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4835. thoughtful - 1/11/2013 4:58:14 PM

Update on wedding veil....the veil is cut, straight and even. Yeah!

I've appliqued on 7 of the 11 pieces of lace and so far so good... then I have to do the hand beading on it...then I still have to figure out how best to dye the monogram as it's white and needs to be ivory. I'll attach that last.

4836. arkymalarky - 1/11/2013 5:09:54 PM


4837. judithathome - 1/11/2013 8:48:43 PM

Ooooh, that's so pretty! And the perfect initial...heh.

When is the wedding?

4838. thoughtful - 1/12/2013 4:00:58 AM

Not until July so I have some time to figure out the rest...but I'm pleased and tankful for how it's turned out so far....

4839. Ms. No - 1/12/2013 6:32:04 PM

Lovely work, T'ful!

Update on Pesto - It was pretty good, but not exactly right so I will not post a recipe yet. It'll probably take me a couple of tries to get it where I want it.

I only ended up making the Red Pepper one, but I still intend to do the Chipotle.

4840. robertjayb - 1/26/2013 5:39:42 AM

A cardinal, a robin, doves cooing and coming to the bird bath. A downy? or hairy? woodpecker. Squirrels canoodling on the patio furniture. Lizards (Anoles?) catching some of the weak but welcome sun. The Chronicle's weather guy says Houston has probably had its coldest day of the season and temps in the 70s are forecast for most of next week.

What's happening. Couldn't be global warming. Could it?

4841. robertjayb - 1/26/2013 6:26:29 AM

And black-thumbed spouse, killer of many plants, has a rose bush that is budding.

4842. arkymalarky - 1/26/2013 7:22:27 PM

We keep rocking from cold to hot. And blooming has become unpredictable the last few years.

4843. robertjayb - 1/30/2013 5:12:45 AM

Suspicions Confirmed

Cats are killers. Nice and comforting house pets for some, but they shouldn't be allowed to roam.

Until recently our little space was petty much a cat-free zone. Now we have two nearby. A calico from the west and a solid black, black specimen from the east. They are eyeing the lizards and geckos, birds coming to water, and maybe even spouse's peanut-fed squirrel pack.

A small bit of justice was done last week when my son's visiting chow/golden retriever surprised the black and caused him to leave quite a bit of fur scrambling under the back gate.

4844. robertjayb - 1/30/2013 5:18:07 AM

What we have here is a failure to link. The article is in USA Today.

4845. judithathome - 1/30/2013 5:27:51 AM

My cats aren't killers...they aren't allowed outside.

4846. robertjayb - 1/30/2013 5:42:13 AM

Good for you, Judith.

from the article:

Cats that live in the wild or indoor pets allowed to roam outdoors kill from 1.4 billion to as many as 3.7 billion birds in the continental U.S. each year, says a new study that escalates a decades-old debate over the feline threat to native animals.

The estimates are much higher than the hundreds of millions of annual bird deaths previously attributed to cats. The study also says that from 6.9 billion to as many as 20.7 billion mammals — mainly mice, shrews, rabbits and voles — are killed by cats annually in the Lower 48. The report is scheduled to be published Tuesday in Nature Communications.

4847. robertjayb - 1/30/2013 5:44:22 PM

Cats he has known...

The BooMan writes on deadly felines:

The last cat I owned was basically an indoor cat who got some supervised time outside. Of course, you couldn't bring the groceries in from the car without him escaping. And more than once, he managed to kill a bird in the short time it took me to put the groceries on the counter and go back outside to retrieve him. He was like the ultimate predator. When I was a child, we had a cat that killed everything and then brought it home as a present. He was an outdoor cat and he just disappeared one day. It really upset me when I realized that God wasn't going to answer my prayers and return my cat. Things were never the same between God and me after that. But I was about seven years old, so…

In any case, I'm not surprised to learn that cats kill a lot of stuff, but the estimates are kind of stunning.

(BooMan Tribune)

4848. thoughtful - 1/30/2013 5:48:38 PM

Cats can kill rabbits???? Must be pretty big cats or pretty small rabbits!

4849. thoughtful - 2/13/2013 4:45:01 PM

Update on veil...hard to see from the pics, but these are samples with the hand beading I've done on the lace. Bride approved and I took it to a gal at the bridal shop who also thought it was good. So now the next step is to start sewing on the actual veil. Wish me luck!

4850. arkymalarky - 2/13/2013 5:29:41 PM

Wow! Gorgeous!

4851. judithathome - 2/13/2013 6:39:20 PM

Very much so!!

I hope she saves this veil for her future daughters to wear. It's a REAL keepsake!

4852. wabbit - 2/14/2013 1:30:12 AM

Just beautiful t'ful! JaH is right, this veil will be a family heirloom.

4853. thoughtful - 2/14/2013 4:53:15 PM

Thanks, guys....the heirloom thing only works if they name their daughter something that starts with J!

4854. judithathome - 2/14/2013 7:42:11 PM

Not really...the daughter could say she is wearing her mother's veil to honor her mother! And later, the grandmother...I think it would be a touching tradition to start.

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