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5745. NuPlanetOne - 8/26/2006 6:17:19 PM

Brunch at a sidewalk café

And if I strip away the veneer
And snarl like a slurping vampire
And let the vice and addictions
And all the submerged instincts
And vile tendencies and links
To all that is decent and expected
Of me

Controlled and extolled by me
My sane and civilized, natural
Learnt, rejoicing in trust and love
And brotherhood, never, not ever
Anymore the rogue, the rascal
The Viking on the bow
And if now

As the waitress pours the latte
And cocks her hip
And reaches with a naked wrist
Into the swirl, how
After some deception
With a twist I might pull her close
And risk it all
Then expose it

But, you see, the urge
And not only that one, promiscuity
For how about, to escape
Not to awaken a denizen,
But the urge to be off and away
In control, aside from this confusion
From us

And if I could, not gamble
Or would not lie, or cheat
Or slip back or back slide, why
Would we need this discussion
I would be whole, or wholly
Something or someone else
Perhaps, or better

Or worse. I might regret all of it
Now there’s a fear, infamous
A dastardly snake from the past
Coiling around the moment
Looking out a hung-over window
Of fresh and odorous events
Like pitched tents, camping
Waiting for your answer

And if I make up my mind
Or make my bed, and lie and lay
In it, or instead, make my excuse
Because it is no use, sometimes
To tell the truth, oftentimes
There is no correct answer,
Instead just shared intimations

And if now, as you offer a penny
For my thoughts, and your furrow,
The window to your different mind,
Unlike the kind I am used to
That I want, that I need so badly
To get used to. Your forehead
Crinkles your natural expectations
And sadly

Oh so unfortunately, they are sincere
I want to holler to the campers,
Wait up, I need a little more time
I don’t fully understand this deal
This love, I don’t feel I deserve
It is complicated, but I am silent
And in the longest moments of my life,
I smile, and pat your hand.

5746. Macnas - 8/28/2006 8:53:48 AM

Kinda Prufrock for the new century there.

5747. alistairconnor - 8/28/2006 9:28:08 AM

It certainly works for me, most intimately.

What do the womenfolk make of it?

5748. Macnas - 8/28/2006 9:31:32 AM


Post away boy, beag beann ar na raimeis.

5749. RickNelson - 8/28/2006 4:01:35 PM

“Too beautiful for words”:
I stammer, beholden.

Inching, playfully towards
the fascination I cordon.

casting my stones
of inexperience to abyss

depth pools; placed
in a succinctly random

way. Those natural forces
inching playfully towards

no conclusion. Gradually
adoring each curve

as my touch fully
explores, and my tongue

tastes salty wetness,
my strength pumps

into limbs, secure, strong,
agile and lithe. There,

my mind clears, holding
beauty in my arms.

5750. NuPlanetOne - 8/28/2006 5:36:11 PM

Well Rick, your hero can only be the man my hero would like to become…or is someone he was briefly, a long time ago. For it is guilt my guy would embrace once his mind cleared, along with the dilemma. For all my guy knows, he could be seconds away from being dumped. The point is, that poem is one of your finest moments, top to bottom, invites rereading.

>>alistair…I would guess the ladies might prefer Rick’s guy, but I have learned through trial and error that what women speculate about never nearly matches what they are actually thinking. I am always bewildered to find out I misunderstood.

>>thanks mac... in the room the women come and go complaining the wifi signal is slow…..

5751. arkymalarky - 8/29/2006 4:02:25 AM

Haha! I can certainly relate to that.

And I agree with you about Rick's poem.

5752. alistairconnor - 8/29/2006 11:27:40 AM

hey it works! Perhaps I should try writing girlie-porn poems too!

(no offense Rick... I love the truth and beauty of your poem too)

5753. Ulgine Barrows - 8/30/2006 5:28:29 AM

I am so sorry, I was responding to what you wrote.

You wrote a guy thing.
I write gal things.

And I'm very judgemental, aren't I?
Don't I suck!

Please don't leave, take me by the hand, let's compromise!

5754. Ulgine Barrows - 8/30/2006 5:32:03 AM

Also I go away for weeks upon end and digest what I've read here.

Seamus, I have learned from you. Please forgive me.

I am so sorry I offended you.

5755. Ulgine Barrows - 8/30/2006 5:45:34 AM

I thought I was complimenting you by making a remark on what your wrote, if you must know.
A lot of writings here get totally ignored.

But not yours, you mysogynist hater


5756. Ulgine Barrows - 8/30/2006 6:01:30 AM

yeah, you all detest when I post lyrics. But this is going to go down as one of the bset albums of 2006.

The Format: Dog Problems. You might check out the other tracks. I almost posted "Time Bomb", instead.

Don't you dare sleep with someone you don't know. />They'll feel it in the back of their throat.
know I cant construct a poem,
Cause words like girls get
bored and run
C'est la vie, I say "I've got so
many better things"
I've got nothing, you should see
I smoke myself to sleep.

And blame
postmodern things I cant relate,
Like summer camp and
coastal states.
Like alcohol and coffee beans.
floors and magazines.
I think its safe to say "I've
only got myself to blame"
But boys in swooping haircuts
are bringing me down,
Taking pictures of themselves. />
“Boys in swooping haircuts you know who you are” />
And so I walk the web in search of love,
always seem to end up stuck.
I'm finding flaws in
I've reached the point where all I want,

Is to sleep around in hopes that I will catch back up. />We are parallel lines we’re running in circles, />We're never meant to cross.

I'm at a
loss, you were my tangerine,
My pussycat, my trampoline.

Now all I get are wincing cheeks,
And dog problems,
I signed a lease.
Thinking my heart belonged at 93rd and
Instead I broke a girl’s heart,
And flew back
to phoenix to finish the year as it started.

Can you
hear me?
Are you listening?
This is the sound of my
heart breaking.
And I hope its entertaining,
for me its a bitch.
Was it worth it?
When you slept
with him?
Did you get it all out of your system?
/>I am over that
Hope you don’t get up
I couldn’t
Caught me on the cross
I didn’t know
couldn’t give up

B is for believing you'd
always be here for me.
E is for everything, even when
we'd see it though.
C, c is for seeing through you,
you are a fake, which brings me to
A because, because, you
always run away.

I never finish phrases, I misspell.

Open arms are prison cells.
When I said, "I hate
what I've become"
I lied, I hated who I was.
when you start to wonder 'bout the strain in my throat, />Then don't you ever, no never, ever, sleep with someone
you don't know.

5757. Ulgine Barrows - 8/30/2006 7:09:49 AM

Dead End

Hold on, there's a hole in my heart
everyone can see right through me
it goes all the way to the waves
where my love she tried to wash it away

see we break for the summers
so she can find lovers
she treats them like a bottle of wine
they make you dinner
and they sing you to sleep
but by the morning find the bottle is empty

'cause she never gives it the time
every bottle she finds
they don't compare
to the ones she left behind
there is never a note
so she waits for me to come back home

I'm looking for a dead end song
you wish that smoke
could change its color
I love it when you talk so much
and act like nothing went wrong
I'm looking for a dead end song
while we sit and find flaws in everyone
I want to keep you by my side
holding off tidal waves

mint car is keeping us warm
she lays crossed upon the bed
we are puzzles making shapes
with our hands
I take my finger, turn into a pen

then i run my hand down your spine
you guess i wrote something profound
something like:
our love will last 'til we die
I say you're good at this game
but what I really wrote is
how I've yet to be saved

5758. Ulgine Barrows - 8/30/2006 7:13:34 AM

Time Bomb - The Format

starting now I`m starting over
I`m gonna sleep with the next person I meet
starting now I`m starting over
you swore together forever
how your tan lines tell me your words have got no concept of time

tick tock, you`re not a clock, you`re a time bomb baby, a time bomb

oh no, was it worth what you did to your wrists?

was it worth what you did to big business?
was it worth what your friends put up their noses?

Starting now I'm starting over (stop it)
Tell the new wave kids their make-up kits
Can find me where self pity gets a breath of fresh air

five years and you fell for a waiter
I`m sure he says he`s an actor
so you`re acting like....
you never tried to take your life
starting now I`m starting over
I`m throwing bottles
I`m taking showers
I`m going to sleep
(just sleep?)
I`m going to sleep

starting now I`m starting over (stop it)
starting now I`m starting over (stop it)
to play the game, get even, act my age

tick tock, you`re not a clock, you`re a time bomb baby, a time bomb oh no
you set the watch, you`re just in time
to wreck my life, to bring back what id left behind

Oh no, was it worth what you did to your wrists?

5759. Ulgine Barrows - 8/30/2006 7:41:06 AM

Hold on, there's a hole in my heart
everyone can see right through me
it goes all the way to the waves
where my love she tried to wash it away

see we break for the summers
so she can find lovers
she treats them like a bottle of wine
they make you dinner
and they sing you to sleep
but by the morning find the bottle is empty

'cause she never gives it the time
every bottle she finds
they don't compare
to the ones she left behind
there is never a note
so she waits for me to come back home

I'm looking for a dead end song
you wish that smoke
could change its color
I love it when you talk so much
and act like nothing went wrong
I'm looking for a dead end song
while we sit and find flaws in everyone
I want to keep you by my side
holding off tidal waves

mint car is keeping us warm
she lays crossed upon the bed
we are puzzles making shapes
with our hands
I take my finger, turn into a pen

then i run my hand down your spine
you guess i wrote something profound
something like:
our love will last 'til we die
I say you're good at this game
but what I really wrote is
how I've yet to be saved

5760. Ulgine Barrows - 8/30/2006 7:42:46 AM

That was
The Format: Dead End

5761. Ulgine Barrows - 8/30/2006 7:43:24 AM

No one can save us
But Kim the waitress

5762. Ulgine Barrows - 8/30/2006 7:45:56 AM

Snails see the benefits,
The beauty in every inch
Oh, why, why, why, why, oh, why,
Are you quick to kiss?

She bites at blades and leaves, goddamn you shrubbery,
I'm sick of vanity plays
Should we move to the UK?
'Cause life here in the States has escaped
All the people above us
What we make of those people we love

Snails see the benefits,
The beauty in every inch
Oh, why, why, why, why, oh, why,
Are you quick to kiss?

Baby maybe, I spoke to soon
I'll touch you once you make the first move
Snails see the benefits,
The beauty in every inch

I watch her as she runs,
My mother jumps the gun,
She puts her in her arms,
That is just like my mom
Never lets go, never lets me grow old,
I wanna pay her back,
But love is nothing you can tax

My familys not rich by any means,
But I feel we won the lottery that day,
The rock swallowed the girl,
And I cried as cameras caught my eyes,
My tears turned into butterflies,
They fly away as caskets close
A new day comes you'll wake unfold,
Smile when you feel the sunlight,
You feel the sunlight,
You feel the sunlight
You feel the sunlight,

Snails see the benefits,
The beauty in every inch
Oh, why, why, why, why, oh, why,
Are you quick to kiss?

Baby maybe, I spoke to soon
I'll touch you once you make the first move,
Snails see the benefits,
The beauty in every inch

Snails see the benefits,
The beauty in every inch

5763. Ulgine Barrows - 8/30/2006 7:50:16 AM

so meet me in the middle
well come on let's make up a dance
and we'll agree to call it the compromise

step one:
find a partner, grab a pen
and don't you dare ask questions just sign on the dotted line

well, step two-oo-oo:
put your partner behind a desk
where they'll do absolutely nothing
so its your job to dance and smile
the whole time

well don't call it a trend
'cause it's the only way we think to get ahead

so meet me in the middle
well come on lets make up a dance
and we'll agree to call it the compromise

it's no sense in complaining
if it doesn't change our minds
well take me by the hand let's compromise

5764. Ulgine Barrows - 8/30/2006 8:14:54 AM

you, you think its cool to be crazy
i say you want risks? take risks.
there's no point in taking chances

and me, i wouldn't call it a sophomore slump
no i'd say I`m one step closer to bein' just where I want to be

away from this scene
away from this machine

so meet me in the middle
well come on let's make up a dance
and we'll agree to call it the compromise

step one:
find a partner, grab a pen
and don't you dare ask questions just sign on the dotted line

well, step two-oo-oo:
put your partner behind a desk
where they'll do absolutely nothing
so its your job to dance and smile
the whole time

well don't call it a trend
'cause it's the only way we think to get ahead

so meet me in the middle
well come on lets make up a dance
and we'll agree to call it the compromise

it's no sense in complaining
if it doesn't change our minds
well take me by the hand let's compromise

i can feel your feet touching mine
if you can't dance, there's someone else in line

so meet me in the middle
well come on let's make up a dance
and we'll agree to call it the compromise

there's no sense in complaining
if it doesn't change our minds
well take me by the hand let's compromise

The Compromise ~ you didn't handle yourselves as I wanted

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