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5585. Ulgine Barrows - 1/22/2006 8:49:44 AM

Babe, babe, babe, babe
I remember that threat
let's forget

5586. Ulgine Barrows - 1/22/2006 9:14:20 AM

You got me workin day and night
Just tryin to keep a hold on you

~ Bee Gees - More Than A Woman

5587. Ulgine Barrows - 1/22/2006 9:21:31 AM

Pixies: The Happening fromt Bossanova

I was driving doing nothing on the shores of great salt lake
When they put it on the air I put it in the hammer lane
I soon forgot myself and I forgot about the brake
I forgot about all laws and I forgot about the rain
They were talking on the 9 and all across the amy band
Across the road they were turning around and headed south with me
It got so crowded on the road I started driving in the sand
My head was feeling scared but my heart was feeling free
The desert turned to mud it seems that everybody heard
Everybody was remembering to forget they had the chills
Then I heard the voices on a broadcast from up on the bird
They were getting interviewed by some good man whose name was bill
I’m almost there to vegas where they’re puttin’ on a show
They’ve come so far I’ve lived this long at least I must just go and say

5588. NuPlanetOne - 1/29/2006 2:55:52 AM

Reality Disguised

Circumcised, baptized
Usually surprised
Once I've realized
That I've jeopardized
My soul.

To have idolized
But felt demoralized
And somehow compromised
And merely catorgorized
My beliefs.

Downsized, marginalized
Disorganized, reorganized
Wrong things prized
Nothing ever materialized
Or will.

Fantasized, idealized
Confused and traumatized
Hoping to be recognized
Screaming in an supersized

Digitized then analysed
Through the air computerized
Sterilized and immunized
Reassembled then resized
And filed.

Ostracized, capitalized
Nationalized, galvanized
Institutionalized, despised
Revised, eventually reprised
Then beat down again.

Suddenly revitalized
Better things visualized
Opportunites optimized
Pessimism exorcised
A deal with the Devil.

Damage internalized
Happiness romanticized
Tragedy dramatized
The corpse attracting flies
So bury it.

5589. Ulgine Barrows - 1/30/2006 6:27:26 AM

Oh, I like that!

I could see it being sung with some slow folky sound or better yet, smashingly quick drums and blurted vocals.

5590. Macnas - 1/30/2006 10:22:52 AM

Being sung?

5591. Macnas - 2/1/2006 10:47:30 AM

The Cabinet Table -- Paul Durcan

Alice Gunn is a cleaner woman
Down at Government Buildings,
And after seven o'clock Mass last night
(Isn't it a treat to be able to go to Sunday Mass
On a Saturday! To sit down to Saturday Night TV
Knowing you've fulfilled your Sunday obligations!)
She came back over to The Flats for a cup of tea
(I offered her sherry but she declined--
Oh I never touch sherry on a Saturday night--
Whatever she meant by that, I don't know).
She had us all in stitches, telling us
How one afternoon after a Cabinet Meeting
(One of those afternoons when it gets dark so early
That the streetlamps are all lit up by 3.30 pm)
She got one of the Security Men
To lie down on the Cabinet Table,
And what she didn't do to him--
And what she did do to him--
She didn't half tell us;
But she told us enough to be going on with.
Do you know what it is?--she says to me:
No--says I--what is it?
It's Mahogany--she says--Pure Mahogany.

5592. wonkers2 - 2/1/2006 4:26:09 PM

Cap'n Dirty sez, "Ha! and she wasn't referrin' to the table I persume!"

5593. Macnas - 2/1/2006 6:51:33 PM

Either way, I think she's talking about wood...

5594. NuPlanetOne - 2/16/2006 2:15:46 PM

Much More

That willow was like a drape over existence
In the spring, its leaves were like fresh fingers
Pale yellow and vibrant creating a cavern
Of cool and isolation. The other kids didn't
See it that way. It was fun to climb up into
Its mystical interior. But they couldn't see out
Or shout to their friends through the bends
And hanging wall of branches blocking the world
So I built my treehouse in there. Only my sister
Knew my obsession and the time I spent there alone
Was my secret thinking time. Because I did have
An imaginary world with me. And I loved it was
Called The Weeping Willow. And to see it from
Across the park standing out like a wandered in
Thing, that just happened by, to see it there
Made one pause and not because it was unusual,
But because it was alone. As if it were thrown
In with strangers amidst maples and oaks
Set slightly apart, obviously planted intentionally
By the creek. And I knew it by heart. How to climb up
Or down or across the big limb where a hole
In the drapery allowed me to see who came
And went by the most traveled path from the park
I perched like a lark living with the leaves and the
Filtered yellow light in my weeping kingdom
And why weeping or sad? As if it had earned
Such a distinction. I know now that its history
And origin is peculiar, but I knew then or felt
That its planter only saw the joy and shelter and
Isolation it offered and was not merely a shade tree
No, that was the ruse because old man Pappy said
As a boy there was a woman that would climb up in there
And sit for hours. He said she wept and kept her sadness
Confined in there and always returned smiling
Me too! Oh, not my tears or misery, but childhood fears
And confusion and the illusion that once I entered
I passed a curtain that opened into another dimension
Where, as a boy, I believed that stuff had souls
And when old Pappy said the willow had reached
Its roots far across the park and strangled
Some water pipes to drink and said with a wink
The tree is smart, I knew in my heart
It was much more than that.

5595. NuPlanetOne - 2/20/2006 10:50:33 PM

saving for hell to pay

my future is safe
i won't be global warmed
i won't be suicide bombed
i will avoid the pandemics
i will nod and agree
that the near future will be
hell on earth

but not here
hells are happening
everywhere as always
but i have food
and care aplenty
my child is twenty
like I never will he die
by war or pestilence
he too will survive

sunday papers
blogs and anchors
show us the awful truth
truly brilliant depictions
illustrate ominus predictions
affect my investments
ruin my dinner
precipitate divestments
i really was a sinner
after i got saved

my future is the next moment
all tied up in the same moment
i am alive
how original is that
it was the first deep thought
but a sensible observation
if i go on vacation
my choices get limmited
but steer around evil doers
with fewer choices
and it's all still voices
on the news

how original is any of this
i am safe on the backs
of victims and if it lacks
a wonderful and great insight
if it all just cracks
and really goes to hell
if it does come to pass
i am safe at least today
because my future future
is simply built that way

5596. Ulgine Barrows - 2/22/2006 4:37:52 AM

5590. Macnas
Being sung
Being sang

Your beauty
of grammar
is undone

The Byrds - What's Happening
I don't know who you think you are
I don't know what you're doing here

I don't know what's going on here
I don't know how it's supposed to be

I, I don't have the vaguest notion
Whose it is or what it's all for

I don't know, I'm not cryin'
Laughin' mostly as you can see

So, how was I suopposed to conjugate that verb?

5597. Ulgine Barrows - 2/22/2006 5:41:25 AM


I know you only write these words to suit yourself.

I can see many of your pieces set to music, get an agent!

The most difficult part will to be get a band that flows with your words, a lead singer who can interpret them with voice, but my bizess, if you can make that happen... it will be great to listen to!

5598. Macnas - 2/22/2006 10:41:50 AM

Since the majority of me
Rejects the majority of you,
Debating ends forwith, and we
Divide. And sure of what to do

We disinfect new blocks of days
For our majorities to rent
With unshared friends and unwalked ways,
But silence too is eloquent:

A silence of minorities
That, unopposed at last, return
Each night with cancelled promises
They want renewed. They never learn.

Philip Larkin

5599. alistairconnor - 2/22/2006 12:21:54 PM

"Saving for hell to pay"

I spent the weekend discussing this theme with friends...
How dare we have children? How to prepare them for the future?

Teach them how to grow potatoes, and chop wood. Yoga and judo.
I am less optimistic than you Nu

5600. Macnas - 2/22/2006 1:16:12 PM

Disconnect, Part 2.

Family ticket to Dublin please
the bottle blonde girl behind the glass
is pushing buttons and typing.
I daydream for half a second
to when printed cardboard was all the rage
and an ink stamp sealed the deal.

"Do I have to go?"
some words half-formed catch in my throat,
looking at you looking at me in that way you have,
Not if you wouldn't like to I suppose.
"I'll stay with granny so".

And on the way up
and on the way down
I look at where you might have sat
and think of things to say to you
when you ask about the day.
But you don't.

5601. NuPlanetOne - 2/25/2006 5:23:27 AM


I fear you find song in most things Ulgine. Truth be told, so do I. Song is poetry, poetry is song. I have always wanted to write songs, perhaps I will one day. As for writing to suit myself, it’s true as well, sometimes I’m like Emily D. I jot small and assorted things down and stuff’em somewhere. I’ll never get around to them. Idiosyncratic and asymptomatic, that will be my next song. Got music?

5602. NuPlanetOne - 2/25/2006 5:24:26 AM


Yes Alistair, I am oddly optimistic for my times. Even if I do think there is big shit coming. Is it our turn? Then I think it can still go right by me. And land over there. I just wish it all wasn’t grounded in the same ancient standoff. Better that it were a new Khan with a separate agenda riding over the horizon. Same God, three peoples. I’m so over that!

5603. Ulgine Barrows - 3/3/2006 11:52:47 AM

oh my god, I totally get that Phillip Larkin, and I know I'm not supposed to
good one!

5601. NuPlanetOne
"fear you find song... I have always wanted to write songs"

Yeah, right. Amyhoo, I like your stuff!

5604. Macnas - 3/3/2006 12:34:03 PM

But Ulgine, I posted Larkin especially for you.

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