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5728. Ulgine Barrows - 8/19/2006 9:45:31 AM

I didn't mean to be so harsh.
It just didn't seem like poetry.

*I'll go quickly into the dark night! I excel at hiding!

5729. Ulgine Barrows - 8/19/2006 9:47:52 AM

..and reading various government docs upside-down.

Your attention, please!

5730. Ulgine Barrows - 8/19/2006 10:00:53 AM

And, the moment

5731. Ulgine Barrows - 8/19/2006 10:03:18 AM

we love it

ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've been waiting for, is here....

I believe in the suture.

5732. alistairConnor - 8/19/2006 5:51:14 PM

And I'm in stitches.
Ms Molly Malone.

5733. Seamus - 8/21/2006 12:48:14 PM

Thank you, Nu. And Forever Now, is that new? I quite like it--good voice that.

And Ulgine, I understand. Coming up short is the one thing I do well.

It is rather clear that my (admittedly sparse) posting here is an annoyance to you. As I said the time before, I get the message. I may have forgotten the message, but I think I can retain it in this dense skull now.

The floor is yours.

5734. alistairconnor - 8/21/2006 12:58:59 PM

Regarding Ulgine : you're right, she should be writing poetry. Well I believe she has talent, though she needs discipline (perhaps even a bit of bondage) but please don't let her run you off the dance floor, Seamus.

In fact I don't believe her intention is hostile (you don't want to see her when she's hostile!)

Anyway. For my part, I found "surprise" thrilling, a rich vein to be mined in cross-gender (mis)understanding.

5735. arkymalarky - 8/21/2006 11:45:01 PM

No, Seamus, please don't! I love reading your poetry, and so many wonderful Mote poets are now gone, we don't need to lose another. I for one feel privileged that you post here.

5736. RickNelson - 8/22/2006 12:59:19 PM


Arky is right, and for that matter Ulgine has a style of her own that you may misinterpret.

Which I believe you have and wish you always the best regards, hopes and dreams.

Check in, and I read Shann too, so there's still common ground here for us.

5737. RickNelson - 8/22/2006 1:02:19 PM

Seamus, you've seen my writing when there were strange days abounding in my little world. There have been a few turns of those pages and different eyes and concerns greet this thread.

You'll be sorely missed if gone for good.

5738. RickNelson - 8/22/2006 1:12:08 PM

What greets today I ponder
As I’ve a play of wonder.

By-ways of gross theatrics
Where I’ve scenes of dramatics-

There, finality crashes
There, a line springs from ashes.

5739. Ulgine Barrows - 8/24/2006 6:56:30 AM

5733. Seamus - 8/21/2006 12:48:14 PM

Thank you, Nu. And Forever Now, is that new? I quite like it--good voice that.

And Ulgine, I understand. Coming up short is the one thing I do well.

It is rather clear that my (admittedly sparse) posting here is an annoyance to you. As I said the time before, I get the message. I may have forgotten the message, but I think I can retain it in this dense skull now.

The floor is yours.

On the playground, we learn so much

Take my advice
and don't be a fool like the rest of us
Listen up
gather up now

They'll talk about you at the drop of a hat

The Gossip, 'Standing In the Way of Control'

some people talk way too much
take my adive
and listen up
don't be a fool like the rest of us
on the playgrounfd

now gather round

1,2,3, take it from me
4,5, get it right
1,2,3 listen to me
4,5, get it right

5740. Ulgine Barrows - 8/24/2006 7:11:27 AM

I think you read it wrong.

My neighbor told me her 15-yr-old girl had a suicide within their group of 15 most popular gals.

Well, nobody's perfect, and i knew better, anyway

So this popular girl asked a geek guy for a gun, and geek got it for her

I think I feel a little hurt

SOme things never change
Nobody's perfect

5741. Ulgine Barrows - 8/24/2006 7:17:14 AM

What riles me is this:
Pop gal asks geek for gun
Pop gal dies
geek gets blamed

I am so angry at these adults surrounding this incident!

We can question geek's wisdom, and we can question pop gal motives.

5742. Ulgine Barrows - 8/24/2006 7:36:11 AM

She knew who to ask!

5743. Ulgine Barrows - 8/24/2006 10:00:20 AM

I think I feel a little hurt.
My fists are turning coal to diamonds.
Why no one told me so much work
Would all go into tryin'?
Oh, but those feelings ain't the same.
How some things never change.
Well, nobody's perfect.
And I knew better

I thought about it 'til my head hurt.
I thought about it but it only made things worse.
I thought about it 'til my head hurt.
I thought about it but it only made things worse.

So I was wrong.
What could I do?
I knew all along.

Coal To Diamonds, The Gossip

5744. RickNelson - 8/24/2006 1:18:12 PM

you're right Ulgine, "she knew who to ask".

I doubt he knew her motive. Though it is possible.

As U2 puts it, "Walk On".

5745. NuPlanetOne - 8/26/2006 6:17:19 PM

Brunch at a sidewalk café

And if I strip away the veneer
And snarl like a slurping vampire
And let the vice and addictions
And all the submerged instincts
And vile tendencies and links
To all that is decent and expected
Of me

Controlled and extolled by me
My sane and civilized, natural
Learnt, rejoicing in trust and love
And brotherhood, never, not ever
Anymore the rogue, the rascal
The Viking on the bow
And if now

As the waitress pours the latte
And cocks her hip
And reaches with a naked wrist
Into the swirl, how
After some deception
With a twist I might pull her close
And risk it all
Then expose it

But, you see, the urge
And not only that one, promiscuity
For how about, to escape
Not to awaken a denizen,
But the urge to be off and away
In control, aside from this confusion
From us

And if I could, not gamble
Or would not lie, or cheat
Or slip back or back slide, why
Would we need this discussion
I would be whole, or wholly
Something or someone else
Perhaps, or better

Or worse. I might regret all of it
Now there’s a fear, infamous
A dastardly snake from the past
Coiling around the moment
Looking out a hung-over window
Of fresh and odorous events
Like pitched tents, camping
Waiting for your answer

And if I make up my mind
Or make my bed, and lie and lay
In it, or instead, make my excuse
Because it is no use, sometimes
To tell the truth, oftentimes
There is no correct answer,
Instead just shared intimations

And if now, as you offer a penny
For my thoughts, and your furrow,
The window to your different mind,
Unlike the kind I am used to
That I want, that I need so badly
To get used to. Your forehead
Crinkles your natural expectations
And sadly

Oh so unfortunately, they are sincere
I want to holler to the campers,
Wait up, I need a little more time
I don’t fully understand this deal
This love, I don’t feel I deserve
It is complicated, but I am silent
And in the longest moments of my life,
I smile, and pat your hand.

5746. Macnas - 8/28/2006 8:53:48 AM

Kinda Prufrock for the new century there.

5747. alistairconnor - 8/28/2006 9:28:08 AM

It certainly works for me, most intimately.

What do the womenfolk make of it?

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