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Host: AlistairConnor

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524. uzmakk - 4/14/2006 2:27:46 PM

It has to do with the fact that the Afgans -- the entire nation, Taliban and Western sympathizers alike -- found our incompetence with animals astounding. Perhaps, reprehensible.

525. alistairconnor - 4/14/2006 2:56:30 PM

Oh, so you're in the animal sensitivity training business!
Ah, what would Mr Rumsfeld say! Replace those ponies with robots!

526. webfeet - 4/15/2006 5:50:38 PM

Publish or perish is first and foremost on my mind right now. It's made me rather testy. I am editiing and revising a few chapters to submit to book agents with the hope that the fish will bite. The question of marketability is always in the back of my mind. I've had some success marketing my writing for conferences and finance, but not in fiction. This will be my first try.

If that fails...well screw my tongue, as Lady Macbeth once said. Too bad Macbeth didn't have a plan b. Mine is to try to freelance on topics ranging from travel in France to offbeat, lively pieces for women's magazines.

I was encouraged recently when I read Cathy Horyn, a sensational fashion writer at the Times, talk about how she, a little nobody with a kid, freshly divorced, worked her way to front row fashion critic.

But thanks for thinking of me. OF course I will let you know! I've always appreciated yours and everyone else's feedback.

527. alistairConnor - 4/16/2006 10:17:29 AM

Screw my tongue! Did she really say that?

Plan B... I need a plan B for that drain. I only got it in about 1 metre, and it stuck fast.

528. PelleNilsson - 4/16/2006 3:37:30 PM

Any plan B worth its name involves dynamite.

529. Jenerator - 4/17/2006 4:21:55 AM


I bet even your financial manuals are a fun read as long as you're authoring them. And I am not flattering for the sake of being nice. I really think you have a talent - it's wit combined with succinct imagery that makes you so different than the rest.

As for your book, I will kill you if you are writing about a Shopaholic who goes to/comes from London and meets Mr. Right (who's wearing Prada) allthewhile fighting off feelings of insecurity and selfish ambition and partying all night with blonde friends in someone else's mansion who turns out to be your potential mother in law or boss.

Silliness aside, have you noticed how many books out now have something to do with: London, shopping, Prada, heels, promiscuity, promiscuous friends, and (again) London?

It's like the publishers found something that worked in a book and now all of them follow the same format.

530. Jenerator - 4/17/2006 4:23:47 AM

But now I feel bad for saying that. What if you *are* following that format to be published and you're writing about your trips to Paris to shop with your promiscuous friends and you meet your boyfriend (based on Frenchcat) who wears Prada and you live in a Chateaux owned by your boss at Vogue?

Only you could make it original.

531. uzmakk - 4/18/2006 5:10:59 PM

I wish Webbie the absolute best, Jenerator. Why shouldn't I? Heartily and sincerely. But, Jenerator, what was the purpose of that fauning?

532. PelleNilsson - 4/18/2006 6:46:11 PM

A faun:

533. uzmakk - 4/18/2006 7:37:51 PM

Got lots of time to play around these days, Pelle?

534. PelleNilsson - 4/18/2006 8:15:08 PM

Enough. You have a project in mind?

535. arkymalarky - 4/18/2006 8:32:15 PM

Why did I immediately get an image in my mind of two boys and a box of matches?

536. PelleNilsson - 4/18/2006 8:36:04 PM


537. uzmakk - 4/18/2006 8:49:05 PM

Yes, a big one. Wheels turning on wheels.

538. PelleNilsson - 4/18/2006 8:57:14 PM

A Ptolemaic system, then? Epicyles and all that?

539. uzmakk - 4/18/2006 9:05:37 PM

No much humbler. Much simpler. Back to work; gotta getta package off today. I shall return.

540. Jenerator - 4/18/2006 11:00:12 PM


You're asking me why I would compliment Webbie? It's because I think she's gifted and I really want to read her stuff.

541. prolph - 4/19/2006 8:19:43 AM

no reason not to faun 0n webfeet but not in this thread,

542. webfeet - 4/20/2006 10:47:08 PM

You know, someone will have to crochet that one and hang it above the marquee: No fauning allowed.

Perhaps uzmak? Once he gets his muttonhead shishkabob out of his teeth.

543. alistairConnor - 4/20/2006 11:09:08 PM

All very satyrical.

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