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5411. alistairConnor - 3/17/2007 6:09:35 PM

Tense final minutes in the France-Scotland match... the Scots have kicked a penalty, which brings them back to only 20 points behind, which would give the championship back to the Irish... We're down to the last minnute of the match, scrum 5 metres from the Scottish line...

5412. alistairConnor - 3/17/2007 6:10:58 PM

We crossed the line, the referee has asked for video to see if there's a try...

5413. alistairConnor - 3/17/2007 6:12:16 PM

Twenty guys in a heap... did a French player press the ball down? really hard to say!

And the decision is???

5414. alistairConnor - 3/17/2007 6:13:52 PM

And converted it too!

5415. alistairConnor - 3/17/2007 6:25:22 PM

Oh of course England could whitewash Wales by 50 points or so, in which case they win the 6 Nations...

But I think not. We shall see. Ought to be the best of the three matches, the Welsh can be great or awful.

5416. alistairConnor - 3/17/2007 11:57:44 PM

We're down to the last overs of the Pakistan/Ireland cricket match....

And Ireland are going to win it!!!!


5417. alistairConnor - 3/18/2007 12:03:40 AM

Yes Ireland have won...
In the process, knocking Pakistan, who had been one of the favourites, out of the World Cup!

This is some sort of compensation for not winning the Six Nations. Happy St Patrick's day indeed!

5418. jexster - 3/18/2007 3:26:01 AM

5419. alistairConnor - 3/18/2007 7:43:21 PM

Coda to the Six Nations rugby championship :

The last match was England-Wales. The Welsh have lost all their other matches, and desperately wanted to avoid the humiliation of the "wooden spoon", prize for sixth place. The English wanting to confirm their renaissance, and to position themselves to convincingly defend their title in this autumn's World Cup in France.

Wales 27 - England 18. I'm in love.

5420. alistairConnor - 3/18/2007 10:04:12 PM

None of the above has any bearing on who will win the World Cup.

It's New Zealand. Barring nuclear war or something.

Just looking at the match schedule. I really must take the girls to see one of the games.

Possibilities :
In Lyon :
Australia Japan
Argentina Georgia
New Zealand Repechage 1 (Tonga I think)

In Saint Etienne :
Scotland Repechage 1 (Uruguay or Portugal!)
Samoa USA
Scotland Italy

These last two are perhaps the most interesting, in terms of being fairly even matches.

Yes, I think Samoa-USA could be a fun match to see.

5421. alistairconnor - 3/22/2007 11:03:37 AM

Ooh boy the Subcons take their cricket seriously!

As you will remember, the other day, Ireland (Ireland!) beat Pakistan (Pakistan!), knocking them out of the World Cup.

The captain promptly retired from one-day cricket. People were burning effigies in the streets of Karachi.

That night, the Pakistan coach, well-loved Englishman Bob Woolmer, died. He has a history of diabetes and heart problems, but still the rumours flew.

And it seems likely that he was murdered...

5422. alistairConnor - 3/24/2007 1:06:44 AM

Sri Lanka send India packing

There are four teams from the Subcontinent at the World Cup in the Caribbean : The big boys, Pakistan and India. Middle-sized Sri Lanka. And little Bangladesh.

Pakistan have already been humbled, and sent home, by Ireland (Ireland!). India were beaten, unexpectedly, by Bangladesh. Meaning that they had to beat Sri Lanka to continue to the next round...
... and they didn't. So they'll be off home too then.

But please, no more deaths...

India's coach, Australian Greg Chapple, must be feeling uneasy.

Jamaican police have taken DNA samples from the entire Pakistan team, and
they are investigating the possibility that match-fixing was a motive for the murder of Pakistan's coach.

Sounds like a good subject for Agatha Christie... Eleven suspects...

5423. jexster - 3/28/2007 7:54:55 PM

I have a 19 year old nephew with a form of autism. His younger brother, 12, is a Little League superstar pitcher. No 1 nephew played his first Game in the Fort Bend County Dream League Saturday. His younger brother was an "Angel in the Outfield" (little league "coaches" of Dream Leaguers)

They met Roger Clemens last weekend on Opening Day

From the H'Town Chronicle

    Dreams come true for special athletes

    Steve Schoppa believes every child should have the chance to play baseball. He believes every child, no matter what his physical capabilities, has a dream to run to first base. He decided to make some dreams come true.

    First Colony Little League opened up Field 1 last Saturday, and for Saturdays for the rest of the season, so the Challenger League boys and girls can fulfill their dreams.

    Fifty-four Dream League athletes sported their uniforms at the opening ceremonies Saturday night. Jack Krueger, a sixth-grade Down syndrome
    pupil from First Colony Middle School, was the catcher for the opening pitch of the 2007 season. The pitcher was Roger Clemens of the Houston

    Schoppa, as well as Donna and Al Danto, began organizing what they call the "Dream League" in November. They had no idea the community would
    support the league with such open arms.

    Schoppa said he and Al Danto discussed the idea at a Little League baseball game, wondering if they would get any support.

    "We needed to raise at least $5,000 to pay the entry fee for the kids, hopefully uniforms and possibly a trophy at the end of the season,"
    Schoppa said. "Word spread like wildfire."

    Schoppa intended this first year to be small, just organizational. He was hoping to at least get 48 players for four teams. After he enrolled
    54 immediately, he had to start turning them away.

    To help the athletes play the game, to give them direction on which way to run, or how to throw the ball, each athlete has an "Angel in the

    Schoppa said it was a hope to have at least one Angel, a high school student volunteering time, to help each player. But, each athlete ended
    up having two Angels.

    Parent Karen Brown, watching her 7-year-old autistic son, Ross, play in the opening game, said it was the most thrilling event for the both of them.

    "I can't even express what this feeling is," Brown said. "The kids in this area have so many opportunities. The athletes involved in this
    league are finally getting the same opportunity. They actually feel like they fit in."

    Ross told his mom he likes the Angels. "They are very helpful," the Colony Bend pupil said after meeting his angels.

    The Dream League is open to ages 5 through 17, involving all special-needs children.

    "We do have a lot of autistic kids this year," Schoppa, 52, said. "We don't have any children in wheelchairs this year."

    The Dream League teams — Astros, Cardinals, Yankees and Rangers — will play baseball every Saturday morning on Field 1. Every child will be
    able to bat. Every player will be able to score. Players can hit the ball off a tee or have a coach pitch to them. An umpire is present to
    make the game true and an announcer is calling all the plays.

    Players, coaches, Angels and fans were able to see what Schoppa wanted the players to have.

    "I just want to see the smiles on these players' faces when they are able to hit that ball and run to first base" he said. "These children are not disabled. We don't want them to be classified as disabled."

    Brown said she believes it's a beautiful commitment to the children.

    "They come here and they feel like they belong," she said. "It's all positive. It's all good."

    Ross was nervous when he first took the field. He told his mom he thinks maybe he should watch his brother, Trey, 11, play one more game before he's ready to play.

    Krueger could not stop smiling as Clemens was speaking to the Dream League in center field.

    His baseball glove now says "Nice Catch" and is autographed by Clemens.

    "Every child should be able to play baseball," Schoppa said."This league is making that dream come true for a lot of children."

5424. wonkers2 - 3/28/2007 11:32:10 PM

Cap'n Dirty sez, "Anybody up fer a fast sail on San Francisco Bay?" Fast Sail

5425. jexster - 3/28/2007 11:34:38 PM

Nah..not today..there's little wind..that' a summer sail

5426. arkymalarky - 3/29/2007 1:07:52 AM

Very neat for your nephews, Jex! Congratulations!

5427. jexster - 3/30/2007 1:32:18 AM

Opening Day - Fort Bend County Little League

5428. jexster - 3/30/2007 1:34:17 AM

5429. wonkers2 - 3/31/2007 11:11:49 PM

Cricket Crazy

5430. wabbit - 4/2/2007 1:10:30 AM

Ian Crocker (right) congratulates U.S. teammate Michael Phelps after their 1-2 finish in the 100-meter butterflyMichael Phelps equaled the most hallowed mark in swimming, winning his seventh gold medal at the world championships Sunday night with his fifth world record. Phelps smashed his own standard in the 400-meter individual medley by 2.04 seconds, becoming the most successful swimmer ever at the worlds. The 21-year-old American joined countryman Mark Spitz as the only swimmers to win that many golds at a major international meet. Of course, Spitz' achievement came on the sport's grandest stage -- the Olympics. Phelps hopes to equal the feat or go one better at next year's Beijing Games.

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