I'd bet if you went back there today, she WOULD BE just that.

It is amazing how most people in Germany who are working in jobs Americans would sneer at are trained, prepared, and admired for being so. If a teen is not academically suited for "college", they are sent to technical schools which turn out some of the best and most driven to succeed workers in the world.

46956. Ms. No - 3/20/2017 5:03:52 AM

It's the dark side of the American Promise --- sure, you can be anything you want, but you have to be the one to get there. We don't do anything as a country to really support your success because that would be Socialism or Fascism or some-other-ism that interferes with our Rugged Individualism.

Don't mind me. I've got a terrible cold and I hate everything right now.

Except puppies. I never hate puppies.

46957. judithathome - 3/20/2017 10:10:05 PM

Sorry: Gasthaus

46958. judithathome - 3/20/2017 10:47:56 PM

Just flipped to NPR on the radio and it was a program called No One Cares About Crazy People....obviously that is TRUE or we wouldn't have a President Trump!

46959. arkymalarky - 3/23/2017 4:26:43 PM

Republicans like to compare American schools unfavorably to other countries and then make sure that they compare unfavorably to other countries. They live for creating self fulfilling prophecies. They're trying to do that right now with the repeal of obamacare. When their voting base dies off at an even higher rate than they're doing right now, they say the healthcare system is failing them and we've got to fix it by killing it. It's not doing you any good anyway. Fill in the blank with any service these people depend on, lather, rinse, repeat. Don't abort your babies, but make sure that they're just as miserable as you are from the day they're born. That's our job. They don't need good schools, or basic health care, or job prospects, or decent housing. They just need to be born and the rest is unimportant.

The first issue with United States with regard to education and so many other services, including Health Care, is logistics. As a rural person I know that we have tried vocational programs that were Hands-On, but there's just nothing around here for these kids to do. We still have them, but the skills the kids are learning are not transferable. They don't have enough advanced technology, they don't have any place to actually work their skills, and they don't have highly experienced people training them. When Japanese students are being trained in deep sea fishing they can do deep sea fishing. We have been successful at training kids in Electronics, carpentry, farming, forestry, and other skills that are available around here, but high-tech auto mechanics or things like that we just don't have access to. And that's where these kids need it most. The jobs they have access to training for are virtually non-existent now due to automation Or Outsourcing.

The stats have been studied awhile, but There's a fascinating article in Washington Post about the study out of Princeton on deaths in white rural communities and why those are happening. It really all boils down to good jobs. It's not just the poverty that comes from the jobs leaving, but it's lack of security and depression from knowing that how your family has been able to live is not available to you anymore. There comes a point that you have to choose to leave and the least educated least competent are the last to make that choice.

46960. arkymalarky - 3/23/2017 4:26:53 PM

Rarely do I have successful kids come back to live in these rural communities unless they're teachers. There's nothing else for them to do here if they're college educated. Fewer and fewer find good paying unskilled work, or they drive trucks or work their parents jobs, if they're among the few lucky ones. When I started 36 years ago, uneducated kids, even dropouts, went to the log Woods or to the Farms, but they simply don't have that option anymore. It's a transition that happens repeatedly in largely rural and highly industrialized advanced countries. Part of our problem is due to the archaic system which brought us president Trump that was designed for 95% farming Rural people. Because of it, at the national level we don't shift the government systems and services to meet the changing demographics and population Logistics, etc. The only way through it is the painful Decline and death of smaller towns, and you see ghost towns all over this country, all dead in different stages of development that made them obsolete.

46961. arkymalarky - 3/23/2017 4:30:53 PM

Legislative leadership 101:

Don't call for a vote until you know the count is going your way without a doubt. Poor Paul Ryan just cannot seem to learn that. They may squeak this through, but he looks bad no matter what happens.

46962. arkymalarky - 3/23/2017 4:34:51 PM

On my other topic, in AR alone, we have dead towns that were cotton Towns, river towns, railroad towns, logging towns, and large farming Center towns. all Dead. In other states Factory towns share the same fate.

46963. arkymalarky - 3/23/2017 4:37:34 PM

Called my congressman yesterday, and his mailbox was full, which is inexcusable, so I called his local office and complained about that and his potential vote for Trumpcare. Joining the local groups this week while I'm out for spring break. And I'm pretty excited about it.

46964. arkymalarky - 3/24/2017 6:49:46 PM

Trump may be the most incompetent politician this country's ever seen, but Paul Ryan is by far the most overrated. This is the second time that he's come up with a major big idea that he didn't bother to work on before he called for a vote. The Republicans have been whining about Obamacare since it was put in place seven years ago, but they did nothing to provide any alternatives, and insisted that Democrats not participate until it's obvious that they're sinking through holes they put in their own leaky boat, and there is absolutely no excuse. if they were serious about opposing this bill they should have a plan that's been in place for seven years that they've just been waiting for the chance to implement. Paul Ryan was so determined to repeal Obamacare on its seventh anniversary that he just made a national embarrassment of himself.

46965. arkymalarky - 3/24/2017 6:50:20 PM

And that's more true if this bill passes than if it fails.

46966. arkymalarky - 3/24/2017 6:57:56 PM

Okay. This just got more interesting. Paul Ryan went to Trump to tell him that he doesn't have the votes to pass the bill, and Paul Ryan does not want House Republicans to be on record of how they voted for the bill for or against, and I bet you a dollar to a doughnut that trump insists they vote so he can see his"enemies," considering nothing of the party and what it's going to do to them in 2018. Which of course I think is hilarious.

46967. arkymalarky - 3/24/2017 7:59:57 PM

The no vote list, which is growing by the minute, will be the roster of Republicans who have said I just cannot stand on the side of trump, and frankly on the side of Paul Ryan.

46968. arkymalarky - 3/24/2017 8:00:56 PM

Obama worked on his legislation for almost a year. Trump has given maybe four days, and Ryan hasn't given that many more.

46969. arkymalarky - 3/24/2017 8:18:57 PM

Went to dailykos and in one of their headline posts it says exactly what I said about Trump wanting to know who his quote-unquote enemies are.

Democrats ought to go privately to trump and tell him you can redeem your legacy and stick it to the freedom caucus by supporting a healthcare for all Medicare public option and people will pay premiums based on their ability to pay.

46970. judithathome - 3/24/2017 9:36:53 PM

Arky, I hope you don't mind but I copied your posts 46959 and 46960 (with attribution to you) to my forum because I thought it was excellent and needed a wider audience...not that my forum is necessarily that much wider but I thought it was a message about education that others needed to read.

46971. arkymalarky - 3/24/2017 9:40:33 PM

Thanks! Anytime! That's one of the chronic problems we were dealing with and when we're doing the rural ed stuff in Arkansas, is they just don't have resources in these rural areas even if they are not highly impoverished, which a lot of them are. The insistence on State and local control also causes rural districts problems, even though they're the biggest supporters of that. They just don't get a fair share of resources under the current system.

46972. arkymalarky - 3/24/2017 9:40:59 PM

Heh. Evidently Trump decided he really didn't want to know how many Republicans were willing to vote against him.

46973. judithathome - 3/24/2017 10:29:25 PM

I KNOW! This is great!

Art of the Deal, my ass!

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