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5242. wabbit - 10/23/2006 4:29:05 PM

I dunno, I think I'd feel a lot better with at least 2000 feet for the chute to open. I guess it's enough, since they have so many successful jumps, but 850 sounds a little tight to me.

5243. wabbit - 10/23/2006 4:30:10 PM

Kenny Rogers had a smudge on his pitching hand in the first inning. By the second inning, it was gone.

Kenny Rogers of the Detroit Tigers had a smudge on the palm of his left hand while he was pitching in the first inning Sunday night. What it was and why it was there and whether it had an impact on Rogers’s outing against the St. Louis Cardinals is fuzzy. What was clear is that Rogers pitched eight shutout innings to boost his scoreless streak to 23 innings and help the Tigers to a 3-1 victory in Game 2 of the World Series. What is not clear is whether Rogers had something illegal on his hand during one of those innings... Television cameras showed close-ups of Rogers’s hand in the first and the second innings, and the brown smudge that was there in the first was gone by the second. Rogers, who gave up one hit with the smudge on his hand in the first, gave up only one more hit for the next seven innings...
What is fuzzy about a possible impact on the game? Two hits? Whatever it was, it didn't seem to make any difference. Series tied, 1-1.

5244. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/23/2006 4:41:38 PM

Does he chew tobacco–that's what it looks like . . . or were they out of toilet paper in the locker-room? ] %? (

5245. wabbit - 10/23/2006 5:00:02 PM


At least it's on his left hand.

5246. wonkers2 - 10/23/2006 5:01:54 PM

That's why Muslims eat with their right hand!

5247. alistairconnor - 10/23/2006 5:32:14 PM

Ha! There was a huge controversy over a recent England-Pakistan cricket test, where the Pakistan bowlers were deemed to have tampered with the ball by scuffing it or scratching it with their fingernails (supposedly to influence spin and trajectory in the air and on the pitch) and walked out in protest, forfeiting the match...

What are the common forms of ball-tampering in baseball?

5248. wabbit - 10/23/2006 5:50:35 PM

Back in the day, there were all kinds of things - the spitball was called that for a reason, although vaseline and hair grease were also popular. Then there were the nail files and bits of sandpaper. I read not too long ago that there are pitchers suspected of cutting the ball, not with their fingernails, but with something embedded in their glove. I'm sure there are other things.

5249. wonkers2 - 10/24/2006 1:20:24 PM

Mitch Albom--NL Rules, AL Rules, It's All So Stupid!

5250. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/24/2006 4:35:06 PM

I'm sure there are other things. Like pine tar.

5251. wabbit - 10/24/2006 5:33:48 PM

Oh yes, pine tar!

SI.com's Jon Heyman talked to a bullpen coach about Kenny Rogers, foreign substances and what likely went on Sunday night in Rogers' 3-1 Game 2 World Series victory. For the record, Rogers' story is that the noticeable mark on the palm of his left hand that was picked up by Fox was a "clump of dirt," and Major League Baseball isn't pursuing the matter further. But here's what one bullpen coach said about it:

"It was pine tar. It couldn't be anything else. Pitchers use pine tar, shaving cream and suntan lotion. Pitchers use them to help them grip the ball and make the ball move more. Bullpen guys sometimes keep suntan lotion in the ball bags. It's not for a tan. Pine tar works the best. It's been around the longest. But lately, more and more guys are using shaving cream and suntan lotion. There's no chance to be caught with shaving cream or suntan lotion..."

5252. wonkers2 - 10/24/2006 5:35:57 PM

I just heard on the radio that research into TV footage of other games earlier this year revealed similar-looking spots on Rogers's hand. The implication, of course, being that he intentionally used an illegal substance on the ball in the first inning with the Cards and that that wasn't the first time he's done it.

5253. wabbit - 10/24/2006 6:50:45 PM

If that SI article is even close to accurate, and I can't see why it wouldn't be, then pine tar, having cream and suntan lotion might be considered the steroids of the bullpen. And you'd think that a bullpen coach would have taught Rogers how to properly hide the use of pine tar by now.

5254. wonkers2 - 10/24/2006 9:30:53 PM

Maybe some dirt stuck to the pine tar!

5255. jexster - 10/25/2006 5:08:41 AM

Sorry ass Macaca Team

Wonk..Has Grizzly Granholm been seen lately? From the looks of things, she's managing the Tigers

5256. wonkers2 - 10/25/2006 9:35:39 PM

Granholm is surging ahead. DeVos is fading fast.

5257. jexster - 10/26/2006 12:24:08 AM

Then maybe she should disappear and manage that bunch of mariconpendejos

5258. jexster - 10/26/2006 9:34:25 PM

Way2go Wonk

The Tiggers didn't lose last night

5259. wonkers2 - 10/26/2006 10:30:07 PM

The Tigers will roar tonight!

5260. jexster - 10/27/2006 1:27:41 AM

5261. alistairconnor - 10/27/2006 10:03:38 AM

11 November. Lyon. Rugby. France/New Zealand.

I've got tickets. (ok, my girlfriend has. I'd better be nice to her for the next couple of weeks.)

I have followed them since I was four, I have watched most of their matches on TV, I have torn down fences and locked shields with riot police trying to prevent them from playing.

But oddly enough, I've never been to a match before...

On current form, this match prefigures the final of next year's World Cup. Which happens to be in France.

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